I want to order prescription color contacts (like acuvue 2 color). If I order one box (6 lenses) is that 3 pairs, or 6 lenses for one eye because each one of my eye prescription is different. That would mean I have to order 2 boxes for both my eyes? Or would one box give me 3 pairs- 3 lenses for each eye? I'm new to wearing contacts so please help?
См. статью: Contact pairs? Or one box for each eye?
Saturday, May 18, 2013
How much would one use contact lenses cost without insurance?
I have a concert coming up and would really rather not wear my glasses to it, as it might get a little bit rowdy.
См. статью: How much would one use contact lenses cost without insurance?
См. статью: How much would one use contact lenses cost without insurance?
If I wear my contacts less, does that mean I could buy less contacts?
I'm not sure how to word the question, but I just got contacts starting today and I'm a little bit confused. Because I would get the monthly contact lenses, I would spend about $45 for a box that would last three months. What if I don't need to wear them for a month, does that mean I could buy less contacts over time? Thank you.
См. статью: If I wear my contacts less, does that mean I could buy less contacts?
См. статью: If I wear my contacts less, does that mean I could buy less contacts?
Having a hard time getting used to my new glasses?
I got my prescription changed a while ago, and it changed a lot from what it used to be.So I got new contacts and glasses, and while I'm mostly okay with wearing the contact lenses (save for some eye issues that can't be fixed as of right now -- namely eye convergence and migraines), I've been having trouble getting used to my new glasses. I still can't see completely straight when I wear them. I wear my contacts pretty much all day/for most of the day, so granted I don't always wear my glasses and when I do, it isn't for long. However, I would have thought that a few months of wear would have straightened them out by now anyway? When I close one eye in my glasses, I can see perfectly fine, and same when I close the other. But with both eyes open things don't completely line up.
So I guess my question is… what do I do about this? Is it normal? How can I finally get used to my new glasses?
См. статью: Having a hard time getting used to my new glasses?
So I guess my question is… what do I do about this? Is it normal? How can I finally get used to my new glasses?
См. статью: Having a hard time getting used to my new glasses?
Which of these contacts would look better on me?
Hiya I have dark brown eyes and I want a new look, I'm always the envy of people who have my skin tone, black hair but they have gorgeous green or blue eyes :(
I'm wondering what colour lense will look best!
To help here is a picture of my skin!
Here are the two green contacts
См. статью: Which of these contacts would look better on me?
I'm wondering what colour lense will look best!
To help here is a picture of my skin!
Here are the two green contacts
См. статью: Which of these contacts would look better on me?
Is it POSSIBLE to wear sunglass when having weak eyesight?
OK im 16 year ..im not allowed to wear contact lense and I am always wearing eye glasses to help me see better … I cant see well when I remove my eyeglasses
… summer had started and everyone is buying sunglass OMG but I cant cause I cant see well when I am wearing sunglasses ( u know what I mean )
is it possible for me to wear sunglasses … I mean can I wear sunglass and I can see better with it … lbut I don't want my lense to be invisible. I want my sunglasses to look sunglasses not weak eyesight sunglasses…
http://www.google.com.sa/search?safe=on&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=454&oq=ray+ban+aviator+3025+black+&gs_l=img.3..0i24.2415.11897.0.12663.… 0.0… 1ac.1.14.img.lnOT8jmtWtM&q=ray%20ban%20aviator%203025%20black#imgrc=-aM_njcJ8zoDDM%3A%3BZj342qQAqIOTZM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.raybansunglassescheapshop.com%252FUFiles%252FRayBan%252FRay-Ban-RB3025-Aviator-Large-Metal-Polarized-Black-G-15-XLT_747.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.raybansunglassescheapshop.com%252FRay-Ban-Aviator%252FRay-Ban-RB3025-Aviator-Large-Metal-Polarized-Sunglasses_p-298277.html%3B840%3B490
actually im a big fan of MJ so I want to get these basically
and I want the same black shade is it possible …

… …
and I have these glasses but I don't want get more eye glasses like these this SUMMER

plz help me and im a gurl
См. статью: Is it POSSIBLE to wear sunglass when having weak eyesight?
… summer had started and everyone is buying sunglass OMG but I cant cause I cant see well when I am wearing sunglasses ( u know what I mean )
is it possible for me to wear sunglasses … I mean can I wear sunglass and I can see better with it … lbut I don't want my lense to be invisible. I want my sunglasses to look sunglasses not weak eyesight sunglasses…
http://www.google.com.sa/search?safe=on&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=454&oq=ray+ban+aviator+3025+black+&gs_l=img.3..0i24.2415.11897.0.12663.… 0.0… 1ac.1.14.img.lnOT8jmtWtM&q=ray%20ban%20aviator%203025%20black#imgrc=-aM_njcJ8zoDDM%3A%3BZj342qQAqIOTZM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.raybansunglassescheapshop.com%252FUFiles%252FRayBan%252FRay-Ban-RB3025-Aviator-Large-Metal-Polarized-Black-G-15-XLT_747.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.raybansunglassescheapshop.com%252FRay-Ban-Aviator%252FRay-Ban-RB3025-Aviator-Large-Metal-Polarized-Sunglasses_p-298277.html%3B840%3B490
actually im a big fan of MJ so I want to get these basically
and I want the same black shade is it possible …
… …
and I have these glasses but I don't want get more eye glasses like these this SUMMER
plz help me and im a gurl
См. статью: Is it POSSIBLE to wear sunglass when having weak eyesight?
What would look better on me green contacts or blue?
Hiya I have dark brown eyes and I want a new look, I'm always the envy of people who have my skin tone, black hair but they have gorgeous green or blue eyes :(
I'm wondering what colour lense will look best!
To help here is a picture of my skin!
Here is a pic of some blue contacts…
См. статью: What would look better on me green contacts or blue?
I'm wondering what colour lense will look best!
To help here is a picture of my skin!
Here is a pic of some blue contacts…
См. статью: What would look better on me green contacts or blue?
Do I need to bring my contact lens perscription to meps?
Okay so I'm set to go to meps on Tuesday. I called my optometrist yesterday what my acuity was, she told me 20/50 in my right eye and 20/60 in my left. Just in case I had my perscription faxed to me anyway. Te expiration date was in April of 2013. I stopped wearing my contacts in senior year because I didn't need them anymore. Even though my perscription is expired should I still ring my contacts and perscription? Also if I don't will my eyesight delay my process?
См. статью: Do I need to bring my contact lens perscription to meps?
См. статью: Do I need to bring my contact lens perscription to meps?
Help decipher contact prescription!
I obtained my contact lens prescription from my doctor so I could order them online, but I have no idea what I'm looking at. The site asks for curve, power, diameter, etc and i dont know what is what. Please help!
RX: -8.25 -2.00 x077 20/30 OD
-7.25 -1.00 x098 20/20 OS
K's 41.37/41.87 x55
41.62/41.87 x45
RGP Boston XO
9.2/8.10 -8.75 light blue
9.2/8.00 -8.0 light blue
См. статью: Help decipher contact prescription!
RX: -8.25 -2.00 x077 20/30 OD
-7.25 -1.00 x098 20/20 OS
K's 41.37/41.87 x55
41.62/41.87 x45
RGP Boston XO
9.2/8.10 -8.75 light blue
9.2/8.00 -8.0 light blue
См. статью: Help decipher contact prescription!
Is eye grade 50 can wear a contact lens with grade -5.00?
Is eye grade 50 can wear a contact lens with grade -5.00?
См. статью: Is eye grade 50 can wear a contact lens with grade -5.00?
См. статью: Is eye grade 50 can wear a contact lens with grade -5.00?
Friday, May 17, 2013
Blue contact lenses on dark brown eyes?
My eyes are this colour:
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=brown%20eyes&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=SMCWUYOQAqiU0AXnu4GwBA&biw=1366&bih=643&sei=S8CWUZaWO7Sk0AXGpIHAAw#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=dark+brown+eye&revid=1808373312&sa=X&ei=TMCWUc7YH6Go0AWgs4GIBw&ved=0CJIBEIMW&bav=on.2, or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46751780, d.d2k&fp=db2f9d7b3411f6c0&biw=1366&bih=643&imgrc=I1fSceLf3lXMrM%3A%3B0oJMS3L-Eh7_KM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F2.bp.blogspot.com%252F-Dc3jTSBxf3E%252FTneLwVqTe3I%252FAAAAAAAAKJ4%252Fz58NJyUGc5Q%252Fs400%252F.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbrasseriealize.blogspot.com%252F2011%252F11%252Feye-makeup-for-brown-eyes.html%3B355%3B276
what would they look like if I bought these?:
Please help! and if anyone has a picture, that would be great!!!
См. статью: Blue contact lenses on dark brown eyes?
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=brown%20eyes&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=SMCWUYOQAqiU0AXnu4GwBA&biw=1366&bih=643&sei=S8CWUZaWO7Sk0AXGpIHAAw#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=dark+brown+eye&revid=1808373312&sa=X&ei=TMCWUc7YH6Go0AWgs4GIBw&ved=0CJIBEIMW&bav=on.2, or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46751780, d.d2k&fp=db2f9d7b3411f6c0&biw=1366&bih=643&imgrc=I1fSceLf3lXMrM%3A%3B0oJMS3L-Eh7_KM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F2.bp.blogspot.com%252F-Dc3jTSBxf3E%252FTneLwVqTe3I%252FAAAAAAAAKJ4%252Fz58NJyUGc5Q%252Fs400%252F.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbrasseriealize.blogspot.com%252F2011%252F11%252Feye-makeup-for-brown-eyes.html%3B355%3B276
what would they look like if I bought these?:
Please help! and if anyone has a picture, that would be great!!!
См. статью: Blue contact lenses on dark brown eyes?
Creative name for an English honors presentation?
I'm a senior, and I've written a 10 page research paper for my honors Literature of Fantasy and Fairy Tales class. Next week we're presenting them.In my essay I explore essence of childhood through the lens of William Blake; then, I compare his work to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, where I contend that the blissful, utopian nature of Queen Titania's "Fairy Land" serves as a microcosm for the Romantic outlook of the essence of childhood as a whole.
Here's my rough title right now, but I really dont like it…
Songs of Innocence and Subservience: An Examination of the Influence of Shakespeare's Fairies on the Romantic View of Childhood
And yes, it needs to be formatted like that (shorter title that catches the eye with a colon, followed by a more detailed description)
Calling all Shakespeareans or avid William Blake fans! I need your help please!
См. статью: Creative name for an English honors presentation?
Here's my rough title right now, but I really dont like it…
Songs of Innocence and Subservience: An Examination of the Influence of Shakespeare's Fairies on the Romantic View of Childhood
And yes, it needs to be formatted like that (shorter title that catches the eye with a colon, followed by a more detailed description)
Calling all Shakespeareans or avid William Blake fans! I need your help please!
См. статью: Creative name for an English honors presentation?
Blue contact lenses on dark brown eyes? - 1
Can anyone suggest any good blue contact lenses for me?
I have medium-dark brown hair with dark brown eyes and a slightly tanned skin colour.
I would really like some blue contacts to try, but I'm not sure what ones to get or where to get them from.
I've been told darker blue contacts would look better rather than light as my hair is dark.
I also want then to be more natural looking for casual use, rather than fake looking for parties.
I have also been looking on amazon and it's quite misleading as the reviews are 50/50 on how good they are; some say they are too bright and aren't worth buying.
I also don't want to spend too much.
Can anyone help me out?
(people from the UK only please)
См. статью: Blue contact lenses on dark brown eyes? - 1
I have medium-dark brown hair with dark brown eyes and a slightly tanned skin colour.
I would really like some blue contacts to try, but I'm not sure what ones to get or where to get them from.
I've been told darker blue contacts would look better rather than light as my hair is dark.
I also want then to be more natural looking for casual use, rather than fake looking for parties.
I have also been looking on amazon and it's quite misleading as the reviews are 50/50 on how good they are; some say they are too bright and aren't worth buying.
I also don't want to spend too much.
Can anyone help me out?
(people from the UK only please)
См. статью: Blue contact lenses on dark brown eyes? - 1
How much do GP contact lenses cost?
I've worn glasses for almost three years, but my prescription has gotten stronger, and now I need to wear the glasses for sports. The problem is, I'm a fencer, and glasses really don't fit under the mask.
I know the cost of contacts varies with each person, but what would a range of costs be? I'm near sighted, I think the prescription is 1 in one eye and 1.5 in the other.
См. статью: How much do GP contact lenses cost?
I know the cost of contacts varies with each person, but what would a range of costs be? I'm near sighted, I think the prescription is 1 in one eye and 1.5 in the other.
См. статью: How much do GP contact lenses cost?
Can contact Lenses expire i need to know?
I was wondering i bought my contact lenses on October 12th 2011 so now we are in May 16th 2013 it meas i got it 2yrs ago it's new i did not open it yet i did not wear it ye.So my questions is did expire yet?
См. статью: Can contact Lenses expire i need to know?
См. статью: Can contact Lenses expire i need to know?
Bausch and lomb soflens fragile?
I bought some bausch and lomb soflens 38 contact lenses 2 weeks ago. They are monthly contact lenses and I have 3 pairs of them. And by now I have already torn 4 pieces … Am i doing something wrong? I wear them 5-6 times a week, 8 hours average. I'm a fairly new contact lens wearer, I have had a biofinity contact lenses as my trial pair I did not have problems with it at all and they lasted me a whole month. What am i doing wrong? Also, what kind/brand of contact lenses do you guys recommend?
См. статью: Bausch and lomb soflens fragile?
См. статью: Bausch and lomb soflens fragile?
Super dry eyes.would rewetting drops help?
I'm very allergic to oak pollen.which happens to be out right now.It irritates my eyes very badly. I haven't been itching them but they're currently very dry and uncomfortable. I'm out of my patenol eyedrops but I do have lubricating/rewetting eyedrops for contacts. I'm not wearing the contacts, they're colored lenses that I don't wear daily.So I just happen to have these eyedrops laying around. Would they be helpful? I've never actually had to use them before.
См. статью: Super dry eyes.would rewetting drops help?
См. статью: Super dry eyes.would rewetting drops help?
Is it ok to have a slight difference between the two eyes?
I wear contact lenses both 1.50, but I feel there is a slight difference between the two eyes, is it ok to have that difference?
Thank YOU
См. статью: Is it ok to have a slight difference between the two eyes?
Thank YOU
См. статью: Is it ok to have a slight difference between the two eyes?
What's a BC in Contact lenses!
So I bought two boxes of contact lenses, I am using one box and I saw on the box its written, BC = 8.7.
And the other one box its written BC= 8.6
Is there a difference? Will I feel ok if I wore the 8.6 BC? Or what?
I am new to contacts so thank YOU?
Added (1). Can I switch between them too?
См. статью: What's a BC in Contact lenses!
And the other one box its written BC= 8.6
Is there a difference? Will I feel ok if I wore the 8.6 BC? Or what?
I am new to contacts so thank YOU?
Added (1). Can I switch between them too?
См. статью: What's a BC in Contact lenses!
Sharing contact lenses?
My friend gave me his colored contact lens that he has been using for 6 months now. We have the same prescription and base curve.
I rinsed the contact with Clear Care hydrogen Peroxide Solution and now have it soaking in the solution for about 10 hours.
Is it okay to pop them in my eye for only a minute to see what the look like.
I also have tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension eye drops that are an antibiotic that I can use immediately after. Thanks
См. статью: Sharing contact lenses?
I rinsed the contact with Clear Care hydrogen Peroxide Solution and now have it soaking in the solution for about 10 hours.
Is it okay to pop them in my eye for only a minute to see what the look like.
I also have tobramycin and dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension eye drops that are an antibiotic that I can use immediately after. Thanks
См. статью: Sharing contact lenses?
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Can I use opti-free solution to flush my bearded dragon's eye?
The vet told me to use contact solution to flush out my beardie's infected eye before applying the antibiotic. I just wanted to know if opti-free was safe?
См. статью: Can I use opti-free solution to flush my bearded dragon's eye?
См. статью: Can I use opti-free solution to flush my bearded dragon's eye?
What could be wrong with my dog's eye?
Alright we adopted this dog from the humane society about a month or two ago.
I read her medical history and she had a problem with her left eye.It keeps getting red and inflamed, and looks like it is sinking in her socket. There is also a little blue lens thing coming from the inner corner of her eye. We took her to the vet and she gave her medicine to take.It seemed like it went away the eye looked perfectly fine.So we stopped the treatment like the doctor said after a week.
It seemed like it was going to stay away. Also she had this while she was in the society but they said that it was fixed that is why they let us adopt her.
Any ways and after we stopped the treatment, two weeks later it came back. Just like it did before the medicine.So I took her to the vet again yesterday and she told me to use the medicine again for a week while she researches if I need a specialist. I'm just a little impatient and wanna hear what people think here. Thank you for your time this is important to me.
Added (1). Also she is a Greater Swiss mixed with border collie, about 1 year old
См. статью: What could be wrong with my dog's eye?
I read her medical history and she had a problem with her left eye.It keeps getting red and inflamed, and looks like it is sinking in her socket. There is also a little blue lens thing coming from the inner corner of her eye. We took her to the vet and she gave her medicine to take.It seemed like it went away the eye looked perfectly fine.So we stopped the treatment like the doctor said after a week.
It seemed like it was going to stay away. Also she had this while she was in the society but they said that it was fixed that is why they let us adopt her.
Any ways and after we stopped the treatment, two weeks later it came back. Just like it did before the medicine.So I took her to the vet again yesterday and she told me to use the medicine again for a week while she researches if I need a specialist. I'm just a little impatient and wanna hear what people think here. Thank you for your time this is important to me.
Added (1). Also she is a Greater Swiss mixed with border collie, about 1 year old
См. статью: What could be wrong with my dog's eye?
Do I need toric lenses?
I have astigmatism in both my eyes, I think it's relatively weak.Do I need toric lenses or can I get by without. I don't mind having slightly weaker vision without them, the price difference between normal and toric is massive.
I'm not entirely sure what my prescription is so I've taken photos of the box my previous lenses came in, they have some numbers on the side.
Left eye
Right eye
Thanks in advance
См. статью: Do I need toric lenses?
I'm not entirely sure what my prescription is so I've taken photos of the box my previous lenses came in, they have some numbers on the side.
Left eye
Right eye
Thanks in advance
См. статью: Do I need toric lenses?
Two weekly contact lenses?
I currently wear daily disposables and glasses a few times a week as my eyes are still developing (I'm 14)
However, disposables are slightly expensive and it's a nightmare when they run out as I hate my glasses
Should I switch to two weekly lenses?
How hard are they to take care of?
Are there any cons?
См. статью: Two weekly contact lenses?
However, disposables are slightly expensive and it's a nightmare when they run out as I hate my glasses
Should I switch to two weekly lenses?
How hard are they to take care of?
Are there any cons?
См. статью: Two weekly contact lenses?
Tried circle lenses 3 days.did I damage my eyes?
Ok so I don't wear glasses or contacts, just decided to try circle lens to wear on occasion.
So I soaked in clear care 8 hr, washed hands and air dried them, had no problems getting contacts in.
I wore for one day 8hours. I skipped a day and wore them like 3 or 4 hours. Yesterday I wore them 8hours.
They didn't hurt but I could "feel them in my eyes".In my left eye, In a specific spot each time, id feel like something was in my eye.So I'd kind of "rotate" the lens til it got better, which I think *** up my eye.
Now if I take two mirrors, I can see ripples in my eyes, and they both look a bit discolored. Like grayish? And I see white spots.
What do I do? Right now my left eye does hurt really, just feels uncomfortable. Right eye is fine altogether. Left eye feels like something tight is on there?
I have blue cross blue shield. I don't know if I should do ER, urgent care, or optometrist.
Please no bullshit comments if you're not experienced in some way. Either have reason for medical opinion or have worn circle lens before.
If it helps the brand is I. fairy.
Help please asap
Added (1). I meant to type is DOES NOT hurt, but if I rotate my eye in rapid circles, it may or may not hurt. Could this just heal itself? Again. NOT red. Just so slightly discolored.My eyes look white a normal unless you look really hard. I could be suffering from paranoia lol
Added (2). Ok so now my left eye seems fine, but it would seem my outermost layer of my cornea is scratched.
I got an appt with doc Monday. E
См. статью: Tried circle lenses 3 days.did I damage my eyes?
So I soaked in clear care 8 hr, washed hands and air dried them, had no problems getting contacts in.
I wore for one day 8hours. I skipped a day and wore them like 3 or 4 hours. Yesterday I wore them 8hours.
They didn't hurt but I could "feel them in my eyes".In my left eye, In a specific spot each time, id feel like something was in my eye.So I'd kind of "rotate" the lens til it got better, which I think *** up my eye.
Now if I take two mirrors, I can see ripples in my eyes, and they both look a bit discolored. Like grayish? And I see white spots.
What do I do? Right now my left eye does hurt really, just feels uncomfortable. Right eye is fine altogether. Left eye feels like something tight is on there?
I have blue cross blue shield. I don't know if I should do ER, urgent care, or optometrist.
Please no bullshit comments if you're not experienced in some way. Either have reason for medical opinion or have worn circle lens before.
If it helps the brand is I. fairy.
Help please asap
Added (1). I meant to type is DOES NOT hurt, but if I rotate my eye in rapid circles, it may or may not hurt. Could this just heal itself? Again. NOT red. Just so slightly discolored.My eyes look white a normal unless you look really hard. I could be suffering from paranoia lol
Added (2). Ok so now my left eye seems fine, but it would seem my outermost layer of my cornea is scratched.
I got an appt with doc Monday. E
См. статью: Tried circle lenses 3 days.did I damage my eyes?
Can you wear contact lenses during basic training in any branch of military?
I was thinking about going into the air force in particular… but which branches allow you to wear contacts during training?
См. статью: Can you wear contact lenses during basic training in any branch of military?
См. статью: Can you wear contact lenses during basic training in any branch of military?
Buying contacts online from Vision Direct?
Does anyone have any experience buying contact lenses from Vision Direct? I've always ordered from 1-800-Contacts, but Vision Direct does appear to be a lot cheaper.
См. статью: Buying contacts online from Vision Direct?
См. статью: Buying contacts online from Vision Direct?
When do you put and take out ur contact lenses?
From what time or day do u insert them and even do u take them out? Also do u wear them well swimming or on road trip or on plane
См. статью: When do you put and take out ur contact lenses?
См. статью: When do you put and take out ur contact lenses?
Mucus in eyes every morning!
Every day, for the last 8 MONTHS, I've been getting this mucus like discharge in my eyes, mainly when I wake up in the morning. They won't go away if I blink or try to wash it out. I have to literally take it out. I've been to 3 different doctors, one of them a corneal specialist, and they've either said it was an infection, over-active immune system, or an allergy to my contact lens material. But I don't think it's any of those, because I've been wearing contacts since 4th grade, and I'm in 8th now. & I've taken anti-biotics, steroids, and many other dry eye and various eye drops. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like nobody really understands what I'm trying to say. Please please please help if you know what I'm talking about or how to fix it. ):
См. статью: Mucus in eyes every morning!
См. статью: Mucus in eyes every morning!
Can i wear contact lens and still become a lifeguard? please keep me?
I really want to become a lifeguard(i live in ny)
См. статью: Can i wear contact lens and still become a lifeguard? please keep me?
См. статью: Can i wear contact lens and still become a lifeguard? please keep me?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Are acuve contact lenses prescription and colour comfortable?
Are acuve contact lenses prescription and colour comfortable ?
См. статью: Are acuve contact lenses prescription and colour comfortable?
См. статью: Are acuve contact lenses prescription and colour comfortable?
Colored contact lens help?
I'd like a pair of colored contacts for a cosplay. I need for them to make my rather dark brown eyes green. The problem is, I haven't been able to find a brand that has both the color I need AND vision correction. I have astigmatism in one eye only, so I need a toric lens for it.
Here's a list of what I'd like from these contacts:
- Noticable, opaque green color to cover dark eyes
- Vision correction
- Astigmatism correction (toric lens for one eye only, so I need both varieties. One for each eye.)
What I wear every day is Acuvue Oaysis in one eye and Acuvue Oaysis for Astigmatism in the other.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
См. статью: Colored contact lens help?
Here's a list of what I'd like from these contacts:
- Noticable, opaque green color to cover dark eyes
- Vision correction
- Astigmatism correction (toric lens for one eye only, so I need both varieties. One for each eye.)
What I wear every day is Acuvue Oaysis in one eye and Acuvue Oaysis for Astigmatism in the other.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
См. статью: Colored contact lens help?
Does ClearEyes work for contacts?
I need ClearEyes for something.My friend has regular ClearEyes. I know they make one for contact lenses, but can those damage your eyes? or do they work fine?
См. статью: Does ClearEyes work for contacts?
См. статью: Does ClearEyes work for contacts?
Contacts sting when I put them in? - 1
I just got contacts for the 1st time yesterday. When I go to put them in, they instantly and severely sting my eyes, and tears run down my face and my nose starts running. I went back up there today and got new lenses, and a different type of solution, and it still does it.
См. статью: Contacts sting when I put them in? - 1
См. статью: Contacts sting when I put them in? - 1
I can't see near very well with my contact lensese?
I've recently bought contact lenses, I can see perfectly far, however, I can't read very well? it's like that lines become blurred and clear over and over! any idea what's the problem?
См. статью: I can't see near very well with my contact lensese?
См. статью: I can't see near very well with my contact lensese?
Should I get circle lenses [pic]?
I was thinking of purchasing a pair of circle lenses just for fun.My friend has a pair and they look so pretty! I wanted to get a honey brown color since I have very light grayish blue eyes and a brown color would match my hair. Would that look nice? I'm not sure > .<; what color should I get I can't decide…
Here's a pic of me (my eyes mostly lol)

I know the lighting is bad lol but my eyes are usually very light.
См. статью: Should I get circle lenses [pic]?
Here's a pic of me (my eyes mostly lol)
I know the lighting is bad lol but my eyes are usually very light.
См. статью: Should I get circle lenses [pic]?
Problem with new glasses.?
I got new glasses but I have low set ears and I think the glasses were made wrong. I have really bad eyesight, -6, and for the past 5 years I have been wearing only contacts. But my eyes have been irritating me a bit lately so I decided to get glasses to give my eyes a break at least in the evening.So I went to the optician, had an eye exam, and the lady helped me settle on a large pair of plastic glasses. I wasnt getting them thinned so I chose the thickest plastic i could find to hide the lens as much as possible.
So i picked up my glasses today. I went home, took off my lenses and gave my eyes about 10 minutes to rest and then put the glasses on. Everything was a bit… not exactly blurry but something was wrong. Especially things that were lower, like the keyboard. The letters were a bit smudged and kind of like double-visioned. However, when I lifted the back of the glasses up about a quarter of an inch to where ears usually are everything came into focus and looked great.
So is it possible that the glasses were made wrong in relation to the position of my ears? I know that everything looks different when you switch to glasses, but the way the glasses are now is unwearable, I had to take them off after a few minutes, and it was clearly better when I lifted the backs up. If I go back to the optician will they fix it somehow, or can I return them? I don't want to have lost a few hundred bucks on glasses I can't use…
См. статью: Problem with new glasses.?
So i picked up my glasses today. I went home, took off my lenses and gave my eyes about 10 minutes to rest and then put the glasses on. Everything was a bit… not exactly blurry but something was wrong. Especially things that were lower, like the keyboard. The letters were a bit smudged and kind of like double-visioned. However, when I lifted the back of the glasses up about a quarter of an inch to where ears usually are everything came into focus and looked great.
So is it possible that the glasses were made wrong in relation to the position of my ears? I know that everything looks different when you switch to glasses, but the way the glasses are now is unwearable, I had to take them off after a few minutes, and it was clearly better when I lifted the backs up. If I go back to the optician will they fix it somehow, or can I return them? I don't want to have lost a few hundred bucks on glasses I can't use…
См. статью: Problem with new glasses.?
Will contact lenses melt or react negatively to intense heat in any way shape or form?
I recently started fire school to become a fireman and on the second day of class I realized that my eye glasses were causing my mask on my SCBA to not seal. I then started to think about wearing contact lenses so that I will still be able to see with my SCBA but I don't know how they will handle heat from a house or chemical fire. Any info will be much appreciated!!!
См. статью: Will contact lenses melt or react negatively to intense heat in any way shape or form?
См. статью: Will contact lenses melt or react negatively to intense heat in any way shape or form?
For circle lenses, is diameter 15mm too big?
For circle lenses, is diameter 15mm too big?
См. статью: For circle lenses, is diameter 15mm too big?
См. статью: For circle lenses, is diameter 15mm too big?
Uncomfortable Eyes after rubbing at night?
Hi I have some questions regarding my eyes. Basically, last night before I went to sleep I started rubbing my eyes rather hard and all of the sudden I felt a foreign object went into the bottom eyelid of my eyes. Thinking that it would go off on its own, I started blinking hard and multiple times, only to find that the foreign object went into the inner upper eyelid. I dun recall my fingers coming into contact with my eyeball or anything but when I close my eyes, I felt as if there was a stone rolling about in my eyes and it was really difficult to keep my eyes closed. But nevertheless I forced myself to keep my eyes closed, hoping that it would be better the next day but it didn't go away. I tried using water to flush the foreign particle out but it didn't work. The stranger part is that the uncomfortable feeling goes away when I wear contact lenses. What should I do because I dun wanna wear contact lenses at home Just to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling. Can someone please tell me what is going on and what I should do ?
См. статью: Uncomfortable Eyes after rubbing at night?
См. статью: Uncomfortable Eyes after rubbing at night?
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
In NC or any other state can you work in the law inforcement being slightly colorblind?
I'm a college student and I'm trying to major in criminal justice.My dream job is to be a game warden but there's a problem, I'm slightly colorblind. I can see all color but I've taken some onsite test and well I can tell I have a hard time seeing the number test( red green defficient) I've done some research myself and have found a doctor in Maryland who created these color vision contact lenses for colorblind people which is suppose to help pass the ishihara eye vision test. Well my question is can I still have my hopes high in becoming a game warden I should I try and start looking for a plan B? Would Really appreciate any second opinion here!
См. статью: In NC or any other state can you work in the law inforcement being slightly colorblind?
См. статью: In NC or any other state can you work in the law inforcement being slightly colorblind?
Should I message her or what or is this creepy?
Saw a girl whom I spoke to briefly a couple of years back in high school before I graduated
We weren't best of friends, let alone friends. We just talked at times. I saw her at the gym today, and idk if she even remembers me. Should I send her a message saying,
"Hey. I was wondering if you were at the gym today. I couldn't tell because I wasn't wearing my contact lenses lol"
Should I say that? What happens if she doesn't message me? Then again, WHO CARES. I've been rejected a million times before. This one isn't going to be different if she does
Or is that creepy lol
См. статью: Should I message her or what or is this creepy?
We weren't best of friends, let alone friends. We just talked at times. I saw her at the gym today, and idk if she even remembers me. Should I send her a message saying,
"Hey. I was wondering if you were at the gym today. I couldn't tell because I wasn't wearing my contact lenses lol"
Should I say that? What happens if she doesn't message me? Then again, WHO CARES. I've been rejected a million times before. This one isn't going to be different if she does
Or is that creepy lol
См. статью: Should I message her or what or is this creepy?
How long does it take to get used to High Index lenses?
I just switched from low index lenses to high index lenses. I did this because they are supposed to be optically better. Every time I wear the new lenses my eyes feel slightly off, like they are unsure how to focus. The when I take them off I feel a bit dizzy. I do agree that when I have them on, there is no distortion and things look much clearer than with my old pair. The eye Dr.said that it can take a week or a few weeks to adjust to the higher index, and that some people never adjust at all. Has any one else made the switch? How long did it take to adjust? Any tips?
См. статью: How long does it take to get used to High Index lenses?
См. статью: How long does it take to get used to High Index lenses?
What are the best websites to buy authentic circle lenses?
What are the best websites to buy authentic circle lenses?
См. статью: What are the best websites to buy authentic circle lenses?
См. статью: What are the best websites to buy authentic circle lenses?
How to Remove Glare From My Glasses?
I look at someone, trying to make eye contact, the only thing they see is light. Light is always on my lenses, any way/solution to get rid of this?
См. статью: How to Remove Glare From My Glasses?
См. статью: How to Remove Glare From My Glasses?
What is my contact lens prescription? - 1
The following is the result of my most recent eye exam. Says glasses prescription on the top and I'm wondering what is the contact lens prescription:
OD: SPH, -1.25 CYL -0.50, AXIS 180, V. A. 1.0
OD: SPH, -1.25 CYL -0.50, AXIS 30, V. A. 1.0
См. статью: What is my contact lens prescription? - 1
OD: SPH, -1.25 CYL -0.50, AXIS 180, V. A. 1.0
OD: SPH, -1.25 CYL -0.50, AXIS 30, V. A. 1.0
См. статью: What is my contact lens prescription? - 1
Glasses worse than contacts: same prescription?
I've been wearing contacts lately, and decided to update my glasses to my contacts prescription. I've had them for about a week, and I have realized that they seem to work less effectively than my contacts. I can still see, but word seem to be fuzzier.Is this normal? Perhaps it is because the glasses sit further away from my eyes than contact lenses, or maybe I am just not used to it. I am also not sure if it is just my eyes being tired. The new glasses were pretty expensive, and I would feel really awful if I had to buy a new pair with an updated prescription when I literally just bough these.
См. статью: Glasses worse than contacts: same prescription?
См. статью: Glasses worse than contacts: same prescription?
Do glasses block the eye-damaging radiation of flat-screen monitors?
Since I got a flat-screen monitor for my computer several years ago, I've noticed that it bothers my eyes to look at it too long, and my vision has gotten worse. Are the lenses of glasses enough to block the harmful effects when looking at the screen?
См. статью: Do glasses block the eye-damaging radiation of flat-screen monitors?
См. статью: Do glasses block the eye-damaging radiation of flat-screen monitors?
Can't insert my contacts?
I recently got soft contact lenses two days ago. I'm getting really frustrated, I took more than an hour getting my contact in my right eye, and I tried for more than an hour to get my left eye, but since my eye was getting really red and sore, I stopped. This is for both at the doctor's and at my home. I spend more than 2 hours trying to put on my contacts each time I try.
I don't think I'm afraid of the contacts, I can touch my eye fine and my blinking has stopped (yesterday it was terrible, but today it stopped), but my main problem is the contact itself.It bends and folds when I'm inserting it and I can't seem to get it in! Also, the contact sticks to my finger and it doesn't go off my finger and onto my eye. (I've tried drying my finger, but no luck, it's still stuck mostly on my finger) And what frustrates me even more is that I haven't even gotten my left contact in once, but I don't want to give up. I want to wear contacts.
I have no problem getting them out, I got them out in less than a minute at the doctor's and at home, but I have no idea why I can't put them in.
См. статью: Can't insert my contacts?
I don't think I'm afraid of the contacts, I can touch my eye fine and my blinking has stopped (yesterday it was terrible, but today it stopped), but my main problem is the contact itself.It bends and folds when I'm inserting it and I can't seem to get it in! Also, the contact sticks to my finger and it doesn't go off my finger and onto my eye. (I've tried drying my finger, but no luck, it's still stuck mostly on my finger) And what frustrates me even more is that I haven't even gotten my left contact in once, but I don't want to give up. I want to wear contacts.
I have no problem getting them out, I got them out in less than a minute at the doctor's and at home, but I have no idea why I can't put them in.
См. статью: Can't insert my contacts?
My contacts fell out of my eye!
So it was about 10:00PM and I was on my computer.My contacts are usable for 14 days and I was wearing my contacts for about 12 hours. I blinked and I had a weird feeling in my eye and it turned out that my contact fell out of my eye. When I touched it, it felt really dry and it was a weird shape like an oval and not a normal circle shape. I was surprised because this has happened before at school, but I think I accidently wore the contacts for longer than 14 days, but these contacts were brand-new and I opened them yesterday morning. I put them in my contact lens case in fresh solution. But what do I do? Should I throw them out? Or can I still wear them?
См. статью: My contacts fell out of my eye!
См. статью: My contacts fell out of my eye!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Can i use eye glass exam to order contacts?
Can i use eye glass exam to get contact lens
См. статью: Can i use eye glass exam to order contacts?
См. статью: Can i use eye glass exam to order contacts?
Did my New contacts made my eye bloodshot?
Hi! I jut got contacts Saturday, the doctor said I blink a lot. Soo Saturday night he said to only wear them two hours and so when I was taking them out I could not for the life of me remove my left one. I pinched my actual eye ball a few times and now (Monday) my eye is very bloodshot in the far left corner of my eye
Also could I be allergic to the solution it just have dry eyes? I was putting my contacts in yesterday morning and they burned like a mother f***r lol
Contacts are avaira toric lenses and solution is optifresh
См. статью: Did my New contacts made my eye bloodshot?
Also could I be allergic to the solution it just have dry eyes? I was putting my contacts in yesterday morning and they burned like a mother f***r lol
Contacts are avaira toric lenses and solution is optifresh
См. статью: Did my New contacts made my eye bloodshot?
Pick five names out of these?
Pick out your five favorite names and tell me what you think they will look like and what their personality will be. E. g Skyler Paul- Blonde hair blue eyes. Quiet but clever always reading.
Skyler Paul
Damian Leuis
Caolán (Kay-Len) Jack
Jaxon Blaine
Landon Thomas
Daelán (Day-Len) Zachary
Darian Lindon
Jasper Fynn
Dylian (Dil-ee-an) Ianto (yan-toe)
См. статью: Pick five names out of these?
Skyler Paul
Damian Leuis
Caolán (Kay-Len) Jack
Jaxon Blaine
Landon Thomas
Daelán (Day-Len) Zachary
Darian Lindon
Jasper Fynn
Dylian (Dil-ee-an) Ianto (yan-toe)
См. статью: Pick five names out of these?
Walmart vision center, how much does it cost to get prescription lenses?
I already went for an eye exam and it cost me $70.i thought my insurance covered it but they told me i had to pay this amount just right after i did the exam.the doctor said i should come back in two weeks so he can give me the prescription.im reluctant to come back because they might rip me off again and charge me for a piece of paper! my question is, after the trial, did they charge you again for seeing the doctor and getting the written prescription?
См. статью: Walmart vision center, how much does it cost to get prescription lenses?
См. статью: Walmart vision center, how much does it cost to get prescription lenses?
How to get waterproof mascara off of your contact lense?
I accidently got a little bit of waterproof mascara on my contact lense. I JUST got these lenses today so I really don't want to throw them out yet (they're the kind that you throw out every month).
Is there any way to get it off?
См. статью: How to get waterproof mascara off of your contact lense?
Is there any way to get it off?
См. статью: How to get waterproof mascara off of your contact lense?
If contact lenses fall can you still wear them?
So i was trying to put my contacts on and the left contact fell and got stuck on my blow dryer is it ok to still use it?
См. статью: If contact lenses fall can you still wear them?
См. статью: If contact lenses fall can you still wear them?
Am i putting in my contacts correctly?
When i go to the opticians to get my contact lenses in (i quit after my 7th go, i just can't seem to do it), my contact lenses can't seem to attatch on the eye. When i put them in, my optician says i have to put it on my pupil at the centre of my eye, move the contact towards the tear duct and push up to get it undermeath my eyelid.It's really fiddly stuff, and i'm just pushing the contact around my eye which feels horrible.
Why can't i get it in? :( i really want them!
P.s.my eyes are quite sensitive. When i put a contact lens in my right eye, i just can't look with my left or keep it open for some reason. I have to do it by touch
См. статью: Am i putting in my contacts correctly?
Why can't i get it in? :( i really want them!
P.s.my eyes are quite sensitive. When i put a contact lens in my right eye, i just can't look with my left or keep it open for some reason. I have to do it by touch
См. статью: Am i putting in my contacts correctly?
Advice me someone please.i am a garbage for this man.crying my eyes out :?
I got married 6 months back. This man was very loving and sweet initially, he use to pamper me and all but rule my life. I dint found offensive as he loved me so much. He was a model and i never wanted to marry one model but he said he has left modelling for good. He doesnt want me to work, i left my job where i was earning heaps, i left my job, he doesnt want me to wear few type of clothes, doesnt want me to color my hair, wear b'ful lenses, go out with friends at evening etc and i obeyed him.
Lately we are having lot of fights as even if i ask him slightest of small thing, he gets hyper and controlling. He throw things, break things and hit himself a lot which scares me. He threat me of calling my father all the time. He gets violent. I also use to shout back when i cry but now i have left. Since 1.5 months he is having some weak erection, he cant intercoursee anymore and i am being very supportive, very very supportive but he keeps taking out his frustrations on me. Now he keeps shouting and i keep taking him fingers pointing just 1 cm away from my face and his loud volume. I cry everyday for hours. He has started lying, deleting items from his mobile for no reason. He keep searching his ex wife, her husband every single day on fb.My trust has completely shattered of his lying, deleting things and now if i ask him or confirm him anything in a calm manner, he gets wild and angry.in anger i also say things which are not right but its only after he throw things and makes me crazy.
Yesterday i was ready for his friends party and i just checked something i had a doubt on in a sweet calm manner, he gt so wild and frustrated, he started throwing clothes and screamed on me so badly for 10 mins, i was quite. Then i just said you are taking your frustrations on me. He got so wild towards me as if i said something in a taunt which i dint. I went to him and asked lets go to the party.
After party he was suppose to take me out as we dint go out since so many days. But his all frds were going out and i dint feel like. I just said lets go alone somewhere, he said ok and was very sweet in the party with me but later he was so cold to me in the car and was asking where do you want to go for the heck of it and shouting.i said why are you shouting? I said take me home only. I went home changed my clothes and got out alone for a walk. He dint bother to check for 2 hours where am i. He called and said so much bad things, verbal shitty things i was crynig in park alone.his mother called me and scolded of going out. I cant even go out, my husband scolded me of going out in park ?? :((
Later i came back and he banged the door.after few hours i hugged him, loved him for half an hour and he kept pushing me.i pampered him, put my fingers on his hair and asked him if i can sleep in your hug and he refused and asked me to get off and scolded me that i hate his friends ( which i never) and their wives are far better than me. I cried and slept, he dint wipe my tears.he went to work next morning.
What is my fault? i am crying while writing this.Is he frustrated b'coz of his physical problem. I am being so supportive since month.i have begged him yesterday night to love me take me in his hug but he dint.
I cant leave him, what do i do? please help me :((
См. статью: Advice me someone please.i am a garbage for this man.crying my eyes out :?
Lately we are having lot of fights as even if i ask him slightest of small thing, he gets hyper and controlling. He throw things, break things and hit himself a lot which scares me. He threat me of calling my father all the time. He gets violent. I also use to shout back when i cry but now i have left. Since 1.5 months he is having some weak erection, he cant intercoursee anymore and i am being very supportive, very very supportive but he keeps taking out his frustrations on me. Now he keeps shouting and i keep taking him fingers pointing just 1 cm away from my face and his loud volume. I cry everyday for hours. He has started lying, deleting items from his mobile for no reason. He keep searching his ex wife, her husband every single day on fb.My trust has completely shattered of his lying, deleting things and now if i ask him or confirm him anything in a calm manner, he gets wild and angry.in anger i also say things which are not right but its only after he throw things and makes me crazy.
Yesterday i was ready for his friends party and i just checked something i had a doubt on in a sweet calm manner, he gt so wild and frustrated, he started throwing clothes and screamed on me so badly for 10 mins, i was quite. Then i just said you are taking your frustrations on me. He got so wild towards me as if i said something in a taunt which i dint. I went to him and asked lets go to the party.
After party he was suppose to take me out as we dint go out since so many days. But his all frds were going out and i dint feel like. I just said lets go alone somewhere, he said ok and was very sweet in the party with me but later he was so cold to me in the car and was asking where do you want to go for the heck of it and shouting.i said why are you shouting? I said take me home only. I went home changed my clothes and got out alone for a walk. He dint bother to check for 2 hours where am i. He called and said so much bad things, verbal shitty things i was crynig in park alone.his mother called me and scolded of going out. I cant even go out, my husband scolded me of going out in park ?? :((
Later i came back and he banged the door.after few hours i hugged him, loved him for half an hour and he kept pushing me.i pampered him, put my fingers on his hair and asked him if i can sleep in your hug and he refused and asked me to get off and scolded me that i hate his friends ( which i never) and their wives are far better than me. I cried and slept, he dint wipe my tears.he went to work next morning.
What is my fault? i am crying while writing this.Is he frustrated b'coz of his physical problem. I am being so supportive since month.i have begged him yesterday night to love me take me in his hug but he dint.
I cant leave him, what do i do? please help me :((
См. статью: Advice me someone please.i am a garbage for this man.crying my eyes out :?
Should i use contact lens instead of glasses?
I am using glasses from 6 months ago. Their powers are -2.5 and -2.25.I don't want to wear glasses. Help me to choose the best lens that suit me, so that my eyes get sufficient supply of oxygen and i want to know how many days a pair of hard and soft lens last. I want to wear lens that are affordable means not too much expensive. Should i use hard or soft lens.By the way i want to wear the lens maximum time and that is why i need extended lasting lens. A pair of which lasts minimum 1 year. Please suggest me .
См. статью: Should i use contact lens instead of glasses?
См. статью: Should i use contact lens instead of glasses?
How long will it take for my glasses to arrive?
I have just been to an eye doctor and I need glasses now, I have bout the frame and the lenses, how long does it normally take to get them, I also ordered them on 2 days ago
См. статью: How long will it take for my glasses to arrive?
См. статью: How long will it take for my glasses to arrive?
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Could I go to an eye care office and get lenses made for my glasses?
I bought a pair of ray bans rounded wayfarer sunglasses with the intentions of turning them into prescription sunglasses, could I go to an eye care physician with the frames and my prescription and get lenses made for them? And if so, about how much would it cost? Thank you very much for any help and have a fantastic day!(:
См. статью: Could I go to an eye care office and get lenses made for my glasses?
См. статью: Could I go to an eye care office and get lenses made for my glasses?
Irritation when I DON'T have my contacts in?
I am experiencing an irritation in my left eye that feels like an eye lash. The strange thing is I only feel this when I do NOT have my contacts in. When I put my contacts on the irritation goes away. Because of this, I believe my contact is acting as a protective barrier against something that is touching my eye.At first, I thought it was an ingrown eyelash, but after examining all my eye lashes and having several family members look, all my eye lashes seem to be normal.
So my question is, what can the problem be here?
Like I said, feels like an eyelash is in my eye, but it is NOT an eyelash.
There isn't any sort of foreign object in my eye.
This irritation is only when I do NOT have my contact lens in
There is no pain, just irritation.
Also, an important note: A foreign object flew into my eye yesterday when I was mowing the lawn, which was pretty painful and irritating. I did remove the object, but I didn't get to see it. I was wearing my contacts when this happened also.
Also, if you can identify the issue I am having, how is it treated and should I see my eye doctor?
См. статью: Irritation when I DON'T have my contacts in?
So my question is, what can the problem be here?
Like I said, feels like an eyelash is in my eye, but it is NOT an eyelash.
There isn't any sort of foreign object in my eye.
This irritation is only when I do NOT have my contact lens in
There is no pain, just irritation.
Also, an important note: A foreign object flew into my eye yesterday when I was mowing the lawn, which was pretty painful and irritating. I did remove the object, but I didn't get to see it. I was wearing my contacts when this happened also.
Also, if you can identify the issue I am having, how is it treated and should I see my eye doctor?
См. статью: Irritation when I DON'T have my contacts in?
Are there eye drops for redness that are safe for use with contacts?
The redness is NOT caused by contact lenses - and rewetting or whichever contact lens drops don't work at all for my redness. Used to use various brands prior to wearing contacts and they worked to clear my eyes.
См. статью: Are there eye drops for redness that are safe for use with contacts?
См. статью: Are there eye drops for redness that are safe for use with contacts?
Can you round the contact lense axis number up?
My axis numbers are 85 and 95 but all the contact lenses are rounded up to 10s.
См. статью: Can you round the contact lense axis number up?
См. статью: Can you round the contact lense axis number up?
I got water on my contact lenses?
I'm not supposed to get water anywhere near my contact lenses because it can cause infection, but I accidentally got water in my eyes from the tap, i took my contacts out straight away and I've washed them in solution, but what should I do now? do I have to through the lenses away?
См. статью: I got water on my contact lenses?
См. статью: I got water on my contact lenses?
What would be the best make up for me?
So I have been asking a lot of questions about beauty and stuffs. I just want advice from people for me to improve myself because I'm already a teenager and I really don't fix myself before because I wasn't conscious how I look but right now I am.So I want to know the best makeup for me because I've been doing my make up alone so I'll just do it whenever I go out of the house. I want something that suits me.So, I have a long, straight and black hair.My face is kinda small and circle shaped. I have a big forehead so I cover them with bangs so it wouldn't be noticed. I have a thick eyebrows but I don't know how to clean them. I have an average size of eyes.My nose are not too big and kinda pointy.My lips are kinds small and pouty too. I love wearing contact lens especially doll eyes. Well, as you can see on my avatar my eyes look really big. I love my eyes to be like almond shape.So here is a picture for you. That is me so you can help me. I will post pictures of me with full bangs, side bangs and no bangs. Thank you and I love you so much guys Have a nice day God bless you! :)
Added (1). @The Blunt Ugly Truth: Thank you for the compliment but I really do want to learn how to put the right make up for my face so I wouldn't be going to the salon and ask some gay or homo to fix my face but they only ruin my face with loads of heavy make up. Btw, I used to have short hair like this: /200px-Atsuko_Maeda.jpg&w=200&h=243&ei=F4OPUY3-NsnpiAe7g4CABg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=538&page=1&tbnh=186&tbnw=153&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429, r:2, s:0&tx=418&ty=253.
And I'm a Filipino.
Added (2). @Alexa: Thank you and I wear contact lens to all of my photos that I have posted. I have dark brown eyes. :)
См. статью: What would be the best make up for me?
Added (1). @The Blunt Ugly Truth: Thank you for the compliment but I really do want to learn how to put the right make up for my face so I wouldn't be going to the salon and ask some gay or homo to fix my face but they only ruin my face with loads of heavy make up. Btw, I used to have short hair like this: /200px-Atsuko_Maeda.jpg&w=200&h=243&ei=F4OPUY3-NsnpiAe7g4CABg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=538&page=1&tbnh=186&tbnw=153&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429, r:2, s:0&tx=418&ty=253.
And I'm a Filipino.
Added (2). @Alexa: Thank you and I wear contact lens to all of my photos that I have posted. I have dark brown eyes. :)
См. статью: What would be the best make up for me?
Atheists: I had a wonderful experience that I would like to relate with you?
"Americans are German. You don't even know your own history."
"So I'm degenerate?"
"Yes, I'm sorry to tell you that, but it's true."
"How am I degenerate?" I spread my arms so that she could examine me. Since she was standing on the tier, I was looking up at her, a supplicant. "Can you tell just by looking at me?"
Could she tell I wore contact lenses? My eyesight was terrible.
She glanced away. "I don't like to talk about it directly to you."
She pointed to the crowds in the big square. "Just look at these people! They're all good-looking!"
She was right. But so were the Serbs. Yugoslavs in general were a handsome people. And if you believed short people were inferior, you might also notice how tall they were. I was six-one, and in Montenegro I was always finding myself talking into other men's shirt buttons.
"Do you see a single sick person?" she asked. "Anywhere else in Europe you'd see sick people."
См. статью: Atheists: I had a wonderful experience that I would like to relate with you?
"So I'm degenerate?"
"Yes, I'm sorry to tell you that, but it's true."
"How am I degenerate?" I spread my arms so that she could examine me. Since she was standing on the tier, I was looking up at her, a supplicant. "Can you tell just by looking at me?"
Could she tell I wore contact lenses? My eyesight was terrible.
She glanced away. "I don't like to talk about it directly to you."
She pointed to the crowds in the big square. "Just look at these people! They're all good-looking!"
She was right. But so were the Serbs. Yugoslavs in general were a handsome people. And if you believed short people were inferior, you might also notice how tall they were. I was six-one, and in Montenegro I was always finding myself talking into other men's shirt buttons.
"Do you see a single sick person?" she asked. "Anywhere else in Europe you'd see sick people."
См. статью: Atheists: I had a wonderful experience that I would like to relate with you?
Is wearing colored contact lenses bad for your eyes if you only wear them for one day?
I am thinking of getting some pretty creepy lenses for Halloween but I don't want to mess up my eyes. I am think of getting something like this: 
Also I am 15 years old.So would be wearing these for one day be alright?
См. статью: Is wearing colored contact lenses bad for your eyes if you only wear them for one day?
Also I am 15 years old.So would be wearing these for one day be alright?
См. статью: Is wearing colored contact lenses bad for your eyes if you only wear them for one day?
Can you wear contact lenses in army? or does it have to be glasses?
Also for boot camp. I know they awake you at weird hours and I have to take contacts out every night. Please let me know
См. статью: Can you wear contact lenses in army? or does it have to be glasses?
См. статью: Can you wear contact lenses in army? or does it have to be glasses?
Sleeping with your contacts?
I use monthly.i feel like dailys wouldn't be as bed if you slept in them for the night.
But i would like to know the truth.Is it really that bad to sleep with your contacts in a few nights here and there? Or even just naps?
I've seen some horrid pictures before. Of a guy who stares at a charcoal grill and the lense melted into his eye. And a guy who slept in em like every night and it like stuck to his eye. I get the feeling when i take a hot shower, its pretty hard to take the lens out afterwards…
Added (1). Yea thats what i thought… but all my eye doctors ( total of 4 ) would say its soo horrible.all the time. DONT SLEEP IN THEM. its so bad, never sleep in them.etc etc etc
and i saw some poster once… idk if this was scholarly reviewed or some BS poster if i've ever seen one. And it said it cuts off oxygen? But my eyes are already closed? sooooo, i don't understand how contacts cut off even more? if my eyes are already closed???
См. статью: Sleeping with your contacts?
But i would like to know the truth.Is it really that bad to sleep with your contacts in a few nights here and there? Or even just naps?
I've seen some horrid pictures before. Of a guy who stares at a charcoal grill and the lense melted into his eye. And a guy who slept in em like every night and it like stuck to his eye. I get the feeling when i take a hot shower, its pretty hard to take the lens out afterwards…
Added (1). Yea thats what i thought… but all my eye doctors ( total of 4 ) would say its soo horrible.all the time. DONT SLEEP IN THEM. its so bad, never sleep in them.etc etc etc
and i saw some poster once… idk if this was scholarly reviewed or some BS poster if i've ever seen one. And it said it cuts off oxygen? But my eyes are already closed? sooooo, i don't understand how contacts cut off even more? if my eyes are already closed???
См. статью: Sleeping with your contacts?
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