Had them for about a year now, I have been given glasses to wear but the optician said they are the lowest prescription lens strength that are made, so I don't think it is my eyes as they said they don't normally give out glasses to people with eyes like mine as there is a very slight problem with them.My headaches seem to get worse when I am in a very hard lesson such as physics, chemistry or maths.At the moment I take headache tablets when I get one that contains paracetamol, aspirin and caffeine, this usually suppresses the pain for an hour or so. I am 16 and I study for my a-levels (UK). Before I have never considered going to the doctor as I assumed they would refer me to an optician but now I think I can rule my eyes out of the equation, I also drink fluids at normal eating times, e.g lunch, breakfast, dinner etc and when I feel dehydrated. Any ideas what this might be?
>>> I get really bad headaches?
Saturday, January 12, 2013
How to clean contact lense case?
So when I put my lenses into my eyes in the morning, do I rinse the case with new solution and let it air dry? Or do I just put the caps back on and rinse then when I'm ready to them out?
>>> How to clean contact lense case?
>>> How to clean contact lense case?
Why are my contacts foggy? its the second day?
Its the second day of wearing contacts. I'm wearing a trial version of acuvue 2.My doc gave me all purpose cleaner.My contacts feel very foggy. What is happening? I went to my doc a year ago and she told me I have dry eyes. When I take my contact out at night I put new solution into the contact thingy and leave it over night and just put them on with clean hands in the morning$ what am I doing wrong? My vision is clear for after 3 seconds than foggy.
>>> Why are my contacts foggy? its the second day?
>>> Why are my contacts foggy? its the second day?
Why do i see things blurry when its dark with contact lenses on?
I just started wearing contacts a few days ago after wearing glasses for a 7 years. I noticed that when its dark in a room and for example a digital clock is there, i see the time blurry. Things that light up are blurry in the dark or that i can see. And staring at the computer also makes it blurry after a little while. I can see far clearly though in the day light or when the light turns on.if i wear glasses again, i can see the time clearer in the dark than with contact lenses. I'm also far sighted and I have astigmatism in both eyes and my contacts are for it.is it just part of the adaption period or the contact lenses?
>>> Why do i see things blurry when its dark with contact lenses on?
>>> Why do i see things blurry when its dark with contact lenses on?
When to take out your contact lenses out of the barrel cleaning case?
So I just got some circle lense contacts and I put them in those contact lenses barrel case that came with clear and care solution. And left it overnight ~
And I just wanted to know how should I know it's safe to use my contacts now? Cause I heard that the peroxide in the solution and everything else at the end of those 6-8 hours it should turn into regular water.
Well mine has stopped bubbling? Those that mean the process of cleaning them is done? But it still has some few still bubbles
>>> When to take out your contact lenses out of the barrel cleaning case?
And I just wanted to know how should I know it's safe to use my contacts now? Cause I heard that the peroxide in the solution and everything else at the end of those 6-8 hours it should turn into regular water.
Well mine has stopped bubbling? Those that mean the process of cleaning them is done? But it still has some few still bubbles
>>> When to take out your contact lenses out of the barrel cleaning case?
Can I use my Ameriflex FSA card for purchasing contact lenses at costco?
Can I use my Ameriflex FSA card for purchasing contact lenses at costco?
>>> Can I use my Ameriflex FSA card for purchasing contact lenses at costco?
>>> Can I use my Ameriflex FSA card for purchasing contact lenses at costco?
Will an eyemart, LensCrafters, etc. Do this?
Will an eyemart, LensCrafters, etc… Do this for me?
I found a super cute pair of glasses in the mall. The only issue is that they're clear lenses. I reall want theses glasses as my prescription frames. Can the people at eye mart, LensCrafters, or eye express take out the lenses in these glasses and put in prescription lenses? If so, how much does it cost?
>>> Will an eyemart, LensCrafters, etc. Do this?
I found a super cute pair of glasses in the mall. The only issue is that they're clear lenses. I reall want theses glasses as my prescription frames. Can the people at eye mart, LensCrafters, or eye express take out the lenses in these glasses and put in prescription lenses? If so, how much does it cost?
>>> Will an eyemart, LensCrafters, etc. Do this?
Is this a normal first reaction to circle lenses?
Well obviously it took a little while for me to do but when i finally got it correctly positioned in my eye it BURNED. Oh my gosh.My eye was watering for a solid 3 minutes and therefore i couldn't take it out and just had to endure it.
When i first received them, i took them out of their salt solution, rinsed them with saline solution and doused them in saline solution inside their case for 8 hours.
So basically, is it normal for well a virgin eyeball to react this way? None of my friends wear them so i really don't know.
Thank you!
>>> Is this a normal first reaction to circle lenses?
When i first received them, i took them out of their salt solution, rinsed them with saline solution and doused them in saline solution inside their case for 8 hours.
So basically, is it normal for well a virgin eyeball to react this way? None of my friends wear them so i really don't know.
Thank you!
>>> Is this a normal first reaction to circle lenses?
Pls read this.and try to decipher.? do you like it?
Clocked Heart set to destruct.slowly ..slowly slowly.
i am defined by the next tick.
while its ancestors, some angels, mostly monsters which hammer my head, blindfold me and inject the stick in my hand, such that i be drunk but magically careful enough to land my foot on the mine…
the one that'll not kill me.but make me feel i was better be killed.
the heart is bomb proof-shamelessly beats..beats the brain.
& the brain? huh.so busy in making up my mind… forgets to make up himself..so selfless.
*** it
a careless teacher … ruining the life of his student with his book of time…
forgets to mention that if all the past is 'lying' …
the approaching masked packages… will make sure they perfectly rhyme… and pefectly inherit the orphaned moments…
i am defined by the next tick.
while its ancestors, the monsters which hammer my head, blindfold me and inject the stick in my hand, such that i be drunk but magically careful enough to land my foot on the mine…
& otherwise?
no, no otherwise… i only get one sunrise.per day.break it down to the units.and you'll see every thing i get is unified by the unitary idea of time … live life second by second… if missed the first bus.you will get the second, but not the same one.the driver never reckons to follow the first//..
so many magnifying lenses to study the path, the route.better recognise the thirst..and kill it, before you faint on the way…
keep shooting the birds on which you sit.before they fly you away…
and make time to paint on the clay.
come again?
i want a second chance… --be content with your mistakes.they could've been much worse… the song gets written by unerasable ink… fit yourself in the verse…
cos how can you beg for 'change' when i hv been told currencies are only paper…
once torn.., better forget them
like tears they will soon turn into vapour…
but my room dont have ventilators.
and my nose doesnt filter anymore…
these pretty scriptures, breathing instruments dont work.
my brain doesnt feel spongy enough to absorb… the sour.smell'
of the blood stains, when i fell while descending ..the ladder…
the thoughts are in a tear-me-apart amusement park,
where all the puddles of tears are battered
by the thoughts sliding down the guilt trip…
well.i've dried up the moisture in the heart… '
indulged in the artificial sun's fire fired by mirror art…
Still blind though…
eyes are a divine object, not meant fr us ..
sense life by love and lust///
so i'll never know the spots the sticks make on the path…
unconscious about the color of the ink.
that'll paint my tires of the goodbye car.
every one wants it to be white…
though its ok if black is the only right.
and nothing's wrong…
nothing's wrong…
in the song.
Clocked heart set to destruct… slowly slowly…
Did i miss the bus.while i was writing this ***..
*** it .. i am glad i left it…
i'll make myself fit in the verse i guess.
>>> Pls read this.and try to decipher.? do you like it?
i am defined by the next tick.
while its ancestors, some angels, mostly monsters which hammer my head, blindfold me and inject the stick in my hand, such that i be drunk but magically careful enough to land my foot on the mine…
the one that'll not kill me.but make me feel i was better be killed.
the heart is bomb proof-shamelessly beats..beats the brain.
& the brain? huh.so busy in making up my mind… forgets to make up himself..so selfless.
*** it
a careless teacher … ruining the life of his student with his book of time…
forgets to mention that if all the past is 'lying' …
the approaching masked packages… will make sure they perfectly rhyme… and pefectly inherit the orphaned moments…
i am defined by the next tick.
while its ancestors, the monsters which hammer my head, blindfold me and inject the stick in my hand, such that i be drunk but magically careful enough to land my foot on the mine…
& otherwise?
no, no otherwise… i only get one sunrise.per day.break it down to the units.and you'll see every thing i get is unified by the unitary idea of time … live life second by second… if missed the first bus.you will get the second, but not the same one.the driver never reckons to follow the first//..
so many magnifying lenses to study the path, the route.better recognise the thirst..and kill it, before you faint on the way…
keep shooting the birds on which you sit.before they fly you away…
and make time to paint on the clay.
come again?
i want a second chance… --be content with your mistakes.they could've been much worse… the song gets written by unerasable ink… fit yourself in the verse…
cos how can you beg for 'change' when i hv been told currencies are only paper…
once torn.., better forget them
like tears they will soon turn into vapour…
but my room dont have ventilators.
and my nose doesnt filter anymore…
these pretty scriptures, breathing instruments dont work.
my brain doesnt feel spongy enough to absorb… the sour.smell'
of the blood stains, when i fell while descending ..the ladder…
the thoughts are in a tear-me-apart amusement park,
where all the puddles of tears are battered
by the thoughts sliding down the guilt trip…
well.i've dried up the moisture in the heart… '
indulged in the artificial sun's fire fired by mirror art…
Still blind though…
eyes are a divine object, not meant fr us ..
sense life by love and lust///
so i'll never know the spots the sticks make on the path…
unconscious about the color of the ink.
that'll paint my tires of the goodbye car.
every one wants it to be white…
though its ok if black is the only right.
and nothing's wrong…
nothing's wrong…
in the song.
Clocked heart set to destruct… slowly slowly…
Did i miss the bus.while i was writing this ***..
*** it .. i am glad i left it…
i'll make myself fit in the verse i guess.
>>> Pls read this.and try to decipher.? do you like it?
How to practice putting contact lenses in your eyes?
How to practice putting contact lenses in your eyes?
>>> How to practice putting contact lenses in your eyes?
>>> How to practice putting contact lenses in your eyes?
Is it possible for a piece of a contact lense to go undeteced on your eyeball?
Three months ago I stopped wearing my contact lenses because they started irritating my eyes. One day one of my contact lenses were really irritating my eyeball. I took it out, and I realized it had torn into a few pieces. I assumed i got all the pieces out. I started hearing these weird clicking sounds when I blinked, but I found out it was just air under my eyelids. I have been feeling like there is something on my eyelid, and it feels like it is moving. I looked into my mirror, and pulled down my eyelids, but I didn't see anything. I tried cleaning my eyes out with eye drops, but nothing has changed. I also tried cleaning my eyes out with just water. I scheduled an eye appointment with my eye doctor last weekend, but he said my eyes looked normal.
>>> Is it possible for a piece of a contact lense to go undeteced on your eyeball?
>>> Is it possible for a piece of a contact lense to go undeteced on your eyeball?
If i have -5.00 in glasses what would my prescription be in contacts?
I am finding out if I would be an OK candidate for acuvue oasys advance contacts which go up to -12.00 nearsightedness before I take my contacts exam. Give me an estimate please
>>> If i have -5.00 in glasses what would my prescription be in contacts?
>>> If i have -5.00 in glasses what would my prescription be in contacts?
The arm of my glasses fell off?
My glasses fell off the bathroom counter and i steeped on them.i did get the fixed with some duct tape.since tomorrow is saturday i cant go to my eye doctor.they probably cant be fixed.i have had them for almost 2 years.my next apt is the end of april.
should i go to the eye doctors on monday and get a new frame or just wait until april? when i do go in april i will probably need stronger lenses.
>>> The arm of my glasses fell off?
should i go to the eye doctors on monday and get a new frame or just wait until april? when i do go in april i will probably need stronger lenses.
>>> The arm of my glasses fell off?
Are Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism contants you only wear once then throw them away?
I asked for the disposable kind and this is what I got in the mail.Is it the same?
>>> Are Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism contants you only wear once then throw them away?
>>> Are Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism contants you only wear once then throw them away?
Friday, January 11, 2013
I dont want to carry my contact lens solution?
I'm staying at my boyfriend's overnight and my bag is already heavy.i don't want to have to bring my big thing of contact lens solution, so can i pour them in my case already and then just take out my contacts later?
>>> I dont want to carry my contact lens solution?
>>> I dont want to carry my contact lens solution?
Daily Colored Contacts?
I got FreshLook One-Day Color Contacts and I want to test them out. Can I just open a pair put them on for a test look (no more than 5 minutes) then put them in clean solution?
>>> Daily Colored Contacts?
>>> Daily Colored Contacts?
Advice for first time contact lense wearer?
Well, on Tuesday I had an eye appointment and decided to try contacts for the first time and it took me about an hour to get both lenses in and another hour to get them out. I haven't actually put them in since Tuesday just because putting them in is sort of stressful for me just because touching my eyes sort of freaks me out. I know it doesn't hurt and that you're not really touching your eye, but I can't seem to stop my blinking reflex.
I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow so they can see how I've been doing with the contacts. Any advice besides sucking it up and practicing until the fear goes away or advice to get used to them faster?
>>> Advice for first time contact lense wearer?
I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow so they can see how I've been doing with the contacts. Any advice besides sucking it up and practicing until the fear goes away or advice to get used to them faster?
>>> Advice for first time contact lense wearer?
Is it possible to lighten or darken your eye colour?
I have heterochromia iridium.My left eye is very light/amber brown and my right eye is medium brown. Are there any methods, remedies or medicines that could either lighten my right eye OR darken my left eye? NO CONTACT LENSES! I hate stupid coloured contacts! They look ridiculous! Nothing harmful to vision either! And it would help if you're an eye care proffesional too! Lol
Thanks guys xx
>>> Is it possible to lighten or darken your eye colour?
Thanks guys xx
>>> Is it possible to lighten or darken your eye colour?
Why can't I swim with daily contacts?
I have just read a lot about the big deal is losing the contact lenses but now they have those one day contacts and I get a bunch real cheap so I don't mind if I lose them for the day. But they don't say anything else that's sounds all that bad.
>>> Why can't I swim with daily contacts?
>>> Why can't I swim with daily contacts?
Why are a lot of girls considered fake because of how they look?
This has never happened to me or anyone I know but its on the internet A LOT.
I myself wear both circle lenses and makeup, and a lot of people would consider wearing either of those fake. I think it's really just my personal preference and if you don't like it, its your opinion, and I'm chill about it unless you're rudely in my face telling me I'm fake. I don't act superficial or like something I'm not.
I don't understand how its fake to wear or look the way you want to look. Like I REALLY want someone to explain this to me. Yeah some chicks have fake boobs, fake hair, and stuff but its usually because they were self-concious or didn't like what the had already so its sorta understandable.
Most people's definition of fake is:
"If you aren't born like that, you're automatically fake" … Um no.No one is born with clothes, and yet we wear and change them everyday and they may/may not change the way our bodies look.is THAT fake? Cause that would make almost everybody fake, excluding nudists and some poor people who can't wear clothes.
My definition of fake? A person who doesn't act or show their true self, or changes how the really are around people often so they are accepted or highly thought of.
There's a girl called Dakota Rose, and people say she is sooo pretty, and I thought so too, until I found out she's actually racist, homophobic, a liar, photoshops(and says she doesn't o.o) and pretends as though she's nice and sweet so people like her,
If someone called someone like that fake, i dont' blame them. Can someone help me out and explain why nice people who dress nicely or happen to look really pretty are called fake for expressing and showing their own style or tastes? (sorry this is long btw T. T im a total dork)
>>> Why are a lot of girls considered fake because of how they look?
I myself wear both circle lenses and makeup, and a lot of people would consider wearing either of those fake. I think it's really just my personal preference and if you don't like it, its your opinion, and I'm chill about it unless you're rudely in my face telling me I'm fake. I don't act superficial or like something I'm not.
I don't understand how its fake to wear or look the way you want to look. Like I REALLY want someone to explain this to me. Yeah some chicks have fake boobs, fake hair, and stuff but its usually because they were self-concious or didn't like what the had already so its sorta understandable.
Most people's definition of fake is:
"If you aren't born like that, you're automatically fake" … Um no.No one is born with clothes, and yet we wear and change them everyday and they may/may not change the way our bodies look.is THAT fake? Cause that would make almost everybody fake, excluding nudists and some poor people who can't wear clothes.
My definition of fake? A person who doesn't act or show their true self, or changes how the really are around people often so they are accepted or highly thought of.
There's a girl called Dakota Rose, and people say she is sooo pretty, and I thought so too, until I found out she's actually racist, homophobic, a liar, photoshops(and says she doesn't o.o) and pretends as though she's nice and sweet so people like her,
If someone called someone like that fake, i dont' blame them. Can someone help me out and explain why nice people who dress nicely or happen to look really pretty are called fake for expressing and showing their own style or tastes? (sorry this is long btw T. T im a total dork)
>>> Why are a lot of girls considered fake because of how they look?
Is it cool or weird if a boy wearing circle lenses?
No homo x my sister says i look cute with it lol
>>> Is it cool or weird if a boy wearing circle lenses?
>>> Is it cool or weird if a boy wearing circle lenses?
Why do non-white people loathe themselves?
Here's what I've come to notice recently: dark-skinned people living either in the southern hemisphere or in latitudes where white-skinned people are not a common found seem to be obsessed with "tweaking" their appearance in order to look more Western i.e. white. You see black African women and Indian women spending money on bleaching cremes that in the long run damage their skin. You also have Hispanic people dying their hair blond, wearing contact lenses in order to have a clearer eye colour. I also read about East-Asian women undergoing jaw-surgery for the sake of having less square-like, more angular faces. They will also modify their noses and eyelids, just so that they can look more European.
Now, I am truly against racism. What I don't understand is, why do non-white people show their self-hatred in such a blatant, explicit way? Sure, they have been bombarded with pro-white ads, movies and the like for years, meaning that they've internalized the Western standard of beauty (blond, blue-eyed, white). But do they have to be so ambivalent about it, that they request white people to stop judging them or viewing them as inferior beings while at the same time, they continue to suffer under a distorted perception that leads them to dislike their own appearance?
Just asking.
>>> Why do non-white people loathe themselves?
Now, I am truly against racism. What I don't understand is, why do non-white people show their self-hatred in such a blatant, explicit way? Sure, they have been bombarded with pro-white ads, movies and the like for years, meaning that they've internalized the Western standard of beauty (blond, blue-eyed, white). But do they have to be so ambivalent about it, that they request white people to stop judging them or viewing them as inferior beings while at the same time, they continue to suffer under a distorted perception that leads them to dislike their own appearance?
Just asking.
>>> Why do non-white people loathe themselves?
My eye doctor wrote in my lens perscription confusing values in prism?
They wrote under prism 6/18 for my right eye and 6/5 on my left eye? online retailers dont seem to have these options?
>>> My eye doctor wrote in my lens perscription confusing values in prism?
>>> My eye doctor wrote in my lens perscription confusing values in prism?
Can people with astigmatism wear contacts?
I went to a optician yesterday super exited to finally get contact lenses. I've waited a couple of years to be allowed to get them so this really was a big deal for me. After an examination he said that I have severe astigmatism and wouldn't advice contacts. He said he could make custom ones thought they would be extremely expensive and if i moved my eyes then they can complete mess up the focus. I have a pure hatred of glasses and was really hoping to finally get glasses but i guess that's not possible.Is there anyway i can wear contacts and hopefully not have to deal with the horrible blur? Also if not is there any solution to this that is not contacts or glasses. I'm too young for LASIK eye surgery. Please help. I'm so angry right now.
>>> Can people with astigmatism wear contacts?
>>> Can people with astigmatism wear contacts?
My eyes still red? Help!
I got dust under my contact lens yesterday and my eye went really red.It was like that for quite a while because one of my teachers told me that because I was 2 minutes late for the lesson I couldn't go and sort it out. I was allowed to go next lesson though.
My eye was still a bit bloodshot but not too badly when I was going home but then today my eyes really bloodshot underneath my bottom eyelid and its a bit sore. I told my mum and she just said that it will be fine but I'm just worried. Could the dust have scratched my eye a bit?
>>> My eyes still red? Help!
My eye was still a bit bloodshot but not too badly when I was going home but then today my eyes really bloodshot underneath my bottom eyelid and its a bit sore. I told my mum and she just said that it will be fine but I'm just worried. Could the dust have scratched my eye a bit?
>>> My eyes still red? Help!
Facts About Non Prescription Color Contact Lenses?
First off are I have heard that even non prescription color contacts are bad for your eyes, is this true? Also where could I buy colored contacts? I have dark eyes and I've always wanted to have blue eyes even for just a little bit. Any other knowledge about colored contacts is greatly appreciated!
>>> Facts About Non Prescription Color Contact Lenses?
>>> Facts About Non Prescription Color Contact Lenses?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Can i wear expired contacts?
SO i bought colored contacts that are prescribed for 3 months and I plan on taking reallyy good care of them so that i can wear them for longer because i paid 35 bucks for them and don't want it to go to waste. Will anything bad happen if i keep them for longer like 5 months?
what will happen if i keep it longer than prescribed? WIll the lens lose its shape? or what?
>>> Can i wear expired contacts?
what will happen if i keep it longer than prescribed? WIll the lens lose its shape? or what?
>>> Can i wear expired contacts?
Does hand sanitizer protect against the flu?
I also wear contact lenses.is it OK to wash my hands a half hour after using hand sanitizer? could alcohol get in my eye or in the lens case?
>>> Does hand sanitizer protect against the flu?
>>> Does hand sanitizer protect against the flu?
How to save one time use contact lenses?
Maybe it's not possible i'm not sure: p
>>> How to save one time use contact lenses?
>>> How to save one time use contact lenses?
Is wearing contact lenses and cycling sunglasses a good idea?
I'm an avid cyclist and I wear reading glasses, and I need sunglasses, should I wear contact lenses. I can't really find sunglasses that allows me to see clearly.
>>> Is wearing contact lenses and cycling sunglasses a good idea?
>>> Is wearing contact lenses and cycling sunglasses a good idea?
Contact Lenses like the ones from The Host?
Recently finished reading "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer. Does anyone know where to get contact Lenses which look like the ones used in the film? And also the rough price. Answers would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks :)
>>> Contact Lenses like the ones from The Host?
Thanks :)
>>> Contact Lenses like the ones from The Host?
Did i damage my contact lenses by placing them on a warm surface?
So im visiting asia now and i bought a packet of 30 daily acuvue trueye contact lenses. I sleep on the floor, and the floor is heated.
I left the contacts on the floor for 2-3 weeks. The floor is lukewarm.
I didnt realise and today i placed them on a higher surface. I took them out for an inspection and they seem fine, but im pretty sure the contacts on the very bottom were warmed for all that time?
Does it affect the lenses? Im worried… can i still wear them?
>>> Did i damage my contact lenses by placing them on a warm surface?
I left the contacts on the floor for 2-3 weeks. The floor is lukewarm.
I didnt realise and today i placed them on a higher surface. I took them out for an inspection and they seem fine, but im pretty sure the contacts on the very bottom were warmed for all that time?
Does it affect the lenses? Im worried… can i still wear them?
>>> Did i damage my contact lenses by placing them on a warm surface?
Where can I buy weighted yellow Cat Eye Lenses?
I've been buying my lenses from crazycontacts.com.au and 2 years ago they supplied me with perfect weighted lenses, but they obtained newer ones that are no longer weighted. I need to prevent spinning for photoshoots and cons as I am a cosplayer and the makeup makes it difficult to continuously rotate them.
And I cannot afford Sfx lenses, If anyone can help it would be much appreciated
>>> Where can I buy weighted yellow Cat Eye Lenses?
And I cannot afford Sfx lenses, If anyone can help it would be much appreciated
>>> Where can I buy weighted yellow Cat Eye Lenses?
Can I wear contact lenses instead of reading glasses?
I was recently told that I need reading glasses as I can't read things close up as the words go blurry, but I have decent long distance sight so I need reading glasses, but I would have to take them off when reading off the board at school… I'm 18 and the thought of having to now wear glasses and having to remember constantly putting them on and taking them off is really annoying.Is there any type of contact lense I can possibly wear that I can keep on and won't mess up my long distance sight? My dads getting some instead of bifocal glasses and I just wanted to know if I can hav some before he gets his so I can possibly buy mine. And they would be cheaper than buying glasses too?
>>> Can I wear contact lenses instead of reading glasses?
>>> Can I wear contact lenses instead of reading glasses?
What are the various problems associated with colored contact lenses?
What are the various problems associated with colored contact lenses?
>>> What are the various problems associated with colored contact lenses?
>>> What are the various problems associated with colored contact lenses?
Can I use my contact lenses on a long bike ride?
Can I use my contact lenses on a long bike ride?
>>> Can I use my contact lenses on a long bike ride?
>>> Can I use my contact lenses on a long bike ride?
I need corrective lenses?
I went to the eye doctor a week ago and they said I needed corrective lenses or something like that. I clearly remember him saying I needed almost a bifocal but I'm only 13? :(
Is there any way to improve my vision?
Do you have any experience with corrective lenses? :(
Added (1). I've worn glasses since I was 10 years old.
My vision has gotten worser since then.
>>> I need corrective lenses?
Is there any way to improve my vision?
Do you have any experience with corrective lenses? :(
Added (1). I've worn glasses since I was 10 years old.
My vision has gotten worser since then.
>>> I need corrective lenses?
Should glasses correct me to 20/20?
I got glasses for myopia in october.My prescription is -0.75 and -0.50. When the doctor asked me to read the 20/20 line with the -0.75 lens during the eye exam, I got a few letters that looked similar wrong (like C and G). However, the doctor didn't strengthen my glasses. Then, a few months later I noticed that I could see pretty well with my friends -2.50 diopter glasses, and today, I noticed that I was struggling to read the board in class. I had to squint to read it but so did a friend who doesn't need any correction (another friend who doesn't wear glasses said that she could read it without trouble). What does this mean? Can I only be corrected to 20/25 or thereabouts because of my myopia?
>>> Should glasses correct me to 20/20?
>>> Should glasses correct me to 20/20?
How to put in prescription contacts for beginners?
I recently got a prescription for contact lenses but unfortunately I can not put them in. Easiest way, Hints, Tips, Any help is appreciated.
>>> How to put in prescription contacts for beginners?
>>> How to put in prescription contacts for beginners?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
In the UK what is the minimum age you can get contact lenses?
I really want contact lenses beachside i HATE my glasses i think it makes me look soooooo ugly so what age do i have o be be4 i get them?
>>> In the UK what is the minimum age you can get contact lenses?
>>> In the UK what is the minimum age you can get contact lenses?
Stores that cell Circle Lenses in Michigan?
I checked online, and they did say Circle Lenses were what it was called when the contacts make your eyes larger.
What is a good store or company, or anything, that sells these in Michigan? Preferably around Macomb?
>>> Stores that cell Circle Lenses in Michigan?
What is a good store or company, or anything, that sells these in Michigan? Preferably around Macomb?
>>> Stores that cell Circle Lenses in Michigan?
Well my mum had an eye test at boots opticians (in the uk). She is in her 50's and has been presbyopic (long-sighted) for quite a long time. I think her presbyopia (long-sightedness) has reached it's full, meaning that her lens cannot focus at all and that light rays focus from near objects focus behind the retina, and that she can only read very large print without squnting. Not only does she need reading glasses for reading but also for other close up tasks such as sewing and cutting her nails.
Well her near vision has stayed the same (I think) but the optician tested her distance vision and said she isn't seeing quite as well at distance as she used to. She says she's noticed a slight deteriation too, and I'm guessing she's seeing around 20/30. She only got tested last year, and there was nothing about distance viision mentioned. The optician said that alough she's long-sighted, distance vision can deteriate with aging as well as near vision. She hasn't got distance glasses, as her vision isn't bad enough to need them. But still, This really got me thinking…
I've done a lot of research on the eye and know basically how it works. Light enters through the cornea, then gets focused through the cornea and lens and onto the retina (if the eye is perfect). I know there are many common conditions which affect vision: near/far sightedness, aging farsightedness (presbyopia), astigmatism, colour blindness ect, and that are are all due to some component of the eye not functioning at it's best. Because there is such a lot to go wrong, very few people will have a theroetically "perfect eye", even though they may be seeing 20/20. For example, I have 20/40 vision (short-sighted) and have slight colour blindness too, but I get along fine just wearing glasses when they really help.
Anyway, back to the question, I've found nothing on the web that says that distance vision deteriates with age, in fact it can even improve in short sighted people. I've found many websites saying that near vision and age, cataracts ect, but nothing about distance vision and age. I know that poor eyesight is associated with getting older, but not disatnce vision. This got me worried. Why has her distance vision recently deteriated at middle age? I thought it was just near vision. Could her vision get worse? If so could it be corrected by glasses? The optician just said it's because of aging, but I've found nothing on the web about it.
Well her near vision has stayed the same (I think) but the optician tested her distance vision and said she isn't seeing quite as well at distance as she used to. She says she's noticed a slight deteriation too, and I'm guessing she's seeing around 20/30. She only got tested last year, and there was nothing about distance viision mentioned. The optician said that alough she's long-sighted, distance vision can deteriate with aging as well as near vision. She hasn't got distance glasses, as her vision isn't bad enough to need them. But still, This really got me thinking…
I've done a lot of research on the eye and know basically how it works. Light enters through the cornea, then gets focused through the cornea and lens and onto the retina (if the eye is perfect). I know there are many common conditions which affect vision: near/far sightedness, aging farsightedness (presbyopia), astigmatism, colour blindness ect, and that are are all due to some component of the eye not functioning at it's best. Because there is such a lot to go wrong, very few people will have a theroetically "perfect eye", even though they may be seeing 20/20. For example, I have 20/40 vision (short-sighted) and have slight colour blindness too, but I get along fine just wearing glasses when they really help.
Anyway, back to the question, I've found nothing on the web that says that distance vision deteriates with age, in fact it can even improve in short sighted people. I've found many websites saying that near vision and age, cataracts ect, but nothing about distance vision and age. I know that poor eyesight is associated with getting older, but not disatnce vision. This got me worried. Why has her distance vision recently deteriated at middle age? I thought it was just near vision. Could her vision get worse? If so could it be corrected by glasses? The optician just said it's because of aging, but I've found nothing on the web about it.
Is there anywhere I can find these?
Okay so I have a fancy dress party coming up and I'm going as a doll! The doll has like a light violet coloured eyes and I've found these
Which are perfect! As I am in the UK I have really struggled to find some though. I would really appreciate it if anyone could tell me where to get these, or ones pretty similar. If you find other ones they need to be a light violet colour preferably with a dark ring around the edge. I believe that 'Geo' lenses are supposed to be the best, so I would like some of them please!
Thank you for your help :)
>>> Is there anywhere I can find these?
Which are perfect! As I am in the UK I have really struggled to find some though. I would really appreciate it if anyone could tell me where to get these, or ones pretty similar. If you find other ones they need to be a light violet colour preferably with a dark ring around the edge. I believe that 'Geo' lenses are supposed to be the best, so I would like some of them please!
Thank you for your help :)
>>> Is there anywhere I can find these?
Can I be allergic to cataract lenses implants?
I had cataract surgery on both eyes over a year ago, they did them 2 weeks apart. They both healed perfectly but my left eye has never stopped itching & burning & I have to put drops in it several times a day. The dr.thinks I'm nuts.My right eye is perfectly fine.
>>> Can I be allergic to cataract lenses implants?
>>> Can I be allergic to cataract lenses implants?
First Time Contact lenses?
I want to buy these:
It says Disposable: 1 year… Does that mean I can wear them daily for a whole year and should I talk to my eye doctor before buying these?
>>> First Time Contact lenses?
It says Disposable: 1 year… Does that mean I can wear them daily for a whole year and should I talk to my eye doctor before buying these?
>>> First Time Contact lenses?
My left eye turns red after wearing contact lenses?
I'm wearing contact lenses for 3 months now but now… every time i use it my left eye turns red but my right eye is normal. And my left eye feels so dry and blurred. Red wobt go away for 1-3 days. Help
>>> My left eye turns red after wearing contact lenses?
>>> My left eye turns red after wearing contact lenses?
Which will happen if eye viewed a distant object?
A. the muscles of the eye are tensed
B.no adjustments are made by the eye
C. the lenses are made thinner by the muscles
D. The pupil of the eye automatically opens wider
>>> Which will happen if eye viewed a distant object?
B.no adjustments are made by the eye
C. the lenses are made thinner by the muscles
D. The pupil of the eye automatically opens wider
>>> Which will happen if eye viewed a distant object?
What does this mean? I don't know?
If you need to wear glasses or contact lenses when you drive, this restriction will be shown on your license
uh what does that mean anyway?
>>> What does this mean? I don't know?
uh what does that mean anyway?
>>> What does this mean? I don't know?
How to decide which circle lenses to get?
I want to get them to look as natural as possible but still enlarge my eye.It's obviously not going to look completely natural so the key words are "as possible". I have blue eyes. Would it look too sharp to get regular black lenses or do they look fine with even lighter coloured eyes? Should I get blue ones instead? I'd prefer it so that my natural eye colour still shows. Also, what are some good online shops to get them?
>>> How to decide which circle lenses to get?
>>> How to decide which circle lenses to get?
My dog has a clear subtance over his eye?
For quite a long time now, my dog has had a clear goopy circular lens type substance on his cornea.It tends to move around his eye from time to time and sometimes it's not even present.It's also slightly shriveled in the middle.My dog responds to it by blinking and his eye gets watery at times. I've read online that this issue could be due to poor malnutrition and my dog eats both human and dog food--could this be the problem? I'd like to get answers from either experienced dog owners or vets. Thank you.
>>> My dog has a clear subtance over his eye?
>>> My dog has a clear subtance over his eye?
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Am I legally blind according to my eye prescription?
What's the cheapest price? I have my fits for my contact lenses and my prescription. Thanks.My prescription is:
Sphere OD: -4.25
Sphere OS: -4.50
Cylinder:OD -0.50
Cylinder OS: - 0.50
Axis OS: 100
Axis OS: 017
>>> Am I legally blind according to my eye prescription?
Sphere OD: -4.25
Sphere OS: -4.50
Cylinder:OD -0.50
Cylinder OS: - 0.50
Axis OS: 100
Axis OS: 017
>>> Am I legally blind according to my eye prescription?
Why do contact lenses cost so much?
I started looking into (no pun intended) black sclera lenses, but a lot of the ones I found cost about £250 or more, why do they cost so much? I apologize in advance in case that might of been a stupid question. I don't know anything about contacts really.
>>> Why do contact lenses cost so much?
>>> Why do contact lenses cost so much?
What are the best contact lenses for blepharitis prone people?
I stopped wearing contact lenses two years ago as I had developed blepharitis. Fortunately now, I have most of it, if not all, under control. I went to my ophthalmologist last Friday and he said my eyes and lids look really good and now I can start using contacts again and that I didn't have to visit him again for two years. I'm a very cautious person so I want to make sure that if I do wear contacts again, I'm wearing ones that are very comfortable. I mean, you only get one pair of eyes (not trying to sound paranoid or anything). Which ones are usually the best? Just wondering.
>>> What are the best contact lenses for blepharitis prone people?
>>> What are the best contact lenses for blepharitis prone people?
Can you in some way improve your vision? Share your story's?
Hello! <: I am 19 years old and my vision was bad since i was 8 years old.It wasn't nearly as bad as it is now, but it got worse over time. A year ago I switched from glasses to contact lenses. And my eyesight were -3, 25 on right eye and -3, 75 on my left. Now, a year later.My eyes has got twice.or ever worse as before. I am sure I have like. -6 or something by now. I can't really see anything sharp unless it isn't 15 cm from my face. :Cc
Have anyone of you ever managed to improve such a bad eyesight? Or improve your sight at all?
If yes, please share your story. I am so freakin' terrified of getting blind. :c
And is there some.limit.for how bad your eyes could be so you would be denied a laser surgery?
Does exercise of the eyes improves vision?
Please. Answer me if you know anything.
Added (1). Thewaythingsare:
Says the one who can't even start a sentence with a big letter. Lol.
>>> Can you in some way improve your vision? Share your story's?
Have anyone of you ever managed to improve such a bad eyesight? Or improve your sight at all?
If yes, please share your story. I am so freakin' terrified of getting blind. :c
And is there some.limit.for how bad your eyes could be so you would be denied a laser surgery?
Does exercise of the eyes improves vision?
Please. Answer me if you know anything.
Added (1). Thewaythingsare:
Says the one who can't even start a sentence with a big letter. Lol.
>>> Can you in some way improve your vision? Share your story's?
Why do soldiers wear masks?
I understand that a mask might be useful in protecting them from toxins in the air or if the mask's lenses are tinted then you can see despite the hot sun rays hitting your eye or if there is dust in the air. However, i am still wondering whether masks in general are bad for soldiers because wouldn't they reduce peripheral vision? Isn't that bad during missions. These soldiers can range from military to SAS soldiers to Swat team…
Added (1). How much peripheral vision do masks reduce?
Added (2). @ Gavrilo
I think i am more concerned with their peripheral vision or vision in general rather than the fact we can see their face. I curious whether how much masks reduce their vision and if they do why do we wear them then.
>>> Why do soldiers wear masks?
Added (1). How much peripheral vision do masks reduce?
Added (2). @ Gavrilo
I think i am more concerned with their peripheral vision or vision in general rather than the fact we can see their face. I curious whether how much masks reduce their vision and if they do why do we wear them then.
>>> Why do soldiers wear masks?
Wrinkles under the eyes, HELP!
I'm not even 20 yet, I become 20 this year. I made a huge mistake because I never had wrinkles before to be concerned about.It all started with my right eye being dry a lot with contact lenses. I could feel it in my upper down lid near the end of my eyebrow that is directed to my cheek if you know what I mean. I started to pull on my skin often thinking I'd feel more comfortable, ending up with small wrinkles that are unnoticeable wrinkles, and one big friggin deep wrinkle I'm ashamed of when I smile to people. I'm trying out yoga exercises but people say that it both increases and decreases wrinkles, WTF should I believe? I'm thinking about trying out Age Reversal Eye Complex by Dermalogica to remove wrinkles under the eyes.My aunt says it works. Has anyone used it and has it decreased or removed wrinkles? Please HELPPPPP!
Added (1). Please help me out, I hate this as I am very young and I really do have low self-esteem and self-confidence when it comes to things, self-complex is one big thing that I have.
>>> Wrinkles under the eyes, HELP!
Added (1). Please help me out, I hate this as I am very young and I really do have low self-esteem and self-confidence when it comes to things, self-complex is one big thing that I have.
>>> Wrinkles under the eyes, HELP!
What are good color enhancing contacts?
I bought cosmetic color enhancing contacts in aqua.My natural color is a grayish green. I noticed that the aqua enhancers actually made my eyes darker. I could tell that the tint on the lense was a cery deep color.Im looking for an enhancer that will lighten my eyes. I was thinking acuvue 2 enhancers but arent the green and blue enhancer lense are darker color? Im looking to lighten my color, not deepen it. Are there any enhancers that have a light green or gray?
>>> What are good color enhancing contacts?
>>> What are good color enhancing contacts?
Can i continue wearing contact lenses if i have slight redness?
My eyes always have slight redness and it don't go away.i wore contact lenses 9 hours before and i just feel scare to wear it as i see my eyes always have slight redness and i scare i'll go blind?
>>> Can i continue wearing contact lenses if i have slight redness?
>>> Can i continue wearing contact lenses if i have slight redness?
I am absolutely obsessed 115% with twilight.its getting to be too much help?
I am absolutely hopeless.Im 16, and i am a freak. Like seriously, a freak! I read the books in 7th grade, after i watched the first movie. I loved the books way way way way more than the movies, but i loved the movies allot too. I was literally screaming and crying watching the last movie, during the fight scene, and when it was finishing up. I secretly re-read the books over and over again, at night time when I should be sleeping. I bought bella's new moon dress, and I've read the books so much the hard cover books book cover is getting worn out… Breaking dawn is ripping. I've been looking on amazon for hours looking and buying things from twilight, I just bought the twilight immortal perfume, bella's wedding comb, bella's ring, and bella's bracelet with jacobs wolf charm, and edwards crystal heart (oh my god, in the book thats my favorite part when he gives her the diamond heart charm as a graduation present to represent himself, because its cold, solid, and glimmers in the sunlight <3 aside from when he welcomes bella home with her lullaby on the piano. <3) oohh edward. I swear… im obsessed with him, i know hes not real, but there is seriously a part of me that keeps hoping.
I went to lenscrafters the other day to pick up my contacts, and the worker there was like a edward cullen, he was so gorgeous, polite, and beautiful, and i wanted to marry him on the spot, but hes like twenty something, ughh… he gave me the shivers, i almost started crying on the spot. I didn't have my phone so i couldn't take a picture.i was soooo upset. But i keep obsessing over it, and I DONT WANT TO STOP! i get so freaking pissed off when people bag on it, and I literally want to punch them in the face so hard that the blood they gush out will be smelled by edward cullen. Ya, i just said that.My binder, my locker, my room, and my closet is full of twilight pictures, and posters its ridic.my teachers complained in 8th grade (im a jr now) that it was becoming too much, cuz one time a did a whole project on edward cullen/rob pattinson… I stopped with the projects, and didn't read the books for a whole year because i lost them in a move but found them again, and keep rereading.Im seriously considering getting myself a pair of prescribed gold and red contact lenses… and plus i totally changed my whole attitude and try to act like bella. I literally finally got into biology this year, and when I went into class that first day of school, I was just like looking around to see if there was any guy close to edward. Sadly my school is full of ugly *** people. Not even worth thinking about. Ive become so obsessed, Ive bought the most expensive versions of the movies on dvd special edition, ive been to every midnight premier, and im soon buying the twilight saga white edition, since my old books are so beat up, but i can't bear to throw the others away or give them away because thats where everything started. I need help im becoming like crazy for this! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
>>> I am absolutely obsessed 115% with twilight.its getting to be too much help?
I went to lenscrafters the other day to pick up my contacts, and the worker there was like a edward cullen, he was so gorgeous, polite, and beautiful, and i wanted to marry him on the spot, but hes like twenty something, ughh… he gave me the shivers, i almost started crying on the spot. I didn't have my phone so i couldn't take a picture.i was soooo upset. But i keep obsessing over it, and I DONT WANT TO STOP! i get so freaking pissed off when people bag on it, and I literally want to punch them in the face so hard that the blood they gush out will be smelled by edward cullen. Ya, i just said that.My binder, my locker, my room, and my closet is full of twilight pictures, and posters its ridic.my teachers complained in 8th grade (im a jr now) that it was becoming too much, cuz one time a did a whole project on edward cullen/rob pattinson… I stopped with the projects, and didn't read the books for a whole year because i lost them in a move but found them again, and keep rereading.Im seriously considering getting myself a pair of prescribed gold and red contact lenses… and plus i totally changed my whole attitude and try to act like bella. I literally finally got into biology this year, and when I went into class that first day of school, I was just like looking around to see if there was any guy close to edward. Sadly my school is full of ugly *** people. Not even worth thinking about. Ive become so obsessed, Ive bought the most expensive versions of the movies on dvd special edition, ive been to every midnight premier, and im soon buying the twilight saga white edition, since my old books are so beat up, but i can't bear to throw the others away or give them away because thats where everything started. I need help im becoming like crazy for this! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
>>> I am absolutely obsessed 115% with twilight.its getting to be too much help?
Are there contact lenses that let you see like a colorblind person does?
Hi! I belive that there are contact lenses that alow colorblinds to distiguishe colors, but is there vice versa? I'm curious about how colorblinds see, and if you know of such a lense, please tell me where to find it and how muck it costs. Thanks! :P
>>> Are there contact lenses that let you see like a colorblind person does?
>>> Are there contact lenses that let you see like a colorblind person does?
Coloured Toric Lenses?
I have been searching all over the place for coloured toric contact lenses for astigmatism. The colours I want are red and deep blue. These are basically non existant as far as searching has gone for me.Do you know of any sites that sell these?
>>> Coloured Toric Lenses?
>>> Coloured Toric Lenses?
What is the best, comfortable contact lenses?
I have 2 week acuvue oasys for astigmatism and i hate them.im looking to get air optix
>>> What is the best, comfortable contact lenses?
>>> What is the best, comfortable contact lenses?
What's the best toric lens available?
I have a power of -11 on my left eye, with -1.75 Cyl and -9 on the right. Please suggest me a good contacts lens, so I can buy them!
>>> What's the best toric lens available?
>>> What's the best toric lens available?
Any good eye hospitals in Toronto?
Can anyone recommend me with a name of an eye hospital in Toronto? My friend is planning to go for implantable contact lens as soon as possible.
>>> Any good eye hospitals in Toronto?
>>> Any good eye hospitals in Toronto?
Are circle lenses from Honey Color safe?
I need some bright green contacts and i dont want to risk my eyes with a company that might sell harmful contacts
>>> Are circle lenses from Honey Color safe?
>>> Are circle lenses from Honey Color safe?
Monday, January 7, 2013
I've been wearing the same pair of contact lenses for about 5months now?
My eye doctor told me to wear them for 2 weeks but I've been wearing these since August.My eyes don't hurt and the contacts seem to be working fine, is this bad anyways ?
>>> I've been wearing the same pair of contact lenses for about 5months now?
>>> I've been wearing the same pair of contact lenses for about 5months now?
My eye doctor said they didn't make contacts in my prescription is he correct?
He said they did but it would cost around 300 bucks but I'm skeptical he only gave me my contact prescription that went highest in acuvue oaysys for astigmatism what should I do
>>> My eye doctor said they didn't make contacts in my prescription is he correct?
>>> My eye doctor said they didn't make contacts in my prescription is he correct?
Celebrities like Justin Bieber, One Direction, Taylor Launtner, Channing Tatum etc?
When people say how good looking they are, it's really crazy because it's obvious they all wear coloured contact lenses, have loads of make up done, get their eyebrows done, their lips moisturized etc i mean theyre just like average people. If you become famous it doesn't matter how you look, you can be transformed into a perfect looking person (in reason.) I'm not having a dig just an obvious observation. What do yall think?
Added (1). As well as getting their teeth professionally whitened
>>> Celebrities like Justin Bieber, One Direction, Taylor Launtner, Channing Tatum etc?
Added (1). As well as getting their teeth professionally whitened
>>> Celebrities like Justin Bieber, One Direction, Taylor Launtner, Channing Tatum etc?
Did I do anything wrong in this situation?
When I got up for breakfast today my mother was in a horrible mood. I asked her what happened last night and she snapped at me immediately, and made me feel intimidated to be in the kitchen. She snapped that she had been awake since three thirty in the morning. I literally felt intimidated to be around her. I borrowed the butter for a second to do my toast because I had to be up to go somewhere as well and she said in a frustrated, angry way, 'Can I just butter my toast!' I couldn't bear it anymore because she told me to shut up the minute I would ask a question - she'd say that she couldn't think or answer even the simplest question. I hid in my bedroom but felt lonely and cut off from the family. I started to cry which upset and ruined my contact lenses and I felt like I could not attend my interview. I cried and cried because I felt I had lost my relationship with my mother.
>>> Did I do anything wrong in this situation?
>>> Did I do anything wrong in this situation?
Do you need any requirements for contact lenses?
I really want to get contacts, but i'm not sure if there are any requirements for them. Some things about me is that I wear glasses sometimes, not really.My left eye can see farther away than my right and my right eye can see things better closer than my left. Also, i'm an asian girl so my eyes are really small.So are there any requirements at all?
>>> Do you need any requirements for contact lenses?
>>> Do you need any requirements for contact lenses?
Are contact lenses safe for a 13 year old?
I dont want to wear glasses. I have tried them all and i dont like any! I want contact lenses.My mom said that we had to talk to the eye doctor about it. (Also do you think he would recommend them? ) and i wanted to know if they are fine for me.
Added (1). Oh but i HAVE had glasses before but i just stopped using them
>>> Are contact lenses safe for a 13 year old?
Added (1). Oh but i HAVE had glasses before but i just stopped using them
>>> Are contact lenses safe for a 13 year old?
What is diff.btwn disposable and long term contact lens?
Is there any side effect of wearing contact lens for fashion even if you dont have any eye prblm?
Pls tell me.if u knw. .
>>> What is diff.btwn disposable and long term contact lens?
Pls tell me.if u knw. .
>>> What is diff.btwn disposable and long term contact lens?
Greenish Grey eye colour name?
How would you call green greyish eye colour; something like this ( http://beauty-product-junkies.bellasugar.com/Request-gray-green-eyes-speckles-hazel-2384833 )
I want to get contacts that colour but I can only find green or either grey.
And which one would you find similair?
Or maybe if you found another link that has similair contacts to the one I am referring to.
Thanks x
>>> Greenish Grey eye colour name?
I want to get contacts that colour but I can only find green or either grey.
And which one would you find similair?
Or maybe if you found another link that has similair contacts to the one I am referring to.
Thanks x
>>> Greenish Grey eye colour name?
Medicated Aviator Sunglasses?
Is it possible (or adviceable) to get a pair of aviator sunglasses medicated and tinted? I wear -2.5, single vision in both eyes. They are available on zennioptical.com and I would like to know if it is a good idea. Smaller frames and other shapes don't fit my face as well as the aviators. And I can't wear contact lenses either.
>>> Medicated Aviator Sunglasses?
>>> Medicated Aviator Sunglasses?
How much would an eye exam to get contact measurements cost?
I need to get colored contacts for a theatrical costume I'm putting together, but I've never been fitted for contacts. I wear glasses, so I may be pursuing getting prescription lenses in the future, but for the moment I just want to know my eye measurements so I can order some colored lenses.
What I want to know is how much would an average exam JUST for measurements cost, and whats the lowest price for a simple lens checkup (because I'm cheap and grip my money as though it may grow wings and fly into the night)
Also, have any tips for determining whether or not a theatrical lens website is safe or not? This is completely new territory for me and I'd like to keep my eyeballs intact.
>>> How much would an eye exam to get contact measurements cost?
What I want to know is how much would an average exam JUST for measurements cost, and whats the lowest price for a simple lens checkup (because I'm cheap and grip my money as though it may grow wings and fly into the night)
Also, have any tips for determining whether or not a theatrical lens website is safe or not? This is completely new territory for me and I'd like to keep my eyeballs intact.
>>> How much would an eye exam to get contact measurements cost?
Can you replace lenses in glasses frames with another?
My glasses broke for the first time and I've had them for over a year. I really need them for school and everyday life.My mom has a pair of glasses that she doesn't use cause they hurt her eyes. They're brand new and really good. I was wondering if I could change the lenses in hers and put my prescription in it? My dad told me he's not getting new glasses and mine were already to small for my face and the width of the earpiece and temple were to thick so I couldn't see out of my peripheral vision. I already needed new ones anyway, thus asking if them before. What should I do?
>>> Can you replace lenses in glasses frames with another?
>>> Can you replace lenses in glasses frames with another?
Glasses prescription to contact lens prescription? - 2
I used info med md to calculate my prescription for contacts based on my prescription for glasses, but my slight astigmatism wasn't accounted for in the calculation.Is that ok? Can anyone do these calculations?
Glasses for right eye: -2.00-0.50 x 165
Added (1). I just want to get some one day contacts for convenience and since my prescription expires soon, I don't want to be swapping between my eye glass prescription and my contact prescription with any complications.
Added (2). I do have a much stronger astigmatism in my other eye, so I was planning on getting contacts for astigmatisms, but if the right eye doesn't need it can I just get the generic equivalent for that eye and the corrective astigmatism ones for my left eye?
>>> Glasses prescription to contact lens prescription? - 2
Glasses for right eye: -2.00-0.50 x 165
Added (1). I just want to get some one day contacts for convenience and since my prescription expires soon, I don't want to be swapping between my eye glass prescription and my contact prescription with any complications.
Added (2). I do have a much stronger astigmatism in my other eye, so I was planning on getting contacts for astigmatisms, but if the right eye doesn't need it can I just get the generic equivalent for that eye and the corrective astigmatism ones for my left eye?
>>> Glasses prescription to contact lens prescription? - 2
Hi, anyone know about Umere contact lenses?
I've been recommended by someone who works in Specsavers, after finding out I had dry eyes, to purchase these contact lenses, does anyone with dry eyes have any experience with them? Any notable difference at all?
Or is it a conspiracy, just for increasing sales production as some tend to do, wasting our money?
>>> Hi, anyone know about Umere contact lenses?
Or is it a conspiracy, just for increasing sales production as some tend to do, wasting our money?
>>> Hi, anyone know about Umere contact lenses?
Can my eye doctor give me a lower prescription contact lens than my normal contact?
I want to ask if my eye doctor can give me a 2.25 contact instead of my normal 3.00. Also if I wear my 3.00 everyday will my vision deteriorate?
Thank You for answering.
>>> Can my eye doctor give me a lower prescription contact lens than my normal contact?
Thank You for answering.
>>> Can my eye doctor give me a lower prescription contact lens than my normal contact?
How accurate is an auto lensometer?
My eyeglass prescription last year in my right eye is -.75. I ordered glasses. When I went to my eye exam a few days ago, the doctor put my glasses in the auto lensometer and the machine said the prescription was -.50. He retested it several times.Is the machine a little off or was the lens made incorrectly?
>>> How accurate is an auto lensometer?
>>> How accurate is an auto lensometer?
Why are there bubbles in my contact lenses case?
So i removed my contact lenses, i put it in the case then i squeezed in the solution and i put on the cap, Then after awhile when i open it to check if it's floating, i saw many bubbles! Why and how can i get rid of them? I keep changing solution until there's no more bubbles: c
>>> Why are there bubbles in my contact lenses case?
>>> Why are there bubbles in my contact lenses case?
How to put contact lenses in my eyes?
This will be my first time wearing contacts but i have no idea how the *** i put them on. I ordered them online and don't want to go to the eye doctor to hear the bullshit, but yeah how do i get 'em on?
>>> How to put contact lenses in my eyes?
>>> How to put contact lenses in my eyes?
How to properly clean your contact lenses after its' been contaminated?
Not really.
See. I washed my lens container with tap water. But turns out i'm not supposed to coz there's a virus there that could get into my eye and blind me within months.
lol.So just incase that virus had gotten into my case. How should i clean it so well that i'm sure it's good to wear?
P.S. I always washed my container with tap water (4 years) but i only found out about this virus now, and i'm scared to put my lenses back on. Though i'd only worn them once and they're the monthly ones.It seems like a waste to throw them away.
Added (1). It's called Acanthamoeba parasite found in tap water, dust and swimming pools.
Found EVERYWHERE. Check this link out, and NEVER clean your container with water!
>>> How to properly clean your contact lenses after its' been contaminated?
See. I washed my lens container with tap water. But turns out i'm not supposed to coz there's a virus there that could get into my eye and blind me within months.
lol.So just incase that virus had gotten into my case. How should i clean it so well that i'm sure it's good to wear?
P.S. I always washed my container with tap water (4 years) but i only found out about this virus now, and i'm scared to put my lenses back on. Though i'd only worn them once and they're the monthly ones.It seems like a waste to throw them away.
Added (1). It's called Acanthamoeba parasite found in tap water, dust and swimming pools.
Found EVERYWHERE. Check this link out, and NEVER clean your container with water!
>>> How to properly clean your contact lenses after its' been contaminated?
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Contact lenses 3 months?
Very simple question, but I can't find the answer for it.
I don't quite understand when they say 3 months use, is it as in you can use them lets say 90 days and if you wear it for lets say 20 days you can still use them for 70 days no matter when, or is it 3 months is 3 months so if you don't wear it in that time it still goes to waste.
Sorry very hard to explain what I mean.
>>> Contact lenses 3 months?
I don't quite understand when they say 3 months use, is it as in you can use them lets say 90 days and if you wear it for lets say 20 days you can still use them for 70 days no matter when, or is it 3 months is 3 months so if you don't wear it in that time it still goes to waste.
Sorry very hard to explain what I mean.
>>> Contact lenses 3 months?
My hard contact lenses are weird?
I've had hard contact lenses for 3 months now.It was pretty easy for me to adjust to them, and it was my first time ever getting contact lenses. (I couldnt get soft because my eyes were too bad) anyways, my right lense has been bothering me lately.It feels like something is in my eye, like i have a scratch in my eye but my left lense is perfectly fine and feels like nothing. Why is my right lense like this? Is there possibly a scratch on the lense or on my eye? Or did i accidentally switch my lenses?
>>> My hard contact lenses are weird?
>>> My hard contact lenses are weird?
I'm fascinated by my gf's thick glasses?
I'm 19, she is 18. I have good vision. I've had gf's with glasses before, but never thick ones like hers. Btw she doesn't mind my talking to her about them or trying them on.
Anyway, she said things were blurry with her old ones so she booked an exam and she let me go with her and watch. I wasn't clear on everything I saw (pardon the pun) so if someone can explain that would be wonderful.
The part I understood the least was when the optometrist put a machine with lots of dials in front of her face and kept asking her "which is better, 1 or 2?" I noticed that each time she answered, the dr turned a big dial upward; i heard it click.then she asked again and clicked it again.My assumption is that turning the dial made the lens in front of her eye a little thicker.Am i correct? This went on a number of times for each eye. Then the dr turned some smaller dials a little.
Then she told my gf that her eyes had gotten much more nearsighted and she needed thicker glasses and she wrote her new prescription.
My gf showed me the old and new rx's.Is the new one a lot worse?
The old one is OD -9.50 -1.00 105 OS -9.25 S
The new one is OD -11.00 -1.00 100 OS -10.50 -0.50 75
Thanks for explaining.
Added (1). By thick glasses, I was referring to the lenses. We haven't picked out a frame yet.
Added (2). Footprintz, sorry for hurting your pride, but you only answered part of my question and besides I wanted a second opinion.
>>> I'm fascinated by my gf's thick glasses?
Anyway, she said things were blurry with her old ones so she booked an exam and she let me go with her and watch. I wasn't clear on everything I saw (pardon the pun) so if someone can explain that would be wonderful.
The part I understood the least was when the optometrist put a machine with lots of dials in front of her face and kept asking her "which is better, 1 or 2?" I noticed that each time she answered, the dr turned a big dial upward; i heard it click.then she asked again and clicked it again.My assumption is that turning the dial made the lens in front of her eye a little thicker.Am i correct? This went on a number of times for each eye. Then the dr turned some smaller dials a little.
Then she told my gf that her eyes had gotten much more nearsighted and she needed thicker glasses and she wrote her new prescription.
My gf showed me the old and new rx's.Is the new one a lot worse?
The old one is OD -9.50 -1.00 105 OS -9.25 S
The new one is OD -11.00 -1.00 100 OS -10.50 -0.50 75
Thanks for explaining.
Added (1). By thick glasses, I was referring to the lenses. We haven't picked out a frame yet.
Added (2). Footprintz, sorry for hurting your pride, but you only answered part of my question and besides I wanted a second opinion.
>>> I'm fascinated by my gf's thick glasses?
Has anyone bought circle lens from Circlelens.com?
Have you bought from this site?
and if so what was your experience
would you say this site is safe?
Added (1). I'm specifically wanting to buy these two: NEO extra size dali grey & NEO extra size dali brown
>>> Has anyone bought circle lens from Circlelens.com?
and if so what was your experience
would you say this site is safe?
Added (1). I'm specifically wanting to buy these two: NEO extra size dali grey & NEO extra size dali brown
>>> Has anyone bought circle lens from Circlelens.com?
Where can i buy grey and red contacts?
Hey guys so where can i buy red and grey contact lenses? Thanks
>>> Where can i buy grey and red contacts?
>>> Where can i buy grey and red contacts?
What is the best contact lens for astigmatism? - 1
Besides acuvue oasys for astigmatism
Added (1). Im looking at getting air optix
>>> What is the best contact lens for astigmatism? - 1
Added (1). Im looking at getting air optix
>>> What is the best contact lens for astigmatism? - 1
Should I tell someone or not? - 1
Hi recently I keep comparing myself with others. I just don't understand what people think of me. They say thing on the very extreme poles. Some say I'm very pretty some say I look very weird. And I compare myself to people with nice features and feel I don't have the right to eat and enjoy, these people are the ones should have the right because they look so nice. I don't think I'm fat or anything.My mom controls everything including the clothing I wear im not even allowed to wear shorts or contact lenses. I feel that not eating is a way of gaining control over something "cool" of myself. I have NEVER thought of myself as fat but I feel that my features are a bit immature and I always feel inferior. I vomited the first time and I felt really empty and light and free after that… Like my sweet little secret… something my mom can't control. I don't eat during break at school and stay in the classrooms to study. I feel that I must be the best in EVERY little aspect. But no one fires me to. How do I hint to my friends/ parens about this or should I keep it to myself? I really don't want to tell them to their face… just a month ago I was CRAZY about gaining weight and food was my best friend.
>>> Should I tell someone or not? - 1
>>> Should I tell someone or not? - 1
So my coursework is to write a review for a broadsheet newspaper, and I remember my teacher said to make it catchy, but I'm scared that I've made it too informal since its a broadsheet. I've used phrases such as 'Nonetheless, Mephostophilis' joke-shop contact lenses fail to alarm the audience! One gimmick that does pay-off is the effective use of puppets to illustrate the motifs of power and inhumanity', 'Was this done solely to foreground Marlowe's anti-female attitudes? Only Freestone can tell,', 'it leaves us cold', 'spine-tingling' please tell me whether thats too informal?
>>> 100 point bonus! CAN BROADSHEET REVIEWS BE INFORMAL? - 1
>>> 100 point bonus! CAN BROADSHEET REVIEWS BE INFORMAL? - 1
Any advice for a first time circle lens user?
I was thinking about buying my first pair of circle lenses and I had a few questions.
What type of solution is best to use on them? I know you're supposed to let the lenses soak for about 6 hours before using them but what if you don't use them? Do I leave them in the case without any solution or should I always have them in the solution or is there another type of liquid that I should use to soak the lenses in when not in use? Say I'm not going to use them for 3 days, what will happen to the lenses if they're in the case without any type of liquid, as in dry? Thank you in advanced^^
>>> Any advice for a first time circle lens user?
What type of solution is best to use on them? I know you're supposed to let the lenses soak for about 6 hours before using them but what if you don't use them? Do I leave them in the case without any solution or should I always have them in the solution or is there another type of liquid that I should use to soak the lenses in when not in use? Say I'm not going to use them for 3 days, what will happen to the lenses if they're in the case without any type of liquid, as in dry? Thank you in advanced^^
>>> Any advice for a first time circle lens user?
Wrong contact lenses prescription? Should I sue them?
She's been wearing a 20/40 contacts when its supposed to be 20/20 (she had 3 pack and each pack contains 3 pairs of contacts lasts 1 month) its from her previous eye doctor, so today she went to a new doctor and they checked her contacts and they saw that the contacts we're 20/40 and her eyes dont have the same vision but on her contacts it was both 20/40 left n right… Her new doctor said, it could have damaged her eyes more if she had not went there,(By the way shes astigmatism)… So if we sue them? Will she win? Or its enough to sue them? Even tho it could have damaged her eyes more.
>>> Wrong contact lenses prescription? Should I sue them?
>>> Wrong contact lenses prescription? Should I sue them?
So my coursework is to write a review for a broadsheet newspaper, and I remember my teacher said to make it catchy, but I'm scared that I've made it too informal since its a broadsheet. I've used phrases such as 'Nonetheless, Mephostophilis' joke-shop contact lenses fail to alarm the audience! One gimmick that does pay-off is the effective use of puppets to illustrate the motifs of power and inhumanity', 'Was this done solely to foreground Marlowe's anti-female attitudes? Only Freestone can tell,', 'it leaves us cold', 'spine-tingling' please tell me whether thats too informal?
Somethings in my eye.how to get it out?
Alright so yesterday I slept with my contact lenses in, which I dont normally do. I woke up and took them out. Now today I woke up and one of my eyes is red. I tried eyedrops, but it hurts when they go in, which doesnt normally happen either. Should I flush my eye wirh water? How do you flush your eye?
>>> Somethings in my eye.how to get it out?
>>> Somethings in my eye.how to get it out?
Why does my eye keep itching?
My eye keeps itching all the time. I don't wear lenses and I don't wear any make-up. Whenever I go to sleep if my eye is itching too much the itching stops.Is it because I'm really tired or is it something else? Do I need to see a doctor?
Thank you
>>> Why does my eye keep itching?
Thank you
>>> Why does my eye keep itching?
Guys: would you go out with a girl who wears thick glasses?
I'm very nearsighted and can't wear contacts.My lenses are -15 if you know anything about prescriptions. Would that turn you off?
>>> Guys: would you go out with a girl who wears thick glasses?
>>> Guys: would you go out with a girl who wears thick glasses?
I can only see with one eye at a time. Are there any solutions?
So I've had a bad eyesight in my entire life and I got my first lenses when I was 15.At that time I had -4.0 in my right eye and -3.75 in my left eye. When I visited the optician by then they told me that I only can see with my right eye at a time. I haven't noticed it before but now, I think about it all the time and I often close my right eye so I can see with my left eye…
The optician told me that I will be able to see with both eyes if I keep wearing lenses/glasses. I am 17 now and it's oviously not working.In fact, I think it's getting worse. I've asked a lot of people for help but no one haven't got a clue.
So I would be really grateful if you got an answer. Thanks
>>> I can only see with one eye at a time. Are there any solutions?
The optician told me that I will be able to see with both eyes if I keep wearing lenses/glasses. I am 17 now and it's oviously not working.In fact, I think it's getting worse. I've asked a lot of people for help but no one haven't got a clue.
So I would be really grateful if you got an answer. Thanks
>>> I can only see with one eye at a time. Are there any solutions?
What color should I dye my hair? - 2
I have brown skin well maybe a Lightish medium brown.
I have dark brown eyes but I'm pretty much blob so I wear lenses because I don't own glasses.
Because I wear lenses I decided to get a hand painted to make my eyes color change just trying changes who wouldn't? And got this green Gray lenses.

Toned them down by 2 so they are Lisa more darker and look really natural.
Good thing is it makes my face glow and apear brighter.
I like dyeing my hair but I'm not sure what to I've done so many shades of brown maroon but I'm bored
I wanted to know what do you think I should color my hair to and be more realistic. I thought of silver or bright red. Hmm any suggestion apart from neon colors
>>> What color should I dye my hair? - 2
I have dark brown eyes but I'm pretty much blob so I wear lenses because I don't own glasses.
Because I wear lenses I decided to get a hand painted to make my eyes color change just trying changes who wouldn't? And got this green Gray lenses.
Toned them down by 2 so they are Lisa more darker and look really natural.
Good thing is it makes my face glow and apear brighter.
I like dyeing my hair but I'm not sure what to I've done so many shades of brown maroon but I'm bored
I wanted to know what do you think I should color my hair to and be more realistic. I thought of silver or bright red. Hmm any suggestion apart from neon colors
>>> What color should I dye my hair? - 2
How to make eyes look blue?
I've thought of contact lenses, but frankly I can't afford them and don't want to damage my eyesight.
I have green eyes that often turn blue grey. When wearing grey clothing, they turn solid grey. When I wear purple they turn vivid green.
Is there any way I can make them appear blue? Like makeup, colors. Etc?
>>> How to make eyes look blue?
I have green eyes that often turn blue grey. When wearing grey clothing, they turn solid grey. When I wear purple they turn vivid green.
Is there any way I can make them appear blue? Like makeup, colors. Etc?
>>> How to make eyes look blue?
Which high index lenses are best for -14 and -5.5 prescription?
My eye power is -14 n -5.5, which high index lenses are good for my prescriptions? i need the following answers 1.is the size f the lenses is reduced? 2.normal lences reduces my eye size behind the glasses, is it possible to avoid this by using high index? 3.is it available for any type f frames? pls give ur suggestion!
>>> Which high index lenses are best for -14 and -5.5 prescription?
>>> Which high index lenses are best for -14 and -5.5 prescription?
Can non-prescription contact lenses be shared?
I bought non-prescription light brown contact lenses (they are FDA approved) but ive decided i dont like the color.can i sell them or should i throw them out? ive cleaned them with solution and everything.
i dont want to toss them cause i dont want to have wasted my money…
Added (1). But they've been cleaned…
>>> Can non-prescription contact lenses be shared?
i dont want to toss them cause i dont want to have wasted my money…
Added (1). But they've been cleaned…
>>> Can non-prescription contact lenses be shared?
Is there a way I can get better vision naturally?
Without surgery or contact lenses. I have glasses and I am the kind of person who has a personality that doesn't fit with glasses and I need it for school to see the board and my parents won't let me get contacts so I go to school without glasses and wear glasses at home is there a way to improve my vision by like eating carrots or something if so then for how long before I see results thanks :)
>>> Is there a way I can get better vision naturally?
>>> Is there a way I can get better vision naturally?
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