I wear contacts and just recently got new, trial ones in the same brand as I have been wearing for years without a problem (Acuvue Oasys.) The first day I put them in, I felt fine. When I went to take them out for the first time, I did have a bit of trouble getting them out because it seemed like they stuck to my eyes (I never have this problem, so this was unusual). I had to try several times to get them out and I'm worried I might have scratched the contact in the process. I'm questioning if the lenses are too big for my eyes. (I think this because I have had similar problems getting them out when I first got contact lenses EVER, and it turned out they were too large. When I got a smaller size, everything was fine.) Other than that, nothing abnormal occurred.
The next day, I went to put my contacts in and accidentally dropped my left contact in the sink. This has happened to me before, so I rinsed them off with my contact solution (the same kind I have been using for years without a problem) as well as I could and put it in my eye. (I couldn't change the contact because these are a trial pair before I get my prescription updated). The contact felt a bit uncomfortable in my eye, but nothing severe and nothing that I haven't occasionally experienced before without it clearing up. Eventually, the contact felt okay again. I went home that night and took them out without a problem (no longer sticking to my eye). Afterward, my eyes felt fine again.
About three or four hours later, out of nowhere, my left eye suddenly felt like something on the lower lid was scratching it when I moved my eyes. I looked at my eye in the mirror and did not see anything abnormal. My eye was not red or swollen or itching or anything and really didn't look different from my right eye, which was not bothering me at all. I went to sleep for the night and woke up today with my eye still slightly feeling like something is in it, but it is far less bothersome than it was last night. It's not as scratchy and it is still not red.
My question is, does this sound like GPC or some other condition? I have an appointment with my eye doctor again soon because I'd like to change the size of my contacts and see if a new, clean lense would feel better. I'm considering having her check for GPC then (should I?), but I'm hoping that isn't the cause because I really like wearing contacts and don't want to be limited to just glasses forever. I don't have eye allergies or anything else that would cause this feeling, so I'm not sure why it's feeling like this. I'm guessing that I might have scratched the left contact and that is causing this whole issue.
Also: I don't know if it matters, but I have astigmatism (which I believe is more severe in the left eye.) The lenses in question are soft lenses without the correction for astigmatism, and the brand is Acuvue Oasys.
Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated! :)
Read more:
Left Eye Feels Like Something's in it? Is it GPC?