Saturday, February 21, 2015

Inside the eye, where is the mirror?

You know how inside the human eye, images that you are viewing turn up upside down inside your eye, kin of like a mirror? Does anyone know where that "mirror" inside your eye is? Is it in the lens or what?

Read more: Inside the eye, where is the mirror?

Monday, February 16, 2015

My eye is red and swollen?

Last night I went camping with my friends, we had glow sticks with us, and around 2am we decided to put one end of a glow stick in the campfire until it melted and then swing the stick around, and glow juice would go everywhere. Well a little bit flung in my eye. My friend ryan got some in his eye too, but he washed it out with water. There was no water left for me so I didn't rinse mine.

I woke up this morning and it was all swollen and plastered shut, and it is bloodshot red. Ryan's eye was fine, so rinsing it must have fixed it.

Now what do I do? I wear contacts, should I change the contact lens to a new one?

Read more: My eye is red and swollen?