Saturday, March 2, 2013

Where can I buy colored contacts?

Where can I buy non prescription colored contact lenses? Websites work, and some store suggestions would be dandy. I don't want cheap quality one usage ones or anything either.
>>> Where can I buy colored contacts?

Is it better to only wear one contact or the wrong prescription in one eye?

I've been given a trial batch of contact lenses from my opticians but they gave me more for my left and less for my right. I've now finished all of my right eye contacts, I was wondering if it's okay to wear the remaining contacts in just my left eye or if I should wear the contacts for my left eye in my right eye too? The prescription for my left eye is 0.5 stronger. Thanks :)
>>> Is it better to only wear one contact or the wrong prescription in one eye?

How to use Hydrogen Peroxide on soft lenses?

My ophthalmologist said use hydrogen peroxide(HP).
I'm not sure if HP is for cleaning or soaking.

This doesn't make sense,
I think HP will just burn my eyes.

How suppose to use HP on soft lenses and
What is its purpose?
>>> How to use Hydrogen Peroxide on soft lenses?

Does my eye look better with or with out contacts *pics*?

Well my natural eye colour is light brown when I go out I always wear coloured green contact lenses…
Does my eye look better with or with out the contacts

Without contacts

With contacts

My make up on my eyes were super messy

From that picture you can tell its contacts but in real life it doesn't look like contacts are in from more then a few inches away some people are shocked when I say there contacts

>>> Does my eye look better with or with out contacts *pics*?

Does my eye look better with or with out contacts *pics*? - 1

Well my natural eye colour is light brown when I go out I always wear coloured green contact lenses…
Does my eye look better with or with out the contacts

Without contacts

With contacts

My make up on my eyes were super messy

From that picture you can tell its contacts but in real life it doesn't look like contacts are in from more then a few inches away

Thanks x
>>> Does my eye look better with or with out contacts *pics*? - 1

Can I wear daily contacts for two days?

Could I just store it in a contact lens case with fresh solution? The maximum time I'll over wear them is 2 days.
>>> Can I wear daily contacts for two days?

New with contacts. How to take care of them and my eyes properly?

I'm a 13 year old girl and I just got contact lenses for the first time. I was taught how to put them in and how to take them out, so I'm okay with that. I'm just curious and want to know what contact lenses are exactly and how to take care of them and my eye. (How long they can stay in a day, What are the rules to them, etc.) They are PC TECHNOLOGY 1 day lenses for -1.50 and - 0.75 if that makes a difference. Luckily for me I don't need to have a case for them to soak them in because I throw them away at night. I really want to be responsible with these because my parents pay for them and I don't want to waste them as I'm sure they cost quite a lot, (They refused to tell me how much they were.) I just really don't want to mess this up. Thank you so much!
>>> New with contacts. How to take care of them and my eyes properly?

Will reading with my distance contact lenses for about an hour harm my eyes?

Will this put strain on my eyes?
Could this possibly worsen my eyesight?
>>> Will reading with my distance contact lenses for about an hour harm my eyes?

How to stop or limit my eyesight from worsening?

I got glasses in fourth grade … I blame technology' my glasses are getting lthicker lenses and I wear contacts.My mom said she will give me eye surgery when I am 18 ) so no more contacts ) it will be laser eye surgery. What kind of foods and should I limit my computer and tv use?

Is it even possible to restore my sight?
>>> How to stop or limit my eyesight from worsening?

Where can I get non-prescription contact lenses with a cat-eye design?

I read that these are bad for you unless handled properly and have a given prescription (even though they are non-prescription). I would like to have this design on my eye and have both be different colors.So to summarize the question, "Where can I find a place or online store that sells non-prescription contact lenses with a cat-eye design and where the people selling them to me will ask for my prescription for fitting?"
>>> Where can I get non-prescription contact lenses with a cat-eye design?

Is it or is it not legal to buy/sell designer contacts without an rx?

It was several years ago when I had them, no one would sell them to you without at least an rx for the size. Lately i have been seeing people talking about buying them online and acting like im stupid to say you would not want contacts without an rx for the size. There are many sites, and they are shipping from and within places like the us, uk, ca, etc

Then someone posted that yes, its illegal to sell them in the us without an rx.

But lots of places sell them… flea markets, head shops, costume stores, they were all over the place here around halloween time, spencers and hot topic… Just out in regular stores with a standard size and 0 correction - a size that I know would not fit my eye, based on 15 years of wearing rx contacts.

So, whats going on with this whole scene? Legal, illegal? Safe? How many "legit" places who fill orders for corrective lenses offer designer contacts beyond the typical range of a handful of colors that add only subtle difference… forcing people looking for more novel types of designs into the unregulated market of getting contacts without an rx…
>>> Is it or is it not legal to buy/sell designer contacts without an rx?

How much do transitions lenses cost?

I am going to the eye doctor again and how much do they cost with the glasses frame
>>> How much do transitions lenses cost?

Can I make my eye change colour?

I'm wondering if it's possible to get a dark brown eye change to a lighter colour like hazel.Is there a way without surgery or contact lenses?
>>> Can I make my eye change colour?

Friday, March 1, 2013


I just open up a new contact lens and put them in. And all of sudden my eye start itching.So i took them out and then try again, but the same thing happen.My eye start itching.

Do I have diabetes? If so, what one? And how do I tell my parents I think I have it?

Sign 1: Unquenchable thirst

Children with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes may be constantly thirsty. That's because as their blood-glucose level rises, fluid is pulled from their body tissues. These kids may especially crave sweet, cold drinks.

Sign 2: Frequent urination

What goes in must come out, so it stands to reason that a child who is drinking more will also visit the washroom more. If your kid is taking an unusual number of bathroom breaks, there may be an underlying and serious reason behind it. A younger child who was previously toilet trained at night may start to wet the bed again.

Sign 3: Weight loss

A body that can't use the energy from sugar may experience muscle mass and fat loss. The weight loss in a child with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes is often described as sudden and rapid.

Sign 4: Lack of energy

Your child may a feel constantly tired or sluggish because she's not able to turn the sugar in her bloodstream into energy that her muscles and organs can use.

Sign 5: Intense hunger

Related Features 20 diabetes-friendly lunch recipes
Diabetes (Type 1)
6 tips for exercising when you have diabetes
When a child's body is deprived of energy due to low insulin, she may experience the feeling of extreme hunger. However, decreased appetite can also be a warning sign, as it's one of the symptoms of DKA (see sign 8)

Sign 6: Changes in eyesight

A high blood glucose level causes fluid to be pulled from other body tissues, including eye lenses. This may lead to blurred vision or other eyesight problems. However, a young child may not complain to you about it. "They don't know what normal is, the way adults would," says Clement. "And some of them aren't even reading yet."

Sign 7: Yeast infections

Girls with type 1 diabetes may develop yeast infections. A yeast infection in a baby or toddler may show up as very bad diaper rash.

Sign 8: Diabetic ketoacidosis

DKA can happen in a child with undiagnosed diabetes and is a medical emergency.As the body runs out of insulin for breaking down glucose, it starts to burn fat for energy instead. This leads to a buildup of acidic byproducts called ketones. "DKA changes the pH of your blood and is a very dangerous condition," notes Clement.

Signs your child is in crisis can include vomiting, stomach pain, fast breathing, flushed face, fruity breath odour and fatigue. DKA may progress very quickly and can be fatal. But it's also preventable. The more that parents, teachers and camp counsellors are aware of the early signs of diabetes in children, the more likely it is that DKA can be averted.

Okay so I have all of the symptoms above ^, Except yeast infection. I think… Anyway, If I do have it, how do I tell my parents and is it type 1 or 2. PLEASE HELP! I'm a hypochondriac and I'm getting stressed about it. BTW I'M 12.
>>> Do I have diabetes? If so, what one? And how do I tell my parents I think I have it?

Am I able to take any eyeglass frames to my eye doctor for lenses?

I found some Prada frames I like online, can I take them to my eye doctor to have my prescription lenses put in them or do I have to buy the frames there? Thank you.
>>> Am I able to take any eyeglass frames to my eye doctor for lenses?

Do I need to use contact lenses in one eye?

So I think I have a lazy right eye, and perfect vision on my left eye.My optician told me that I should start using contacts in one eye to "correct" the vision or something like that, but I don't really understand. I am 16 years old and I've never worn glasses or anything like that and I really am not interested in using them.Do I really have to use contact lenses in my left eye? Will there be any problems that I should know about if I don't? I've heard stuff like losing ability to focus and eyes drifting apart that sure sounds scary I'd like to know more about this issue? Help!
>>> Do I need to use contact lenses in one eye?

If I ordered Circle lenses and put in (QTY 1) how many lenses would I get?

I ordered circle lenses, and wasn't sure what to put for QTY so I put 1. Does that mean I'll only get one?
>>> If I ordered Circle lenses and put in (QTY 1) how many lenses would I get?

Are contact lens rebates a scam?

I'm tired of paying so much for contact lenses and never getting the rebate money back that I mail in.So, are contact lens rebates a scam?
>>> Are contact lens rebates a scam?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing contact lenses!

I am nearly blind lol.
My eye power is -6! I cant see anything without my glasses.
So i've been thinking of buying contact lenses.So should i go for it? Coz I heard its risky to wear it on dusty areas. And i live in dusty area.
>>> What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing contact lenses!

Can I wear this kind of contact lens everyday?

I want to buy colored contacts in my contact prescription, but I'd like to know if its okay to wear these everyday (like Normal contact lenses) ?
>>> Can I wear this kind of contact lens everyday?

Can your cat wear toric contact lenses?

I've heard they can wear contact lenses but I don't know whether they can wear these kind of contact lenses? Just curious.
>>> Can your cat wear toric contact lenses?

Opinion on contact lenses?

I'm 14 and I'm looking for a new appearance. I've always wanted blue eyes and I doubt Im getting them naturally so I was looking for a few opinion's about contact lenses, My eyes are a dark brown and only a light-ish brown up close. Also, suggestions for a different hair colour, length and cut :) thank you.!/photo.php?fbid=397875110286715&set=a.102328273174735.4769.100001926881418&type=1&theater
^^ Photo of my hair and eyes.
>>> Opinion on contact lenses?

How bad can my eyesight be to join the military?

I'm trying to join the military and go up to meps next week, I've been really nervous about a couple things but one of them most importantly being my eyesight, my prescription is -8.0 in both eyes uncorrected, I do wear contact lenses or glasses so it is corrected to 20/20 my question is if I'm still eligible to join since my prescription is that bad? Any help is appreciated.
>>> How bad can my eyesight be to join the military?

What kind of contacts should i wear first?

Should i wear real prescription contacts before wearing circle lens? I have no experience on how to wear contact lens.
>>> What kind of contacts should i wear first?

How to start planning to move out by next year?

I'm 18 and I want to move out, soon.My parents are way too controlling and my dad is a very difficult person to live with. But mom doesn't want to leave him.

I am a college student and my tuition is about $2, 500 per semester, but I have the Pell Grant, so the only money I put into school is for books. I spend approximately $300 for books each semester. (I rent them) I start my first job tomorrow and I'll be working 16-22 hours, $8-$8.50 an hour. Obviously, during the summer, I'd be working more hours.My aim is 40 or more, if possible.My car is all paid off, but the insurance is around the hundreds. I also have a smart phone. I'm not sure what the bill is for only my phone, but it's around $80 - $100. I spend around $35 on gas for my car per week, but sometimes it can last a week on only $20.As for health insurance, I'm not sure how that will go because my mom pays for it and I do need contacts lenses, so I have no idea if I'll be able to afford that along with all the other expenses.

If I do move out, I plan on moving in with a roommate. One friend I have in my mind makes a lot more than I do since he works more than 40 hours per week and isn't going to school. I'm hoping for the rent to be between $300 and $400. I already know about other expenses, like utilities, food, household/personal necessities, etc. I have to account for all that, too. Clothes and going out isn't a priority, since I can do without those things.

Since I can't afford to move out NOW, I need to plan out some sort of budget. What else should I prepare for? How much money do I NEED to have saved up before I move out? Like I said before, my goal is to be out of my parents by next summer. (I'll be 19), if not sooner.Do you think it's possible?
Added (1). Where I live, most average apartments rent for $800. The nicer ones are around $1000. If that's case, I can move in with 3 roommates. The rent itself is the least of my concerns.
>>> How to start planning to move out by next year?

Glasses make me dizzy any tips?

Ive never worn glasses ive always worn contact lenses and i just picked up my pair today and theyre the right prescription and all but i feel extremly dizzy when i wear them. I have astigmatism so if that affects it please let me know!
>>> Glasses make me dizzy any tips?

What are the most natural looking lenses for brown eyes?

Ives got brown eyes and i want blue or green lenses that look natural! not like this:
or this
they just dont look natural, they look like theres patterns in the colour.
i want ones like these:
the youtube one is the best example of a asian wearing lenes that dont look fake or scary! like first two links i sent you guys.

i hear that brands like freshlook and acuvue have colourblend that make you look it just those two brands that look natural or can it be other brands like geo lenses (although they dont seem natural) and do the brands have to have corlour blend?

i think its just the way theres a thick out line in the lenses and in the "iris" where the corlour should be is not pure and there is lots of "lines" that make you look scary!
i think the black lines are sometimes needed but not the lines in the iris where the colour is suppose to just makes your eyes look fu'ked
>>> What are the most natural looking lenses for brown eyes?

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Whats better to my eyes hard or soft lenses?

I wear soft lenses daily for about two years and I have no problems with it.It is comfortable at all. I'm planning to switch to hard lenses, the RGP( Rigid Gas Permeable). I heard its better. I don't know. What do you think guys?
>>> Whats better to my eyes hard or soft lenses?

Was the doctor wrong about my astigmatism?

She said I have it and gave me a trial pair.My eyes feel very strained and their giving me a headache. I've had contacts for years and never had it but now that I renew my eye prescription she says I have it. If I tell her how my eyes feel is she just gonna make me wear a different kind or give me back regular lenses.

I'm going on vacation next week and I can keep wearing trial pairs. I need to order a box incase something happens
>>> Was the doctor wrong about my astigmatism?

Biomedics 55 Evolution or Aqualens?

So i am about to buy contact lenses (not the first time) but for the first time i am torn! for the past 2 1/2 years i have been using Biomedics 55 evolution which are great! but a month ago i tried Aqualens by Meyers vision care (which i heard for the first time to be honest)!actually aqualens are not bad that bad, but when i visited my ophthalmologist she said my eyes are a little irritated and i think the lenses (aqualens) might have smt to do with it! also the difference in price is huge Biomedics cost 70euros (12 lenses for 6 months) and aqualens cost 40euros (12 lenses for 6 months)! despite that i feel that Biomedics would be the best choice even though they are a little pricey! what do you think?
>>> Biomedics 55 Evolution or Aqualens?

Boots Oxylens Contact Lenses - Only 30 lenses in a box?

I've just gone on to a contact lens scheme and received my first box of lenses. On the box it says 'Thirty Days Supply' but there are actually 30 lenses inside, which would mean 15 days supply wearing two lenses a day! Is this correct or have Boots made a mistake?
>>> Boots Oxylens Contact Lenses - Only 30 lenses in a box?

Can you pat contact lenses in straight away?

Okay so I've bought some blue contact lenses from colour vues I have the cleaning soulution and that but I read on the back of the vile they come in there in sterile saline solution I have a party tonight so can I pop them straight in if not and I have to clean them how long do I leave them in for?
>>> Can you pat contact lenses in straight away?

Can i use Oakley's Gascan sunglasses as prescription eye glasses?

Can i use these as regular glasses with clear prescription lenses? If so how would I do this ?
>>> Can i use Oakley's Gascan sunglasses as prescription eye glasses?

If you wear contact lenses, why should you remove them while you are in the laboratory?

A.They can dry out your eyes while you are doing your experiment.
b.They can hold chemicals that accidentally splash into your eye next to your eye and causepermanent damage.
c.They can fall out if you do not remove them.
d.None of the above
>>> If you wear contact lenses, why should you remove them while you are in the laboratory?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Toric contact lenses hurt like a trucker?

I have astigmatism, so my Dr had me try Toric contact lenses, as opposed to the regulars I wore before I was diagnosed.

They however hurt. I felt them when I first tried them on two days ago and now I still feel like they're there. With my old ones, I couldn't even tell I had them on.

My eyes are so red, so now I'm just wearing my glasses till I go see her again for a follow up.

Is it true that freshlook or colored toric contact lenses are softer in the eye and you don't feel them as much?

>>> Toric contact lenses hurt like a trucker? glasses after cataract surgery?

Had nanoflex implant right eye.need yag laser. Now 20/25, should improve to 20/20. Using over the counter readers 3.0 Intermediate is blur right now, is there a chance this will clear up after Yag laser? I know that reading glasses will be be needed for close work. Would love to be able to see dashboard & GPS without reaching for the reading glasses.

Left eye, Restor, not good. Need Yag here also, and PRK. Distance vision only 20/40, intermediate and close are smeared vision. Lens is 1/2 diopter off. If PRK is performed to correct 20/40 distance. How much vision will I gain, I fear it will never get to 20/20, and will this jeopardize prebyopia so that I will need reader for this eye also. Have heard that these procedures do not always correct the problem when dealing with a multifocal lens.Is it possible that PRK will not improve the way I see?

Paid a lot of money out of pocket for this lens, and if I end up with readers, why did I do it.My second opinion says we can explant and put the same monofocal lens I have in the right in the Restor left eye. If I end up with readers with Restor & PRK, they why would I want to laser cornea! Without a crystal ball, it is hard to tell whether it will be successful.

Your comments are greatly appreciated. I need to make a decision so that I can go on with my life.
>>> glasses after cataract surgery?

Changing eye colour from blue to brown?

Hi everyone! I've tried so hard to find questions about this on the internet, but everyone appears to want the reverse! :) I have blue grey eyes, but i've always admired beautiful big brown eyes! I wear coloured contacts currently, but i guess i would like something more permanent! Especially since my prescription is difficult to find in colour contact lens brands. Recently i've discovered that i have a small star-burst of brown/orange around my pupil! I was so happy! Is it possible that because i want brown eyes so badly they're starting to change? Im pretty skeptical of the mind being able to change genetics though, so on to my main question! Has anyone successfully used Latisse (the eyelash growth product) to change their eye colour? I heard about it on the internet.It's main ingredient is used to treat glaucoma patients, with one of the side effects being - darkening of the iris. But as this is a prescription drug, and pretty hardcore, i found an alternative - rapidlash, which is soled in boots :) It has a derivative of the glaucoma drug as a main ingredient, and im hoping might have the same side effects! Has anyone successfully changed their eyes from blue to brown using this method? Or any other method?

Thanks for any responses! :)
>>> Changing eye colour from blue to brown?

Am I delusional or is there something more to this?

Okay so long story cut short

A while ago I found myself really attracted to this guy in my college, hes 21 and I'm 18. Whenever I was within his view he would always stare at me/check me out. We were introduced through a mutual friend but at the time I was too shy to hold a conversation with him, so instead he made the most random comment and asked if I was wearing brown contact lenses =S I never spoke to him again after this, not even a simple hello when I seen him.

Nothing ever came of it, so I assumed he was not interested and I moved on.

Yesterday I was talking to my friends about wanting to split up with my boyfriend when I realized that the same guy I found attractive was sitting right behind me with his friends. Both of my friends discretely commented that they had picked up on him constantly looking at me. Out of nowhere we all overheard him talking about how he had gone out on the weekend and give his number to some "really hot girl" he told his friend that this girl had called him and he couldn't remember who she was.

He went on to say that this girl had supposedly asked if he was single which he said he was, then she apparently asked if he liked anyone at college which he never commented on.

I defiantly feel that he went out of his way to make sure that I overheard his conversation with his friend.My friends say it could be something, or nothing.

Any ideas?
>>> Am I delusional or is there something more to this?

Can I wear colored contacts if I have astigmatism? - 1

I have perscribed regular lenses and I want colored contacts instead of the clear ones. They have to be perscription though. I also have astigmastism.
I was looking at freshlook colorblends in sterling gray… what do you think? Is that possible?
>>> Can I wear colored contacts if I have astigmatism? - 1

LASIK and insurance coverage?

Last year I went to an eye doctor and was told I was legally blind (without corrective lenses) in my left eye and have poor vision in my right eye. I am considering getting LASIK eye surgery and I am going to see a new eye doctor (I recently moved) in two weeks for an eye exam and consultation. I am under my dad's health insurance and it's through his job at a hospital. Normally, we have very good coverage.under his plan. If I am considered legally blind (without corrective lenses), would the insurance be able to cover some if not all of the procedure? I know it's considered a 'cosmetic' procedure but would the fact that I'm 'legally' blind make any difference in the coverage? Also, how much are most people with insurance 'expected' to per each eye?
>>> LASIK and insurance coverage?

I can feel one of my contact lenses?

This is my third month wearing contact lenses and also my third pair of contacts. I've been using the same brand/size/shape etc.all three months but when I started using my newest pair (it's been a week now) I can feel my left contact. This never happened before, I could never feel my contacts in my eyes after they were in and in my right eye I still can't.It isn't itchy or irritable but it just feels like it isn't resting flat against my eye but rather like it sticks out a little. Sometimes when I look really high up or really low down I can "see" the lens like its hitting my eye lids or something.Is this just a bad contact lens or is there some way to help make it rest completely against my eye? Also, yes… I've checked and double checked to make sure the lens isn't inside out.
>>> I can feel one of my contact lenses?

I want to hear from successful hard contact wearers!

I am have gas perms because the vision is supposed to be better for bi-focal lenses than soft. I have a trial pair of softs so that really maybe true. I tried a pair of hard lenses for a week- in addition to itchy eyes, I suddenly lost far vision in one eye while driving cuz it must have moved. Ugh. Doctor has refitted me and I'm on a second pair now, but still horribly itchy eyes and I also feel like light is glaring off the the sides. Takes a few moments to adjust/blink it out to see when I first go inside or outside. I don't feel free to move my eyes without stirring up itchiness. I'm scared of them falling out (happened with first pair in Walmart). Sooo many worries.Is this all part of getting used to it, or are they the wrong fit again or what??? How do i know? I don't know specifically WHAT is normal in the "adjusting so be patient" phase!
I'm interested in hearing only from those who were successful making it through this phase please! Even the lens tech who "taught" me about them was not helpful cuz she never had them herself!
>>> I want to hear from successful hard contact wearers!

Contact lens lost behind my eye?

HELP! so i was taking out my contact lenses an hour ago and boom it got lost somewhere, i looked everywhere in my eye but i couldn't find it! it hurts soo much right now, i feel like theres something in my eye and its really irritating and painful! how to get it out! HELP PLS.
>>> Contact lens lost behind my eye?

Which contact lenses are fit for me?

I'm 16. I'm near sided and have astigmatism and I would like to have the daily contacts (like the packs that come with 30 lenses so you do new lenses everyday). Which contacts would be the best for me?
>>> Which contact lenses are fit for me?

One eye is clear, other eye isn't?

Started wearing trial contact lenses (Air Optix for astigmatism). I've been wearing them for about 3 days, 2-3 hours each day.
With both eyes open, my sight is good.
Right eye = clear vision
Left eye is a fine but not so clear as right eye.It's a little blurry but it's barely noticeably.
And left eye feels a little more uncomfortable after few hours.

Is this normal? Should i wait a little longer or should i contact my optician or should I order theese lenses?
>>> One eye is clear, other eye isn't?

Can my doctor give me?

Can my eye doctor give me my contact lenses prescription over the phone, its still good i just can't remember it.
>>> Can my doctor give me?

Will my myopia will be recover?

Hi I am 16 years old.last year my eyes was good i spend lot of.time on computer in summer holidays i used daily continuosly 8 hours that time i didnt absorb that my eyes were spoiling after 2months i went to college then on board i cant see what the sir wrote. Then after 1month i went eye care hospital the doctor told me that in my right eye -2.75 and in left eye -1.25. He told me that wear glasses daily.Is glasses are helpful to us?

I here that for myopia plus lens are help ful to recover is it right?

But now a days am not wearing minus lens glasses.

Plz help me how can i recover my eyesight fast.

Thanks in advance.
>>> Will my myopia will be recover?

Where to find best contact lenses in Texas?

Where to find best contact lenses in Texas?
>>> Where to find best contact lenses in Texas?

Are Halloween Contact Lenses safe to wear?

Are Halloween Contact Lenses safe to wear?
>>> Are Halloween Contact Lenses safe to wear?

Where can i buy kakashi cosplay items?

Where can i buy stuff like, outfit, wig, contact lenses, shoes, glove etc?
>>> Where can i buy kakashi cosplay items?

What types of contact lenses will go good on Purple outfit?

What types of contact lenses will go good on Purple outfit?
>>> What types of contact lenses will go good on Purple outfit?

Pain after removing contact lens?

This has been recent problem for me, and is occurring in my right eye. After removing my contact, I feel a strong burning pain in my eye. I have changed contacts, checked that they are on the right side, and even changed the boxes the contacts are coming from. I have also worn glasses for a few days in case there is some scratch on the eye. Yet the pain I still there. What could be the problem?
>>> Pain after removing contact lens?

I want to buy popular contact lens?

I want to buy reputed contact lens keep in my mind i have short sightedness prefer me the best
>>> I want to buy popular contact lens?

Fresh look colorblend contacts color?

I want to get freshlook contacts and I don't know which one will give me the color that I want. I want some green with a little bit of brown in them. I have seen some videos on YouTube and pure hazel comes out as a light brown on some people and others it comes out green with some brown. If I get pure hazel what color would I get? I have dark brown eyes.
>>> Fresh look colorblend contacts color?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What would happen if I was punched in the face while wearing contact lenses?

All types of lenses, I considering on buying lenses but I am too scared just in case I get hit in the eyes… with glasses they break when hit however lenses their in your eyes, what happens?
>>> What would happen if I was punched in the face while wearing contact lenses?

Vision temporally worse after wearing glasses/lenses. Opinions?

I have myopia, currently -0.75 at one eye and -1.00 at the other. Three years ago it was -0.5 at both. However, this is not that much important. I was wearing glasses before, and now I wear daily contact lenses, and every time I took my glasses or lenses off, I was feeling like my vision was worse than before wearing them.

Let me give you an example. I stop wearing lenses for three days.My vision is poor, of course. I wear lenses one day. After taking them off, I feel like my vision is worse. Firstly, I thought it was just in my mind, so I printed a text on a sheet of paper, stuck it on the wall and marked the furthest points where I could see well with each of my eyes. Then, I wore the lenses, and after taking them off, guess what, I can't see well from the same spots.

I also realized this when I discovered that after wearing lenses a few days in a row, my vision is bad even when wearing them. I take a break, and when I start wearing them again, everything is good, for a few days.

What do you think about this? I think something is strange, I can't go visit a doctor until April, so I wanted to ask for your opinion… Is there any possibility that I have something else than a regular myopia? It seems like my eyes want to see worse even if I "help" them see better.
>>> Vision temporally worse after wearing glasses/lenses. Opinions?

How to tell if a contact is inside out?

I just went to the eye doctor today and had my contact lens fitting done. After, they gave me trial pairs. I got the Bausch and Lomb daily wears. Now, sometimes when I blink or move my eye, it feels itchy or something.Is it because I'm new to contacts or is it inside out in my eye? What does an inside out contact feel like? Thank you! Your answers are greatly appreciated(:
>>> How to tell if a contact is inside out?

Contact lenses feel weird? - 1

I just went to the eye doctor today to get my contact lens fitting. After it was done they gave me trial lenses. I got the Bausch and Lomb daily wear contacts. Now, Sometimes when I blink, it feels like itching or something? Is it because I'm new to contacts? Could the contact be inside out? I can see fine, it's just the weird feeling! (: thank you! Your answers are greatly appreciated.
>>> Contact lenses feel weird? - 1

How to look good with glasses?

I'm a 19 year old girl and I used to wear contact lenses all the time, but I had a severe eye injury and can't wear them often.

Would you ever date a girl with glasses?

Any tips on how to look cute with glasses? Are there things I should avoid wearing with them or what style of glasses do you like?

I'm very self conscious of how I look in them :(
>>> How to look good with glasses?

Blurriness in new glasses/ headaches?

I know similar questions have been answered, but I've seen some mixed replies and wanted a response tailored to my situation.

I have a prescription pair of glasses, with a long-sighted lens for my left eye and nothing for my right eye (my lazy eye).
They were recommended to me after complaining of headaches often and issues with reading at an angle. The time before I was offered glasses but declined; they said I was short-sighted, but I forgot to mention the headaches, and most recently they did do more tests. The back of my eyes are healthy.

I also mentioned that I have difficulty reading in both strong light and in darkness, shadowing (e.g in reflections, or white text on black), I also referenced the rare black dots or sunshine spots I got in summer.

There is a chance that the lens does not suit me. When questioned the vision given by different lenses I wasn't sure if I could refer back to a previous lens, for example lens 5 is better than lens 6 - but lens 2 was better than them both.

I have had the glasses a while now, not that I have worn them much. Both up-close and afar everything is not as sharp, and when reading the monitor right now the words become blurry and stretch upward.

Please help, and thank you in advance :).
>>> Blurriness in new glasses/ headaches?

Looking for iLasik procedure using VisuMax laser tech in Mumbai?

I need to find a Centre in Mumbai, Pune or Bangalore that uses VisuMax laser Technology. I haven't had any luck finding one.

Where can I help myself find a Top Eye Specialist with their address/Location and Contact information in cities I mentioned. Preferably in Mumbai.

I am 34 years old female Married. I use Glasses and contact lens. I think my Eye power on both is negative 5 or little higher. Thanks.
>>> Looking for iLasik procedure using VisuMax laser tech in Mumbai?

Wearing black scleral lenses for costume?

I know scleral lenses can be very risky and damage the eye if not bought from a very reliable source and bought to correctly fit your eye, but I have some more questions about them.

I already have some crazy nearsightedness. Like, if it's not about an arm's length away, it's blurry. On top of that, one of my eyes has an astigmatism. I wear contacts daily but I am absolutely dying to someday wear black sclera lenses for a costume! I love how eerie they look.

But, if my already-damaged eyes would cause them to not work with my eyes, I am not afraid to give up hope on that dream. I'd much rather have healthy eyes than a temporary theatrical look!

So, is it possible or no? Or I guess, would it be safer for me to just ditch the idea? Thanks so much!
Added (1). My eyes have not been physically damaged, I just mean that my eyes are not naturally 20/20 and have an astigmatism. The things I've read about wearing theatrical scleral lenses have always talked about the wearers as if they had perfect eyes already, that's why my question's up here :)
>>> Wearing black scleral lenses for costume?

Best contact lenses to help dry eyes?

I currently use Acuvue TrueEye which is working better than my last contact lenses being Acuvue Moist
>>> Best contact lenses to help dry eyes?

Fx eyes Contact lenses? (

I just purchased the Halo contact lenses by fxeyes. I was wondering if anyone who has tried fxeyes contact lenses could tell me about how natural the color is and possibly post pictures? I'm hoping it was a good decision. Let me know of your experience with this brand! Was it good?

Do you think this color looks natural? Thanks
>>> Fx eyes Contact lenses? (

Darker vision than the other?

I just noticed it right now that my right eye sees images darker than my left eye and much blurred than my left eye, and now my eyes feel pain inside my eyeball. I think its being frequent already! I searched through internet and some of the sites say a cataract is forming while some says its astigmatism.My mom has astigmatism, is it hereditary? was the factor why this happened is because of I stare too much to the monitor since I always use computer all day long? I adjusted the brightness and contrast to the very low level and yet im still experiencing this. I have contact lens and used it for not more than ten times (my first time) and I used all the proper handling for it so my eyes will still be safe from the dangers I might encounter because of using it. What to be considered why this happened? Please also answer my last question at my account.thanks.
>>> Darker vision than the other?

Not comfortable with contact lenses?

So I was using my contact lenses and I find my left eye comfortable with it as if im not wearing any while my right eye feels like I got a dirt in my eye but there's nothing. Also, when I'm using it, sometimes my sight becomes cloudy and even though I'm dripping my all in one solution on my eye, I can still see it. Was it the 'floaters' or not? (no grade contact lenses, hazel-colored.)
>>> Not comfortable with contact lenses?

Cinderella hair and makeup ideas?

I know it's a little early for Halloween but I found this awesome Cinderella dress and now I want to complete the costume but have no idea how to do my hair and makeup! Any ideas? :) Oh and I have blonde hair and was thinking of getting blue contact lenses
>>> Cinderella hair and makeup ideas?

Can you feel contacts in your eye?

Can you feel them? I am getting my first contact lens exam tomorrow..What do they feel like when you put them in? Any other info.on contacts? Thank you! Your answers are greatly appreciated(:
>>> Can you feel contacts in your eye?

What happens at a contact lens exam?

What happens at a first eye contact lens exam? I am having my first one tomorrow(:
and I was just wondering what I should expect! I am getting the daily wear contacts. Thank you! (: your answers are greatly appreciated.
>>> What happens at a contact lens exam?

Optical mesurement instruments for contact lenses?

I know there is an instrument that opticians use to find the measurements of spectacle lenses when you present as a new client but don't have a written copy of your current prescription. I have an old pair of conventional soft contacts which I can still see clearly through but don't have a copy of the prescription.Do opticians have any instruments they can use to get the correct measurements? I'm not able to get patient records from the original prescribing optician as he went out of Business
>>> Optical mesurement instruments for contact lenses?

Can a corneal abrasion heal naturally on it's own without medication?

How long would this take and would wearing contact lenses slow this process down or make it worse?
>>> Can a corneal abrasion heal naturally on it's own without medication?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Are circle lenses bad to wear?

Circle lenses make the pupil look bigger. I want some, I can get them in prescription sense I wear glasses. But would they do any damage?
>>> Are circle lenses bad to wear?

Have you ever caught the chemtrail flu?

You're sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You're sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don't have enough energy to get out of bed.

It's not the flu.It's a conspiracy, according to Dr. Len Horowitz. His opinion is not based on conspiracy theory but on conspiracy fact.

Over the past 10 years, Horowitz has become America's most controversial medical authority. A university-trained medical researcher, Horowitz, 48, charges that elements of the United States government are conspiring with major pharmaceutical companies to make large segments of the population sick.

The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn't quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it's a "mystery" flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it.

"That's all hogwash, bogus nonsense", says Dr. Leonard Horowitz. "The fact of the matter is, we have seen this type of an epidemic since the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999. People have been hacking and coughing with this bizarre illness that does not seem to follow any logical viral or bacterial onset and transition period.

If it was a really bacterial or a viral infection, it would have caused a fever but it didn't.It lasts for weeks, if not months. Sinus congestion, sinus drainage, cough, fatigue, general malaise. People have been feeling "off".

The Armed Forces Research Institute of Pathology has registered a patent for the pathogenic micro-plasma that is causing the epidemic. You can see the patent report in the book, Healing Codes for the Biblical Apocalypse.

Miro-plasma is not really a fungus, it's not really a bacteria, it's not really a virus.It has no cell wall.It goes deep into the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mount an immune response against it.It's a man-made biological weapon. The patent report explains how it causes chronic upper respiratory infections that are virtually identical to what's going on right now."


"I believe the chem-trails are responsible for a chemical intoxication of the public, which would then cause a general immune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending on exposure. The immune dysfunction allows people to become susceptible to opportunistic infections, such as this micoplasma and other opportunistic infections", says Dr. Horowitz.

"I first began to investigate chemtrails when some were sprayed over my home in Northern Idaho. I took pictures of them, and then contacted the Environmental Protection Agency of the state who were clueless and referred me to the Air Force. They got me in touch with Centers for Disease Control Toxicology, and after about a week I received a letter from one of their chief toxicologists saying, indeed there was some amount of ethylene dibromide in the jet fuel.

Ethylene dibromide is a known human chemical carcinogen that was removed from unleaded gasoline because of its cancer-causing effects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel that high-altitude military aircraft are emitting!"

Ethylene dibromide is coming out of the jet fuels that is causing immune suppression and weakening people's immune system. Then you've got a micoplasma microbe or a fungus that causes an upper respiratory illness. Suddenly you develop a secondary bacterial infection. Now you get hit with ANTIBIOTICS, and the antibiotics cause your body chemistry to go acidic, so now you get rashes and other things, your liver gets full of toxins and comes out through your skin in rashes and they get hyper-allergenic reactions associated with the other chemicals. I've got colleagues in the Bahamas, Bermuda, Toronto, British Columbia all reporting the same bizarre seeding of the atmosphere. What is going on is just despicable.

All of a sudden now you've got human beings completely out of balance and infected by two, three or four microbial co-factors as well as intoxicated by a variety of different chemicals… and you've got somebody who's going to be chronically ill.


"The Frank Church Congressional Hearings of 1975 exposed the Central Intelligence Agency biological weapons contracting firms – Litton Bionetics and the Army Corp of Engineers who were developing and utilizing various biological weapons on populations. And this is all done under black operations, covert operations, where they get funding and congressional people are never informed really where this money is going.It's the black budget", says Horowitz.
>>> Have you ever caught the chemtrail flu?

7 eyesight at age 16 is this a worry?

As I said I'm now 16 and have +7 eye sight. I currently have contact lenses but I'm starting to worry. I cannot hav laser surgery as my eye sight as its too bad is there anything I can do to correct this? Help!!!
>>> 7 eyesight at age 16 is this a worry?

What was he trying to achieve?

Okay so long story cut short

A while ago I found myself really attracted to this guy in my college, hes 21 and I'm 18. Whenever I was within his view he would always stare at me/check me out. We were introduced through a mutual friend but at the time I was too shy to hold a conversation with him, so instead he made the most random comment and asked if I was wearing brown contact lenses =S I never spoke to him again after this, not even a simple hello when I seen him.

Nothing ever came of it, so I assumed he was not interested and I moved on.

Yesterday I was talking to my friends about wanting to split up with my boyfriend when I realized that the same guy I found attractive was sitting right behind me with his friends. Both of my friends discretely commented that they had picked up on him constantly looking at me. Out of nowhere we all overheard him talking about how he had gone out on the weekend and give his number to some "really hot girl" he told his friend that this girl had called him and he couldn't remember who she was.

He told his friend that this girl had supposedly asked if he was single which he said he was, then she apparently asked if he liked anyone at college which he never commented on.

I defiantly feel that he went out of his way to make sure that I overheard his conversation with his friend.My friends say it could be something, or nothing.

Any ideas?
>>> What was he trying to achieve?

Are circle lens bad for you if you wear it everyday for 9 hours?

I wear my circle lens everyday from 6am to 2pm and as soon as i get home i take them out and wear my regular glasses and put some eye drop in it and on the weekdays i wear glasses too.i only wear circle lens when i go to school so i was wondering if circle lens are still bad for me even if i do that? and should i just buy regular soft contact lens provided by doctors?
>>> Are circle lens bad for you if you wear it everyday for 9 hours?

Colored prescription contact lenses? - 2

Do they cost extra? If so how much more?
>>> Colored prescription contact lenses? - 2

Which opti-free is the best for me?

I have sensitive, dry eyes. What's the difference between Opti-Free Replenish, PureMoist and Express? Which one is better for me?
>>> Which opti-free is the best for me?

Contact lenses will make my eyesight worse?

I hate to put on glasses! I really hate it! I wanna put on contact lenses but my mom said its gonna make my eyesight worse.Is it true? Should I continue with spectacles or contact lenses? I'll appreciate your help:)
>>> Contact lenses will make my eyesight worse?

If everyjob needs xperience then how am i going to get my 1st job?

Finding job nowadays is like finding contact lens from a well so im thinkinng .. how to get more job oppurtunities?
>>> If everyjob needs xperience then how am i going to get my 1st job?

Pink Eye help? important information to know?

Well I just got pink eye and I'm a little curious to know more info.first off, yes. I do know what Pink eye is caused by. I'm not an Idiot. I'm a bit ashamed, but that's why I'm asking the internet… heh heh.anyways, my questions. long does pink eye usually last?
2. Can you wear (disposable) contact lenses while you have Pink eye? does it spread?
4.should you stay home from school or work when you have pink eye?
5.will it get worse if I touch it a lot? there any known way to cure it or make it go away faster?

Please help me out, I'm a little desperate here. I only want serious answers please.thanks.
>>> Pink Eye help? important information to know?

Why the heck are my mmd models mixed up?

OKAY, like any other day, i was on mmd. I suddenly see a model i downloaded months ago.yet it wouldnt work to i see it today and im like, " ALRIGHT!" then i go to load a haku turns out to be len with no eyes.this scares i check another model which is meiko, and i get eyeless len.this again scares me.then i click len kagamine model to see what happens.again its eyless len.then i click meiko sakine.its an eyless meiko with the outlines of eyes.again it kins scares me.then i click a rin kagamine model.again it is an eyeless len.i show my friend.she says its creepy what has happened to my models
>>> Why the heck are my mmd models mixed up?

Walmart Contacts eye exam price?

Does any one know the price of the eye exam for contacts at walmart? also, whats the price for monthly lenses? Whats a good brand?

Thanks :)
>>> Walmart Contacts eye exam price?

Are biofinity toric contact lenses approved to sleep in?

Are biofinity toric contact lenses approved to sleep in?
>>> Are biofinity toric contact lenses approved to sleep in?

Can I Get Halloween Contact Lenses with my Prescription?

I have prescription glasses, but I wanted to wear Halloween contacts with my costume this year. If I don't have my prescription, I can't see anything at all, so I was wondering if I can get Halloween contact lenses with my prescription? Thanks!
>>> Can I Get Halloween Contact Lenses with my Prescription?

Could a corneal abrasion in the eye lead to bacterial meningitis?

I suffered a tear of my corona a few weeks ago while in South Florida while taking a contact lens off a very dry eye. I then washed it with the unfiltered tap water from the faucet. I went to see an ophthalmologist the following day and he said I had developed a small infection in my eye and gave me anti-biotic eye drops. After a week of taking it, I felt better. Now after 3 days, I suddenly have had an elevated temperature, coughs, stiff neck and body aches all over me. I am hoping this is just the flu, but now I'm worried that maybe the infection in my eye didn't completely heal (as I only took the tiny samples the doctor gave me) and maybe whatever bacteria/parasites got into my eye made it into my body intact and now is causing these body-wide symptoms.

Am I being neurotic and worrying for no reason or should I be concerned?
>>> Could a corneal abrasion in the eye lead to bacterial meningitis?

How to get my lenses to match my old prescription better?

I have an old glasses prescription that is GREAT… I see quite well with it. But had to get new frames and with that a new prescription. The new prescription is slightly off because I have trouble telling the slides apart in eye exams.

The old prescription I had was perfect only because I had that doctor take an inordinate amount of time as I deliberated over the slides. And that old doctor is gone. I feel uncomfortable taking up so much time to pick between choices so consequently i end up with a less than stellar prescription. I WANT MY OLD PRESCRIPTION BACK!!!

It has been so long that I no longer have a copy of the old prescription but still have my old glasses and just want that duplicated somehow. The new frames are a new shape. The new prescription isn't quite right and I had 14 days to adjust. I do not feel confident they can tweak it to my old prescription strength because I totally freak out during the eye exam… I just cannot choose slides. The only way they will be able to do it is to copy my old glasses and somehow figure out the prescription.It is perfect… I can see perfectly with the old prescription.

So here is the question. How can I get my eye doctor to just copy my old prescription from my old glasses??? The alternative is for me to freak out again in another eye exam and give another inaccurate result… HELP!
Added (1). I'm uncomfortable because half the time i can't tell between slides 1 and 2. When I blink, the choice I didn't like becomes the better choice. If I don't blink, my eyes dry up and it's not accurate either.
>>> How to get my lenses to match my old prescription better?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cheap Contact Lenses; Heard On Radio in FL?

My sister said she heard a radio commercial in FL for a chain eyeglass place that was opening a bunch of new locations and is having a sale on contact lenses for $9.99.

Anyone else heard it? She doesn't know what company it is.
Added (1). I understand that is the starting price. I'm just trying to find where the deal is so I can see how much cheaper my contacts would be.
>>> Cheap Contact Lenses; Heard On Radio in FL?

Are contact lenses comfortable? - 1

Are conact lenses comfortable? I am getting fitted for them tomorrow and I am a little scared that they will cause me discomfort.
>>> Are contact lenses comfortable? - 1

Small red blood dot on eye?

I was putting in my contact lenses and i noticed a small red blood dot on my eye.Is this serious? Can I still wear my contacts??? :)
>>> Small red blood dot on eye?

How old should you be to start wearing contact lenses?

What are the risks for someone who is 14/15 years old?
>>> How old should you be to start wearing contact lenses?

Can I wear bifocals if i dont need glasses at all?

I found a pair of glasses online that I really like, but they are bifocals, and I do not need glasses, I just really like the frames and cannot afford to get the lenses replaced.
My eyes are okay, i sometimes need 0.5 lenses for reading, and putting on glasses besides 0.5 lenses usually hurts my eyes after a while. Will bifocals hurt my eyes?
>>> Can I wear bifocals if i dont need glasses at all?

Sweet spot on progressive lenses is not at the same level?

Yesterday I posted a question about having to look sideways through my new glasses in order to clearly out of the right eye at close range (, reading etc).

Old Glasses:
1.67 plastic progressives with AR coating; worn for 4 years
OD Sphere -6.00, Cylinder -.50, Axis 095, Add +2
OS Sphere -7.25, Cylinder -.50, Axis 085, Add +2

New Glasses:
1.67 High Definition plastic progressives with AR coating
OD Sphere -5.50, Cylinder -1.00, Axis 090, Add +2
OS Sphere -7.00, Cylinder -.75, Axis 090, Add +2

The person who answered said that was a pretty sure sign the axis was off. Thank you and I will be addressing that with both the optician and optometrist tomorrow.

Now I have noticed another problem. I am hearing impaired and need to use the close captioning on the TV.As I was watching TV yesterday with the new glasses, I noticed that I cannot see clearly out of both eyes at the same time.In other words, the spot in the progressives where I can see clearly through the right eye to read the close captioning is NOT the same spot where I can see clearly through the left eye.To see the closed captioning clearly through the left eye, I have to tilt my head lower and look through a more upper part of the lense.

So then I started testing this on other things and sure enough, when looking at anything at distance, the "sweet spot" is always lower on the right lense than it is on the left lense.

I am about ready to give up on these new glasses.My old progressive lenses, even while slightly overcorrected, don't cause me any of this grief and the "sweet spot" when watching TV (or looking at anything for that matter) is at the same level in both right and left lense.It really is aggravating because taken individually, I can see very well out of one eye at a time with the new glasses, and that was an improvement after putting up with overcorrected lenses for several months. But the new lenses aren't working together. I suspect this is the reason for the terrible eye strain.

Any suggestions? When I go back to the optician tomorrow, I expect they will just say "oh you need more time to adjust". But this does NOT strike me as an adjustment issue.

Not happy at all with this optical outlet this time. The experienced optician I had the last time has left and no one will say why or where. The manager of the store doesn't know the difference between presbyopia and hyperopia, and the two young opticians, while very pleasant, seem inexperienced. The one openly admitted not knowing much about progressives and the other one was unable to adjust the arms of the glasses to comfortably accommodate my hearing aids, even though the new frames are EXACTLY the same as the old frames and I had brought the old frames to use as reference.
>>> Sweet spot on progressive lenses is not at the same level?

How many rewetting drops can you put in your eyes?

I have pure moist opti free rewetting drops. On the back it says to put 2 drops in your eyes and 4 times daily.My eyes are small so i put one drop in and i usually need more than 4 drops everyday.
>>> How many rewetting drops can you put in your eyes?

Does it matter HOW you remove contact lenses from your eye?

I am new user, and I've been thinking does it matter how you remove them. I just find it really hard to pinch them out of my eyes, so I take them off by rubbing my upper eyelids until they fall on my cheek.
My sister said that it is not healthy and damages your eye and the lenses may even shatter in the eye.Is that true?

How do I take them off the normal way? I use night & day lenses so they are very light, but I still take them off every night.
>>> Does it matter HOW you remove contact lenses from your eye?

Could you just use daily contact lenses for a couple of days if you.?

Clean them and store them in solution?
>>> Could you just use daily contact lenses for a couple of days if you.?

My circle lenses are really bothering me?

I have some circle lenses they are 15 mm Poly2-HEMA. (Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) lenses
The bc is 8.7
The water content 42%

I try to be the cleanest with my lenses but they seem to bother me when I put them on, my eye get all red and I tear up.the solution I use is Biotrue multi-purpose solution. Could That be the cause?
My friend wear circle lenses and none of this ever happen to them and they wear their circle lenses every day.So I don't know the problem ?
Added (1). Circle lenses are not ment to "fit" they are to make your eyes bigger than normal so fitting is not the problem.
>>> My circle lenses are really bothering me?

What do I do with contact lenses?

I ordered some green eye contacts and it came with these two bottles.It says in them it contains the contacts but I don't know if I just pour all of it in the case? Or what else do I do?
>>> What do I do with contact lenses?

Which eye surgery should I go for?

Hi! My eyesight's pretty bad.In fact I can't see without my glasses. Right lens's over 1000 degrees while left is approaching 900.No other conditions except for the myopia.

Recently I've been reading a lot about PRK and LASIK and I'm wondering which one is better? I'm not aiming for life with no glasses, just ones with thinner lenses. Will be seeing a doctor soon but I want to know if it's a lost cause for my eyes.

Thank you
>>> Which eye surgery should I go for?

New to contact lenses. Blurry?

New to contact lenses. Got Air Optix for astigmatism.

Problem is:
At long sight, it's all clear, without blurriness. But, at short-medium sight when i try to read someting, or work on computer, vision is a little blurry. Not too much but it looks like im out of focus and letters seems blurry/doubled.

Is this normal at beginning? I weared lenses about 3-4 hours total. Will this problem go after more wearing time?

One more thing, after 1-2 wear time hours, lenses feel strange in my eye. Looks like i have to blink more and rest eye.
>>> New to contact lenses. Blurry?

What can i do to reduce my outgoings?

Hi guys i work doing security at 60 hours a week just above nmw not much tho but looking at ways to reduce my outgoings as its the only wage coming into the house (myself & partner survive on this)

Income £1300-1350 a month after tax's etc

list of outgoing's

rent £261
c-tax £80
power £80
gas £30
food £250
three contract 1 -£20
three contract 2 - £20
three contract 3 £13
three contract 4 £13
provident loan 1 - £21
provident loan 2 -£21
provident loan 3 - £21
provident loan 4 - £21
rise credit card 1 - £50
sky -tv/internet/phone - £90
netflix £6
lowell debt 1 - £1
lowell debt 2 - £1
overdraft - £20
contact lenses - £22.22
family - £50
travel -train - £85.10
david lloyd gym 1 - £60
david lloyd gym 2 - £60

total - £1296.35

as you see i only have £6-£50 spare each month not a lot i suppose i can stop payin most of them but they will go to a debt collection tho which i want avoid as i want a mortage in 6 yrs time

so any help would be great thx
Added (1). Gym memberships have 8 months eft on contract
2 x mobile contracts have 6 months on contract left 2 x mobile contracts have 18 months on contract left

provident loans are high but feel bad not paying my debts off but i feel bad not having money end of the month for myself also forgot i got 2 dogs to take care of 1 needs sugery every 2 years cost ing £400 a time
Added (2). Cant cancel gym or sky or netflix my gf likes them too much she be mad if i cancel them aswell

contact lenses are must i afraid
>>> What can i do to reduce my outgoings?

Contact lenses lose perscription strength when time to be replaced?

I usually replace my contacts every 3 weeks but I lost count of how many I have left so now I have to wait for them to be delivered. I have had these contacts in for 3 weeks and was wondering if they lose strength as the get old? Because if that's not it I will have to go back to get another eye exam. Thanks!
>>> Contact lenses lose perscription strength when time to be replaced?

Im kinda worried now?

Ok I wear contact lenses and today I had to immediately take one out as it was causing irritation and redness, now my eye feels like there it something in it and my vision is slightly blurred and things are kind of hazy, did I perhaps scratch my eye?
>>> Im kinda worried now?

How long should it take for me to get used to my contacts?

For years, I was told that for whatever reason, I was unable to use soft lenses.So I had gas permeable lenses and could never fully get used to them.So I just went back to using my glasses again for about 5 years. After visiting two more eye doctors, I was told that they did not see any reason that I could not use regular, soft lenses. I got them this week. They feel MUCH better, and so far, I almost do not feel them at all. However, my left eye is my "bad eye." I have a different prescription for each eye. But when I wear them, one eye is blurry, and one eye is not. Throughout the week, it seems to have gotten slightly less noticeable, probably because I just try to ignore it.It's as if my left eye, or weak eye, is able to see better close up, as my right is better far away.My eye doctor is kind of a douche and doesn't answer my questions very well. I was told, not by my eye doctor, but by a family friend that I would get used to the seemingly alternating clear vision, as he said he had the same problem. If this is true, how long should it take for my eyes to adjust to it?
>>> How long should it take for me to get used to my contacts?

Where can I get non prescription contact lenses?

I would like to get some for a costume.
>>> Where can I get non prescription contact lenses?

Will insurance cover contact lenses if I need them to drive?

I have glasses but they don't have anti glare or transition lenses so it's super hard for me to drive when it's sunny or at night because the glare from the headlights reflects all around the lenses and I can't see right. The pair I got was covered by my insurance but I think contacts would be a more practical solution. I have state insurance so I don't know if they will cover it :/ if they don't how much do contacts usually cost? I'm slightly nearsighted but enough for it to affect my driving…
>>> Will insurance cover contact lenses if I need them to drive?

How long can I use my contact lenses? - 1

I've never used any kind of contact lens before, so this is the first I got it. I was just wondering, how long can I used them for? Is there like a limit to how long they can be used? How can I tell when it's no good? This is what I got
>>> How long can I use my contact lenses? - 1