Friday, September 16, 2016

Getting calcium build up off of contacts?

My soft contact lenses keep getting sports of calcium build up on them after only two weeks of wearing them. They are supposed to last thirty days. I have worn contacts for about eight years now and have never had a problem with this, and it is only happening in one eye. I hate to waste money getting half of the wear out of my lenses. Any idea how to get the spots off? Or prevent them? I read soaking them in vinegar to get them off has anyone done that?

Read more: Getting calcium build up off of contacts?

Why don't color contacts come in my size?

I have 13.8 diameter eyes and I really really really want these lenses;

but they don't come in that size:( what can I do? Nothing comes in my size.

Read more: Why don't color contacts come in my size?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

If you wear glasses, do you need contacts when you're not wearing glasses?

I got glasses in the fall, and it is not a very strong prescription, but O wear them all the time. Should I be getting contact lenses for when I am not wearing glasses, like when I am swimming r playing sports, or if I just don't feel like wearing my glasses that day? And I do not know my prescription. All I know is that I am slightly farsighted.

Read more: If you wear glasses, do you need contacts when you're not wearing glasses?

Contact lenses make eyes red?

I bought contacts from 1-800-cotnacts, a year ago, and I think my eyes were fine. Now when I ordered new ones, I noticed my eyes were irritated (Red) with the contacts. Especially in school, I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like it's dry something or blowing air into the eyes, no pain, just a dry feeling. I ordered the same ones that I have last year.

SofLens 38

I didn't wear contacts today and my eyes were white as pearls. This is when I realized it was my contacts. Should I call 1-800 up or tell this to my eye doctor next time I need a refill? Suggestions, tips?
Added (1). KH, I was thinking of getting LASIK, but I read some topics and it seems like it has a lot of risk, and it's kinda scary when I think about it.

Read more: Contact lenses make eyes red?