Saturday, May 10, 2014
Air Optix Contact Lenses?
I have been wearing Acuvue Oasys for about 6 years now. I guess I just hate contacts in general. It is such a pain to take them off and put them on every single day and night. I just saw the commercial for Air Optix contact lenses by CIBA Vision. I believe you can use it for up to 30 nights before disposal.
Has anybody ever used these? Are they comfortable? When you wake up, do your eyes feel sticky like when you would sleep with normal contacts? And can sleeping with contacts for 30 nights in a row be healthy? Thanks.
Read more: Air Optix Contact Lenses?
Maui Jim sunglasses help?
I noticed that the Maui Jim lenses are lighter on the top/bottom lenes and darker in the center of the lenses similar to this picture below. While I am wearing these sunglasses made by Maui Jim, will people be to see my eyes through my sunglasses while I am in the shade or in direct sunlight (no hat, no shade)?
I don't like people looking through my eyes when wearing sunglasses. It looks weird being able to see someone wear sunglasses and their eyes visible. I know that oakley polarized black iridum lenses ahve a mirror reflection but what bout the maui jims?

Read more: Maui Jim sunglasses help?
I don't like people looking through my eyes when wearing sunglasses. It looks weird being able to see someone wear sunglasses and their eyes visible. I know that oakley polarized black iridum lenses ahve a mirror reflection but what bout the maui jims?
Read more: Maui Jim sunglasses help?
Advice on first time contact lenses?
i had a trial today at the opticians where they basically could see if i could put the lenses in/take them out before i got them.
i sat and tried over and over again to get them in but i just cant get the lense in. I get so insanely close to doing it and it's almost like it just gets stuck there and i cant move it any further towards my eye.
i never expected to have as much trouble with it, i'm not afraid of touching my eye and i know it wont hurt to put them in but i just cant make myself do it. I kept on hesitating.
i'm going back to try again in a couple of days.
i wanted to ask this, if anyone reading this wears contact lenses, did you find it difficult to put them in on the first day/trial? How did you get over it?
i've been wearing glasses for nearly 10 years and having to wear them is still annoying, so i would really love to get contacts.
thanks in advance!
Read more: Advice on first time contact lenses?
Is there a website with gaming related colored contacts? If not, where can I design my own?
I have been looking for portal blue and orange colored contact lenses and have found an aino contact lense that looks great for the blue, but I can't find one that looks good for the orange. They should look like the eyes for ATLAS and P-Body.
Read more: Is there a website with gaming related colored contacts? If not, where can I design my own?
Important events before the 1700s?
not including alexander the great, discovery and colonization of america, mongolian invasion of china, crusades, rise and fall of rome, renaissance, or anything in the christian bible
Read more: Important events before the 1700s?
Read more: Important events before the 1700s?
Fell asleep with contacts in? Can I wear them again?
I fell asleep with my contact lenses in last night for about 5-6 hours and when I woke up my eyes were a little bit dry. I took them out right away and my eyes were not irritated at all. Is it still safe to wear those same contacts again because I currently cannot access a new pair. Thank you.
Read more: Fell asleep with contacts in? Can I wear them again?
Contact lenses with eyelash extensions for wedding?
Hi guys I've only been wearing glasses since December and I've used contact lenses only a couple of times… However I'm a bridesmaid in 2 weeks and would like to wear contact lenses but I'd like eyelash extensions.
I've read that you should take them out while getting them done but when insert or remove my contacts I was told to hold my lashes back? I'm now thinking if I do this with extensions won't I pull them out? Has anyone got experience in this?
Read more: Contact lenses with eyelash extensions for wedding?
How to treat swollen eye lid?
Hi, one day i woke up and noticed that my left eye lid was red and swollen. I searched on the internet, and I thought that it was just an infection from my contact lens because I had been going to sleep with them on for several nights. Immediately took them off, and haven't worn them since. It has been about 4 days and the swelling still has not gone away. The swelling has been the same size, and hardening. It almost feels like an eye ball… Disgusting. There are no discharges. Can anyone tell me what this is and the treatment for it? Thank you so much.
Read more: How to treat swollen eye lid?
Is there an official website for coloured eye contacts?
I know they sell them on blue banana however they just don't have the type I'm looking for nor amazon or eBay so is there an actually website just for eye contacts?
Read more: Is there an official website for coloured eye contacts?
Read more: Is there an official website for coloured eye contacts?
When can retinal detachment NOT be fixed?
What actually causes retinal detachment? Will short sightedness definitely lead to it or just increase risk? Can it be fixed? When can it not be fixed? What are other things short sightedness will lead to?
Read more: When can retinal detachment NOT be fixed?
Friday, May 9, 2014
Why can I switch from perfect vision to blurry vision?
A long time ago I went to the eye doctor and they dilated my eyes. Every since then I can switch from blurry vision to perfect vision. I don't think I move my eyes around when I do it either. I have 20/20 vision… Why can I do this?
Read more: Why can I switch from perfect vision to blurry vision?
Maui Jim Sunglasses help?!
I noticed that the Maui Jim lenses are lighter on the top/bottom lenes and darker in the center of the lenses similar to this picture below. While I am wearing these sunglasses made by Maui Jim, will people be to see my eyes through my sunglasses while I am in the shade or in direct sunlight (no hat, no shade)?
I don't like people looking through my eyes when wearing sunglasses. It looks weird being able to see someone wear sunglasses and their eyes visible. I know that oakley polarized black iridum lenses ahve a mirror reflection but what bout the maui jims?

Read more: Maui Jim Sunglasses help?!
I don't like people looking through my eyes when wearing sunglasses. It looks weird being able to see someone wear sunglasses and their eyes visible. I know that oakley polarized black iridum lenses ahve a mirror reflection but what bout the maui jims?
Read more: Maui Jim Sunglasses help?!
New user having problems with contact lenses?
So it's recommended that you take the contact lenses off right eye first, which is what I thought I had done but now basically I couldn't get my left contact out, and by covering my left eye it seems like my right eye still has the contact in yet I can't get it off that eye either. Trying to remove them hurts a lot more than they had done last night even after washing my hands and I'm getting a bit worried I won't be able to get it out at all and have to go to the hospital to have it removed or whatever.
Basically I'm not 100% sure which eye has a contact lense in it and I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get it out, any advice?
Read more: New user having problems with contact lenses?
Do I absolutely need to wear toric contact lenses?
I've been looking for new contact lenses to buy online and I noticed that toric lenses are often more pricy than regular ones. I was curious to know if I could get away with wearing regular contacts or if it's important that I wear toric ones. I heard that if someone has an astigmatism of only -0.50, their doctors don't bother with putting astigmatism in their prescription. Mine is only -0.75. So would I have a hard time seeing if I didn't have toric lenses? I'm 17 by the way (I don't know if that would be helpful at all, but just in case lol).
Here's my prescription:
Power: Left is -4.50 & Right is -4.25
Base Curve: 8.7
Diameter: 14.5
Cylinder: -0.75
Axis: 90
Thank you so much! :)
Read more: Do I absolutely need to wear toric contact lenses?
Reading glasses on top of contacts?
So I'm 16, and wear contact lenses to correct my vision (My prescription is -12, -14 roughly)
I am having trouble reading the whiteboard in school even with the lenses
Are there some cheap reading glasses I can get that will improve my ability to see the board? Or do I need to visit the doctors so they can adjust my prescription?
I'm typically 10-20 feet away from the board depending on the classroom
Read more: Reading glasses on top of contacts?
How to keep my persian's eyes clean?
My persian cat, Bella, gets eye ****. I know how to clean her eyes well enough, but she ends up getting these dark spots that are impossible to get out of her fur. Sometimes I use my nail to pick them out but I don't to keep putting my fingers near her eyes in fear of giving her an infection. Any suggestions?
READ!: I already use contact lens solution, or water, with a soft make up pad. I need OTHER suggestions.
Added (1). I guess g o o k is a swear?
Read more: How to keep my persian's eyes clean?
READ!: I already use contact lens solution, or water, with a soft make up pad. I need OTHER suggestions.
Added (1). I guess g o o k is a swear?
Read more: How to keep my persian's eyes clean?
Where did our eyes come from.Can evolution explain it?
evolution is a philosophy that does not need real evidence only guesses without facts
n The Origin of Species, Darwin experienced a serious difficulty in the face of the eye's complex design. The only solution he found was in pointing to the simpler eye structure found in some creatures as the origin of the more complex eyes found in others. He hypothesized that more complex eyes evolved from simpler ones. However, this claim does not reflect the truth. Paleontology shows that living things emerged in the world with their exceedingly complex structures already intact. The oldest known system of sight is the trilobite eye. This 530-million-year-old compound eye structure, which we touched on in an earlier chapter, is an "optical marvel" which worked with a double lens system. This fact totally invalidates Darwin's assumption that complex eyes evolved from "primitive" eyes
Added (1). Cambrian explosion is an example. No evolved species has yet to be found, only philosophy to explain and then be counted as a fact.Species of that time period were fully made as there are no fossils showing anything different.
Read more: Where did our eyes come from.Can evolution explain it?
Why should I HAVE to get used to new glasses?
I have worn glasses for over 20 years. I have always been near sighted. After having each of my children my vision actually improved to the point that I really barely have a prescription in my left eye and pretty much none in the right eye. I have had the same pair of glasses for 6 years because my prescription never changed. Last year I had to switch doctors because my old one didn't accept my new insurance. The new doctor was very friendly and thorough. But he was telling me that I had an astigmatism and I could never wear contact lenses (HELLO… I wore contacts for 15 years with zero problems! Only quit because of the cost.) and he said that I am not near sighted but am actually far sighted now! I guess he's correct since can see pretty well far away. And have the beginning of presbyopia (aging eyes). The only reason I even wear glasses now is because that left eye has that touch of prescription it and doesn't match the right eye and bothers me. Anyway, I broke down and bought new glasses finally. Wasn't cheap! Got them today and they are WRONG! The left eye feels wrong, is slightly blurry, and its giving me headaches. I told them this and they said "oh you have to get used to it. Give it a few days"? Why should I have to get used to it? If its the right prescription then it shouldn't take getting used to. A doc told me once if they don't feel right immediately (blurry, slanted floor, just feels off, etc.) then something is wrong. Any thoughts?
Read more: Why should I HAVE to get used to new glasses?
Thursday, May 8, 2014
How many structures in the eye can refract (bend) light?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
I keep on looking and people are saying between 2 and 3. But I am not hundred percent sure.
Read more: How many structures in the eye can refract (bend) light?
B. 2
C. 3
I keep on looking and people are saying between 2 and 3. But I am not hundred percent sure.
Read more: How many structures in the eye can refract (bend) light?
What color eyes go well with tan brown skin?
Hmm? I'd say I'm filipino bown. Like, I can be light and I can get darker, depending on how much I tan. I want to order some circle lenses. I wanna know what color does well with my skin color. Right now I have really dark brown eyes. Like, almost black. My mom says that light brown would look good but I don't know. I kind of agree with her.

this is a picture of me now. I just went swimming yesterday though so I tanned a little, but still. Opinions on eye color?
Read more: What color eyes go well with tan brown skin?
this is a picture of me now. I just went swimming yesterday though so I tanned a little, but still. Opinions on eye color?
Read more: What color eyes go well with tan brown skin?
How to insert contacts if I blink so fast?
my eyes for some unknown reason blink so much. Even putting eye drops I can't do but contacts I though I would give it a try since their is no liquid that you spray into the eye but still my eyes blink are there any tools or a safer method to put contact lens in if you blink so much and can not control it?
Read more: How to insert contacts if I blink so fast?
Eye Contacts Lenses?
Hello. I am having a problem with my contacts lenses i am not sure what is occurring this problem, but the problem is my contact lenses won't stick to my eye i find it easy to put the contact over my pupil (center of my eye) but once the contact touches my eyes it doesn't stick it still is stuck to my finger i make sure my hands are dry and i make sure i drop solution onto the lenses can someone tell me some tips on getting them to stick onto my eye.
Read more: Eye Contacts Lenses?
I don't know what this eyesight problem is?
So for about half a year now, I have began to see sort of 'outlines' of objects when I look at them. I will try very hard to explain this to you, but I don't really know how.
So what happens is, whenever I look at something, I can usually see some sort of slightly see-through bit of it above or below. It gets more apparent (and less transparent) when the object is brighter, for example on a computer screen, or if I get further away from it, it gets even more visible.
It is causing me to not be able to read signs from a long distance away, so I am wondering if it is just a thing which happens when you are becoming near-sighted. I could describe the effect as making the text, or object, go blurry, which I have also heard is what happens when your vision is getting bad.
I also don't know if everyone experiences it, but I think they do. If you are ever looking at something bright in the dark, the light seems to cover up more of your eyesight somehow, if you know what I mean.
Could this just be because of some small issues that I have caused? For example, I tend to be looking at screens and computer monitors a lot, and I have quite a bit of sugar, but not a lot of exercise, and apparently sugar can cause your vision to go blurry like this.
I am slightly worried that this could be a bigger issue than just bad eyesight, like a serious disease, but I understand if you don't understand what I am trying to explain, because I don't know if anyone else has had this happen before.
Read more: I don't know what this eyesight problem is?
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Can I wear my contact lenses on a Roller Coaster?
I'm going to Knotts berry farm in a few days and I recently got those practice contact lenses before they get me my actual prescription ones ( Cuz I have an astigmatism) and I want to know if these lenses can be worn on large roller coasters? Answers much appreciated!
Read more: Can I wear my contact lenses on a Roller Coaster?
Can an optometrist give a bad eye exam?
My eye exam, the reading/lenses part of it, was done in less than 5 minutes and I feel like my optometrist wasn't thorough and rushed me and wasn't listening. I'm doubting if she will give me the best prescription if she wasn't thorough. Is that possible? Can an optometrist give a bad eye exam or am I just too picky? Thanks in advance!
Read more: Can an optometrist give a bad eye exam?
Are contact lenses an effective treatment against color blindness?
A friend of mine has just find out she is a red-green color blind. Althoght saying that it is not going to change her life that much, she get clearly worried abou that.
I've searched for treatment on color perception deficiences and I've read that there is a kind of red-filtering contact lenses that reduce the amount of light perceived in people with achromatopsia and is supposed to correct the vision of bichromat color blind. But the question is: do these lenses really work? I say, I'm not sure if she really will be able to see like a normal person.
If you understand these things, I'll be satisfied with your help.
Read more: Are contact lenses an effective treatment against color blindness?
My doctor said that I should use Toric Lens but can't I use the soft lens?
My eyesight is terrible~ Both of my eyes are 650. And my astigmatism is 100. I'm nearsighted. Is it okay to wear soft lens? What about the astigmatism?
Read more: My doctor said that I should use Toric Lens but can't I use the soft lens?
Read more: My doctor said that I should use Toric Lens but can't I use the soft lens?
Is there something wrong with my contact lenses? - 1
I got them 5 days ago so of course it's expiring date didn't begin,So when I put them on my eyes hurt and starts tearing like im crying hard and it goes for like 5 mins then everything is okay, when I put it my eyes get red after 5 mins my eyes get back to its nature and I can see perfectly! They are colouring lenses not for vision so,is there something wrong with them? Oh and I'm sure they are not up side down
Read more: Is there something wrong with my contact lenses? - 1
What is the destruction of the eye lens called?
On my medical terminology homework, no one in my class could find the answer. So I searched it on google, it told me that it was "Lymphangiogenisis", but I do not know if it was right.
Added (1). How about Cataracts?
Read more: What is the destruction of the eye lens called?
Added (1). How about Cataracts?
Read more: What is the destruction of the eye lens called?
I want to join the National Guard, however I have bad eyesight, is there a way I can still join?
I have a generic disorder called ocular albinism. My eyesight without corrected lenses is 20/400 and with my contacts, it's 20/80. I was wondering if it would be possible to join at all.
Read more: I want to join the National Guard, however I have bad eyesight, is there a way I can still join?
How can evolution explain the eye?
evolution is a philosophy that does not need real evidence only guesses without facts
n The Origin of Species, Darwin experienced a serious difficulty in the face of the eye's complex design. The only solution he found was in pointing to the simpler eye structure found in some creatures as the origin of the more complex eyes found in others. He hypothesized that more complex eyes evolved from simpler ones. However, this claim does not reflect the truth. Paleontology shows that living things emerged in the world with their exceedingly complex structures already intact. The oldest known system of sight is the trilobite eye. This 530-million-year-old compound eye structure, which we touched on in an earlier chapter, is an "optical marvel" which worked with a double lens system. This fact totally invalidates Darwin's assumption that complex eyes evolved from "primitive" eyes
Read more: How can evolution explain the eye?
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Can I go straight to contact lenses?
If my first prescription is -125 and -100. I'm a 16 year old girl who has never had bad eyesight in the past.
Read more: Can I go straight to contact lenses?
Read more: Can I go straight to contact lenses?
Does anyone have experience purchasing eye glasses online?
Prescription Eye Glasses are very expensive to purchase in a optical store. Has anyone had any experience ordering prescription eye glasses in the States and were you satisfied with the service and quality. I priced putting lenses in my old frames and thought maybe I could save some bucks. Even
WalMart was to pricey. About three hundred and twenty five bucks. My sister got 3 pairs of glasses from the optical store I usually use and spent over elven hundred dollars for them.
Read more: Does anyone have experience purchasing eye glasses online?
Stained contact lens with color?
I have wash my hands before touching my lens but the color that stained my fingers do not go away even after washing with strong handwash.
I then decided to remove my lens and once my fingers touch the saline solutions. It removed the color and it got stained on my lens.
I try cleaning it with saline solutions again and again but it is still orange, my lens are now in orange color.
How can i remove the color from my lens and can i still used it?
Urgently need help.
Thanks in advanced.
Read more: Stained contact lens with color?
Where can I buy contact lenses that are a good price?
Where can I buy contact lenses that are a good price?
Read more: Where can I buy contact lenses that are a good price?
Read more: Where can I buy contact lenses that are a good price?
Should I spend $400 on a year supply of colored contacts?
my eyes are brown and i dont mind but ive had colored cntacts before and love the difference they create. Circle lenses were a waste of my $ and hurt so i feel like only way i can wear colored contacts is if i continue safe eye doctor way but 400 is a lot of money! Btw mine are plano. I have 20 20. I have to repay for eye exam 90 plus 300 isa year supply of cntacts that last 2 weeks. I am too lazy to put them in sometimes but when I do I love them
Read more: Should I spend $400 on a year supply of colored contacts?
I need to buy circle Lens with fast shipping?!
I was wondering if anyone knows anyone who sells prescription (-6.00 left and right or if you at least have -5.50 for both left and right that's fine to. I'm only using it for one day) circle lens online and can have it shipped to me no later than next week Thursday? I need them for my prom on Friday May 16, 2014, and stupidly I forgot to order them weeks before because they are obviously coming from Asia.
Thanks in advance
Read more: I need to buy circle Lens with fast shipping?!
Where can I buy corrective contact lenses without a prescription?
Hello~ I've run out of contact lenses and need to buy a new box, but my prescription just expired a couple weeks ago. My pharmacy (and every website I've visited) won't let me buy a new box without a renewal of my prescription, but I just don't have the money to have an eye exam right now. I barely have the money to buy a new box of contacts. I plan on having an eye exam within the next three months, though, but these contacts I'm wearing right now are old enough as they are.
Does anyone know a website that sells corrective contact lenses (not colored) without the need to verify my prescription? And just to let you know, my eyesight hasn't changed, so there isn't any danger. Each time my prescription changed, I've been able to tell, and it hasn't now.
I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thank you. ^^
Read more: Where can I buy corrective contact lenses without a prescription?
Trial contact lenses? - 1
I went to my contact lense fitting today and my optometrist told me he needed to look and see if he had any trial lenses in the back for astigmatism. He came back with some and placed them in my eye. Are these lenses my prescription or are they just a generic shape? This may be a stupid question but I don't how they could have every contact prescription available at the office the day I came in.
Read more: Trial contact lenses? - 1
I have brown eyes and i want to wear green lenses?
will they look greenish (theyre like darkish brown but not so dark -inbetween- ) ?
Read more: I have brown eyes and i want to wear green lenses?
Read more: I have brown eyes and i want to wear green lenses?
What does uv light look like, to the naked eye?
Ok, i know that our eyes ARE sensitive to uv light, its just that our lenses filter out the uv light (due to the sunlight potentially damaging our eyes and also possibly an uv light damaging them)
But what does uv light actually look like to us, and what is the difference between our normal image to an image from someone without lenses?
Any thoughts or ideas on this would be greatly appreciated:)
Read more: What does uv light look like, to the naked eye?
Monday, May 5, 2014
Is it okay to wear 30-day contact lenses for a few more days longer?
Is it okay to wear 30-day contact lenses for a few more days longer?
Read more: Is it okay to wear 30-day contact lenses for a few more days longer?
Read more: Is it okay to wear 30-day contact lenses for a few more days longer?
What price would you be willing to?
Your dream becam reality, From Yeats and years you ask why i have brown / Black eyes? How it would be the life muchas better if i… But we was born with it, What de can do?
As a simple solution human create is LENSES
THAT F… G LENSES that can stay Not more than 24 hours, without ruch feeling or rednessy êtes area… Colours we try to choose carefully and longly to have the best natural result…
What else? Ah yes waking/slleping i should Not forget to take him out or in befor Going out.
Sorry for the mistakes.
Read more: What price would you be willing to?
What contact lenses colour would suit me?
I already have brown eyes and I'm fair and have brown hair what colour eyes would suit me/contact lenses? Would green look nice?
Read more: What contact lenses colour would suit me?
Read more: What contact lenses colour would suit me?
Should I throw away my circle lenses?
Hi! I am not an English native speaker, so I excuse myself for any error.
I bought purple circle lenses but I haven't tried it since I bought it but I have been cleaning it with contact lenses solution. My sister told me that if I don't wear it daily, it should be okay if I don't clean it for a maximum of 3 days. But there was a circumstance in which my sister cleaned her circle lenses after 1 week and after she cleaned it and waited around 6 hours (the time recommended that you should wait before wearing it) and then tried it on, it hasn't caused her any trouble or infection since she also doesn't wear it daily.
Now, the problem is that I left my circle lenses in a rented apartment and I cleaned it on a Friday and I had to go to my parents' house for a week but I can't return until this Monday, which will be around 10 days that I haven't cleaned it since then. So, will it be okay if I clean it and be able to wear it again or should I throw it away and buy a new pair?
Answer as soon as possible, please. Thanks beforehand!
Read more: Should I throw away my circle lenses?
Long & Short Sight and Reading Confused?
My presription is
Right -0.1 +1.25
Left -0.75 +1.25
Without glasses I can read comfortably by holding my book with a bent arm. But with my glasses on I have to hold the book at arms length.
Reading without glasses - Do the minus and plus values cancel each other out to equal near normal vision?
Also my optician said I could wear one contact in my dominant right eye and no contact in my left eye. So basically use the R.Eye for distance and the L.Eye for reading. It sounds a bit strange to me?
PS I guess the long sight is due to my age, born in '65.
Read more: Long & Short Sight and Reading Confused?
How to get rid of a lazy eye?
Something people commonly suggest is blind folding the good eye, would taking the contact lens out of my good eye work?
Read more: How to get rid of a lazy eye?
Read more: How to get rid of a lazy eye?
What are the Pros and Cons of wearing a contact lens?
My Mom said that it might damage my eye and I might go blind. I'm not a big fan of wearing eyeglasses~
Read more: What are the Pros and Cons of wearing a contact lens?
Read more: What are the Pros and Cons of wearing a contact lens?
Do I need Toric contact lenses? - 1
Hi. I currently got my first set of eye contacts my doctor prescribed me. He prescribed me with toric contact lenses. I did a little research to see what toric lens are. After a little of reading I'm now not to so sure if they are really helpful for me. I read toric lenses are for people with astigmatism which I don't think I have since I have no problem reading up close. I've been wearing regular single vision glasses for about four years now because I have trouble seeing from a distance. But I have no problem reading or seeing up close. Now that I got my first set of contacts I sometimes have problems seeing with them. I can see better with them than with out them but There is times they feel ok but they do sometimes get a little blurry and I have to blink or rub my eye to focus my vision but only make things worst. I don't know why he prescribed me toric lenses and not regular contact lenses. I do see much better with my regular single vision glasses
Read more: Do I need Toric contact lenses? - 1
Do cosmetic contacts make your eyes water?
I'm planning on wearing red mesh contact lenses for the first time for a bat costume however I'm also going to be wearing face paint. I was just wondering if my eyes would water and make the paint run and if it's best not to give an eye-liner type effect with the face paint so it's not too close to the eye. Have any cosplayers or anybody else experienced in this or have good advice? The face paint isn't as quality as I'd hoped so it will probably run or wash off fairly easily: ( Thanks in advance! : D
Read more: Do cosmetic contacts make your eyes water?
Are soleko contacts safe?
I live in the United States but i'm interested in the Italian brand Soleko QueenâÂÂs Solitaire. I'm little hesitant about ordering these lenses because I've read a few horror stories about how people had damaged their eyes wearing circle lenses. Even though these aren't circle lenses, the fact that i have to order them via the internet from another country makes me a little leery…
The website that i would like to order from is
So I want to know from you;
Has anyone had a bad experience while wearing these lenses?
How many of you have worn these lenses for at least 3 months? Any changes in your eye health/condition?
How many of you have tried the other contacts sold on this website like; adore, waicon, solotica, etc? What were your experience with them?
P.S. I already wear contacts and know to wash hands first, change solution, air out contact container, etc. However, my prescription expired so I'm going to get another eye exam for this year. How difficult will it be to find an Optometrist willing to fit non FDA approved contacts?
Read more: Are soleko contacts safe?
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Where can I order contacts online the week before my prescription expires?
Situation: I have a contact lens prescription that is expiring within the next few weeks. I don't have the money to pay for an eye exam right now, so I want to order some contacts online using the prescription that I already have. Where can I do this?
-Please don't give an answer saying why I shouldn't do this. That isn't what I asked.
-Please just give an answer saying where I can do this if you know of a place that allows this.
I don't need a lecture, just a link to a website. Thanks.
Read more: Where can I order contacts online the week before my prescription expires?
What's wrong with my contacts? - 1
I recently got contact lenses ( 3 days ago) and i have been quite happy with them apart from needing some time getting used to putting them in and getting them out. I wore them the first day for 4 hours as advised, however i did not wear them the second day so i thought it would be a good idea to start from 4 hours again and build up from there, just to be on the safe side. I was very surprised that, by the end of day 2, when i took my contacts out my eyes felt dry, red and a bit sore, unlike the first day when i wore them for the same amount of time.However, my shock was even bigger as, when i tried to put them in today, my eyes went bloodshot and i could literally see how the redness was spreading in my eyes seconds after i put my contacts in. I tried putting them in twice with the same result. I don't understand what is happening- my hands were squeaky clean, i did not drop the lenses, they were not inside out nor were they scratched or dirty as i have cleaned them and stored them properly in their case with the advised solution which i changed regularly, but still my eyes reacted to badly to them and felt like i had soap in my eyes! PS i only tried this with my right eye so i'm not sure whether both my eyes would react this way, i was afraid of the outcome ( red and painful eyes- although they dyes down almost as fast as they appear) … What could it be? Should i g back and see my optician?
Read more: What's wrong with my contacts? - 1
Where can I get good dark brown contact lenses?
I have blue eyes but I really want brown eyes like dark chocolate brown. I do have glasses so I would prefer to get prescription ones but I don't mind if they aren't. I would like fairly cheap comfortable lenses though I can be a bit flexible on the cheap part.
How much would they cost? How much more would they cost if they were prescription ones? Would I need to go to the opticians for them to make sure my eyes are fine for contacts?
I have had circle lenses in the past but I didn't like the size of the lenses (they were 15mm) so nothing too big please. Links would be appreciated:) Thanks xxx
Read more: Where can I get good dark brown contact lenses?
Tiny little black dot in my eye?
So around a week ago i suddenly felt something in my eye after i wore eyeliner and stuff. It felt like something was on my bottom lid but it was nothing in there. And it hurts. But only for a few seconds. Then it stop but then it hurts again for few secs. This went on for like two days.
The hurting stop but then i noticed that there a small tiny blackish dot on my eye ball. What does this mean?
I started wearing lens a few days ago too.
Read more: Tiny little black dot in my eye?
Can I wear two contact lenses in one eye?
I have astigmatism and no color torics are available so can I wear color lens on my transparent toric lens?
Please tell me if there any color torics available
Read more: Can I wear two contact lenses in one eye?
Please tell me if there any color torics available
Read more: Can I wear two contact lenses in one eye?
Can I wear non prescription colored contacts if I have astigmatism?
So my doctor told me I had Astigmatism on my left eye.
Recently, I've really been into colored contacts but I don't want them with prescription.
But, for the sake of my health I wanted to know if it's okay to wear non prescriptive colored contacts with glasses on top (My prescription glasses) ?
Added (1). if so,
I also wanted to know where it's safe to buy them?
Read more: Can I wear non prescription colored contacts if I have astigmatism?
Recently, I've really been into colored contacts but I don't want them with prescription.
But, for the sake of my health I wanted to know if it's okay to wear non prescriptive colored contacts with glasses on top (My prescription glasses) ?
Added (1). if so,
I also wanted to know where it's safe to buy them?
Read more: Can I wear non prescription colored contacts if I have astigmatism?
My doctor's office gave me expired contact lens solution?
Almost two weeks ago my doctor gave more four different boxes of contact lens solutions. They were all expired between 2011 and 2013. I am really worried now because I've been using that for two weeks. My eyes are not really something I'd like to play with. IDK what I should do now. Should I talk with them, report them or something like that?
Read more: My doctor's office gave me expired contact lens solution?
Here's something relevant to strings in computer science?
I had a computer science test on arrays, but I failed it. Here is something relevant to strings.
String str = "Contact lenses";
System.out.println(str.length(. = 14
System.out.println(str.indexOf("lenses"… = 8
System.out.println(str.contains("L". = false
System.out.println(str.substring(2, 7. = ntact
System.out.println(str.substring(10. = nses
Are the following outputs correct?
Added (1). My bad
System.out.println(str.indexOf("lenses"… = 8
Read more: Here's something relevant to strings in computer science?
String str = "Contact lenses";
System.out.println(str.length(. = 14
System.out.println(str.indexOf("lenses"… = 8
System.out.println(str.contains("L". = false
System.out.println(str.substring(2, 7. = ntact
System.out.println(str.substring(10. = nses
Are the following outputs correct?
Added (1). My bad
System.out.println(str.indexOf("lenses"… = 8
Read more: Here's something relevant to strings in computer science?
0.00 contact lenses improved my vision?
I'm shortsighted in both eyes but it's quite severe in my left one. I ordered 0.00 no vision correction circle lenses a while ago and they have sorted out my vision. Nothing is blurry in the distance anymore and everything is sharp.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it but is this a common thing that happens?
Read more: 0.00 contact lenses improved my vision?
Why doesn't B.J. Upton wear contact lenses?
I keep reading about why he started wearing glasses, hello it's 2014 and you're a multi-millionaire, contact lenses improve your peripheral vision over glasses and don't make you look like a dork. Keep hitting sub.200 you scrub.
Read more: Why doesn't B.J. Upton wear contact lenses?
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