Saturday, October 17, 2015
Does anti glare coated lenses interfere with transitions lenses?
I ordered new glasses with anti glare, transitions, and polycarbonate lenses. I was holding my glasses in the sun for about 3 mins to see if they will change but they didn't. I called my eye dr. And they said to stick them in the freezer for 20mins and then go outside. I did that and still nothing is happening. So does the AR interfere with transitions?
Read more: Does anti glare coated lenses interfere with transitions lenses?
Does it make sense to wear reading glasses over contact lenses?
If you would normally wear bifocal glasses, could you wear contacts for your distance vision and put reading glasses over them whenever you needed to read?
Read more: Does it make sense to wear reading glasses over contact lenses?
When a ball hits you in the eye with contact lenses, will you go blind?
I'm planning to wear contacts while playing soccer. Me and my friend are arguing about when a ball hits your eye with contact lenses, it would make you blind. Is that true?
[NOTE]: I hate wearing sport goggles.
Read more: When a ball hits you in the eye with contact lenses, will you go blind?
Friday, October 16, 2015
What contact lenses do I need? - 1
I have 20/60 vision. That basically means what an average person sees at 60ft., I would need to be 20ft. From. I ve only previously worn glasses and now I need contacts for a cospaly and am unsure which ones to get. I don t even know what it s called but I have the option to choose from -1, -1.5 etc. O believe I m in the 1-1.25 range but am unsure.
Read more: What contact lenses do I need? - 1
My eyes become red after and while wearing contacts?
So, I've been wearing contacts for a while now. Recently, when I wear my contacts, my eyes become really red and veiny especially after taking them off. You can find most of the redness below my iris (even after using eye drops, it's still there).It's much worst on my right eye. My left eye doesn't get irritated. The next morning after wearing my contacts, I would have dry discharge around my tear ducts. Sometimes after waking up, my eyes would be red. I can recall having troubles taking my contacts off (for some odd reason because I can usually take them off w/ ease) and maybe I may have pinched my contacts out of my right eye a bit too hard (to take my lens off, I bring the contacts down to the sclera/white part of the eyes and remove), but I'm not sure if that may be the reason to why my right eye has been like this. I would give my eyes a rest then wear them again. Even after a week without contacts and finally trying them on again, I still have the same problem. I need to wear my contacts because I use them at school. I'm a little worried. I'm not new to contacts. I've never had this problem before. I miss wearing them! :(
Added (1). I use two different brand of contacts, both of which has never irritated my eyes until now. I don't think it's the brand of contacts that's causing this problem.
Read more: My eyes become red after and while wearing contacts?
Added (1). I use two different brand of contacts, both of which has never irritated my eyes until now. I don't think it's the brand of contacts that's causing this problem.
Read more: My eyes become red after and while wearing contacts?
Sudden issue with wearing contact lens in one eye?
I noticed roughly a month ago My eyes were feeling dry and blurry so I put drops in them to hydrate my lenses (acuvue oasis) I went to bed and when I woke up my eye was stuck shut. I used warm water to unstick it and took my contacts out. I waited a few days, till my eyes seemed back to normal, and put my lenses back in. Within two days the same thing happened. So I took out and this time threw away the contacts. I waited once more and then put a fresh pair in. Same thing ended up happening once more. So took them back out and figured perhaps my eye was to blame and waited 2 weeks, taking eye health supplements for good measure, before trying again. I didn't leave the trouble contact in due to it seeming blurred like it was before. I feel I need to note I thought perhaps I was putting it in backwards the final time so I flipped it before inserting it. My vision was clearer that way but it stung, signaling it was backwards. What could be wrong with my eye? It's only the left eye that acting up.
Read more: Sudden issue with wearing contact lens in one eye?
Why are my contacts foggy / cloudy?
I purchased some solotica colored contact lenses and this is my first time ever using contacts so i really don't know anything… Anyways when i put them in i see cloudy like they do not bother me at all my vision is clear except certain parts of the contact are cloudy/ foggy and i really do not know what it is or how to take care of the problem now and so it doesn't happen in the future i would appreciate all the help and please be thorough with directions if any given thank you in advanced
Read more: Why are my contacts foggy / cloudy?
Do you need vision to use contact lenses?
I'm not talking about ones that improve your vision, as they wouldn't work as my condition is genetical but about cosmetic ones. So if you haven't guessed yet I'm visually impared(but not fully blind) and like the idea of wearing blood red or slate grey contacts… But could I do things such as clean them, put them in etc without using sight? What about the issue of contacts being inside out? Is thre a way to tell by touch, and is it serious putting them inside out? Thanks in advance.
Read more: Do you need vision to use contact lenses?
Are you a good person who does what is right?
I'm a 23 year old Ghanaian female and I am a good girl because I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't do drugs. I don't have any STDs. I graduated High School and obtained a Diploma. I have never been in a relationship or marriage before in my entire life. I have never been arrested before. I don't have a criminal record. I don't have any tattoos on my body. I don't wear nose rings or tongue rings. I don't wear fake nails or nail polish. I don't wear contact lenses. I don't go to parties or clubs. I don't bump and grind on guys. I don't twerk and I don't swing on poles. I don't wear thongs. I don't strip or give guys lap dances. I don't call guys on the phone to have phone sex. I'm not a gold digger. I don't makeout with guys in public. I don't rough play with guys. I don't wear high heel shoes and revealing clothes with an intention of getting guys to check me out. I like to cover myself because I respect myself. I don't follow the crowd or try to fit in. I like to follow my own lead and stand out of my peers. I don't hang around bad friends. I am not pressured by my peers because I know right from wrong and I won't allow them. I remained true to myself. I am unpopular and I like myself just the way I am. I will never change myself for anyone. What is so cool about being popular? Popular people aren't any better than me and you. They are human beings just like me and you. I'm not materialistic and I wear what my parents can afford. I am content with what I have.
Read more: Are you a good person who does what is right?
Pros and cons of wearing glasses?
Hi everyone, I just got glasses yesterday
My mom was against it as the power of lens is only -0.5 and -0.25 D
In the 2 lenses.
So I was wondering as she said, if I wear glasses it can actually make my eyes a whole lot worse and I will get higher power then
But I thougt incase I DON'T wear them I will grt a higher power
Please tell mr what to do
As the power is too low should I not wear them at all?
Thank you
Added (1). Urgh, what I meant was,
My mom said "why wear glasses when ur power is almost nothing, if you wear glasses, the power of your lenses will keep on increasing as time passes but if you don't wear them at all your power will remain static "
Idk if thats true
Cuz my dad had his first glasses with power 0.25 as well but after 20 years it's 2.5
He says if he hadn't put glasses at all, it would be at max 1 or 1.5
Read more: Pros and cons of wearing glasses?
My mom was against it as the power of lens is only -0.5 and -0.25 D
In the 2 lenses.
So I was wondering as she said, if I wear glasses it can actually make my eyes a whole lot worse and I will get higher power then
But I thougt incase I DON'T wear them I will grt a higher power
Please tell mr what to do
As the power is too low should I not wear them at all?
Thank you
Added (1). Urgh, what I meant was,
My mom said "why wear glasses when ur power is almost nothing, if you wear glasses, the power of your lenses will keep on increasing as time passes but if you don't wear them at all your power will remain static "
Idk if thats true
Cuz my dad had his first glasses with power 0.25 as well but after 20 years it's 2.5
He says if he hadn't put glasses at all, it would be at max 1 or 1.5
Read more: Pros and cons of wearing glasses?
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Where can I get cheep black contact lenses?
So, I m a huge Supernatural fan and I was going to be a demon for an upcoming comic con/ fan expo. I don t need glasses, and I don t really feel like spending a massive amount on having black eyes.
Does anyone know where I can get really cheep contacts that don t have any power to them?
(Jared Padalecki is amazing)
Read more: Where can I get cheep black contact lenses?
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
If women are beautiful the way they are, shouldn't men be too?
I am in my early 30s, have lost quite a bit of hair, and the hair that remains is starting to go grey. I am 5'4", have struggled with acne (it didn't respond to entry-level treatment), I am not muscular not do I have washboard abs, I wear glasses, and I do not wear brand name clothing.
Except for my height, this is all correctable. I could use rogaine for my hair, I could get on Accutane for acne, I could lift weights instead of playing volleyball and tennis, I could use contact lenses, and I could spend lots of money on clothes. But why should I? Am I not handsome the way I am?
I don't want to spend tons of money on rogaine or propecia (both of which have side effects). I don't want to mess with contact lenses, I am fine with specs. I love playing tennis, and I am in great health, which is what's important. I sure as hell don't want to get Accutane, it is a NASTY drug. I have the money to spend on brand name clothing, but I personally think it's a waste. If I can buy the same thing (albeit non-brand name) for 1/4 the price, it makes no sense to spend more.
I get told quite often that if I am not going to improve my look, I don't deserve to get attention from girls. Ok, if that's the case, then do fat girls not deserve attention from guys because they refuse to make an effort to lose weight? Pretty sure nobody would ever say such a thing to a woman, so why is it ok to say it to men?
Read more: If women are beautiful the way they are, shouldn't men be too?
How old should you be to wear dolly contacts?
I m 12 and a half, and I ve been wanting to get contact lenses that make my eyes look bigger and cuter for my South Park Wendy costume. I was just wondering if I m too young to wear them//if they ll harm my eyes? I only intend to wear them for about 8 hours at a convention. Thanks
Read more: How old should you be to wear dolly contacts?
Do you have to increase the eye power when buying circle lenses?
(for example, -3.50 to -3.75)
My optometrist suggested it because I have astigmatism, but I want to get an opinion from someone who actually wore circle lenses.
Read more: Do you have to increase the eye power when buying circle lenses?
What type of intermolecular interaction is present between methyl methacrylate molecules?
I dont understand this question, there may be multiple types. Please explain.
Hard contact lenses are made from a polymer based on methyl methacrylate. What type of intermolecular interaction is present between methyl methacrylate molecules? (Select all that apply.)
Read more: What type of intermolecular interaction is present between methyl methacrylate molecules?
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Where can I buy color contact lenses online without prescription?
I want them from America
Read more: Where can I buy color contact lenses online without prescription?
Which female bible do I most closely sound like based on my achievements and good girl behavior?
I'm a 23 year old Ghanaian female and I am a good girl because I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't do drugs. I don't have any STDs. I graduated High School and obtained a Diploma. I have never been in a relationship or marriage before in my entire life. I have never been arrested before. I don't have a criminal record. I don't have any tattoos on my body. I don't wear nose rings or tongue rings. I don't wear fake nails or nail polish. I don't wear contact lenses. I don't go to parties or clubs. I don't bump and grind on guys. I don't twerk and I don't swing on poles. I don't wear thongs. I don't strip or give guys lap dances. I don't call guys on the phone to have phone sex. I'm not a gold digger. I don't makeout with guys in public. I don't rough play with guys. I don't wear high heel shoes and revealing clothes with an intention of getting guys to check me out. I like to cover myself because I respect myself. I don't follow the crowd or try to fit in. I like to follow my own lead and stand out of my peers. I don't hang around bad friends. I am not pressured by my peers because I know right from wrong and I won't allow them. I remained true to myself. I am unpopular and I like myself just the way I am. I will never change myself for anyone. What is so cool about being popular? Popular people aren't any better than me and you. They are human beings just like me and you. I'm not materialistic and I wear what my parents can afford. I am content with what I have.
Read more: Which female bible do I most closely sound like based on my achievements and good girl behavior?
How to make a small hole with laser?
I'm trying to make a 100 micron hole on transparency. Has anyone heard of doing anything like this with a focused laser? If so, is it practical?
Little confused on how the 'size' of a laser works. Since I want a 100 micron hole, I should make my laser amplitude 100 micron correct? Also, do lasers burn in a 'perfect' circle? Does this depend on my lens?
Read more: How to make a small hole with laser?
My contact lenses won't stick to my eye?
I've been trying to put on contacts everyday for more than a week. At first I was afraid of touching my eye, but then I got over that. Then my problem was my blink reflex, but I also learned to control that by holding my upper eyelid. Now, the contacts just won't stick. I'm opening my eyes wide enough and I literally put the contact right in front of my eye and it's even touching my sclera, but it just won't stick. I put a drop of solution onto both the contact and my eye so they're both moist. I make sure it's not inside out and my finger is dry. I thought at first that the contact isn't the right shape for my eye, but my mom (who's a long time contact user) keeps saying it should stick even if it's not the perfect shape. Does it need to be able to curve exactly the way my eye is curved and I'm tilting it or something? Isn't it supposed to immediately suction? If my finger is even slightly wet, will it not stick to my eye? If I make the contact moist, and put it on my finger, then solution will get on my finger so I don't know how I can make it dry without making my contact dry too.
Read more: My contact lenses won't stick to my eye?
What happens if you wear non prescription contact lenses?
I wanted to get some white contacts for my Halloween costume, but I don t have a prescription for contacts and won t have time to go to the doctor and get one, order the contacts, etc. I ve heard all kinds of stuff saying that it s dangerous to wear non prescription contacts, you can go blind, etc. Is this true? Or would it be okay to wear them (probably only for 3-4 hours, if that, on Halloween)?
Read more: What happens if you wear non prescription contact lenses?
Monday, October 12, 2015
Can you wear expired contact lenses? - 2
I have some contacts that expired 3 months ago, is it still safe to wear them?
Read more: Can you wear expired contact lenses? - 2
What good are contact lenses?
They are a pain in the neck to put in and to take off. If you wear contact lenses, you probably need to wear eyeglasses over them to read and to look at your computer. You have to clean them every day. They are a pain. What is the point? Eyeglasses, especially infinitely variable eyeglasses, are much more convenient.
Read more: What good are contact lenses?
Do I Need a Perscribtion to Get Circle Lenses?
I am really confused because i want circle lenses for this look but this girl on youtube says that its illegal to get circle lenses in america if you dont have a perscribtion from your doctor. And i dont know how to get one from my doctor, but im just really confused on how all this stuff worls so can someone xplain it please?
Read more: Do I Need a Perscribtion to Get Circle Lenses?
Help finding Prescription Halloween Contacts for around $60?
I've looked just about everywhere and the only Halloween contacts i can find are either in the $100-$300 price range or they aren't prescription. Both my eyes are -6.00 and im looking for a bright blue un-natural color to cover my dark brown eyes. Like the Angelic contacts: 
Or the Blue Rave:
I need to keep in the $60 for two lenses preferably including shipping and all.
Im being chucky for halloween this year My costume:
and i already have the red hair, i just want the blue eyes to go with it kinda like what chuckys look like in this picture:
I've tried regular colored contacts, but none of them stand out over my dark brown (almost black) eyes like i want them to.
Read more: Help finding Prescription Halloween Contacts for around $60?
Or the Blue Rave:
I need to keep in the $60 for two lenses preferably including shipping and all.
Im being chucky for halloween this year My costume:
and i already have the red hair, i just want the blue eyes to go with it kinda like what chuckys look like in this picture:
I've tried regular colored contacts, but none of them stand out over my dark brown (almost black) eyes like i want them to.
Read more: Help finding Prescription Halloween Contacts for around $60?
Do Glasses Degrade in Time?
I am writing a post apocalyptic novel about a man who wears glasses in a post apocalyptic world, my question is, after 5-25 years do glasses lose their power or do they remain with their eyesight which was integrated into them
Read more: Do Glasses Degrade in Time?
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Would it be weird for me to wear circle lenses to school?
i want to wear circle lenses to school but i feel like people would think im weird for wearing it. But i really like the way it looks so what do you guys think?
Read more: Would it be weird for me to wear circle lenses to school?
I got glasses, now my eyes hurt when I don't wear them…progressive lenses?
So to make a long story short, I have an astigmatism in each eye and have problems focusing, which was causing eye strains, and headaches. I got my glasses on Friday and my eyes adjusted really fast, I can really tell a difference. I'm just confused because when I take them off I notice immediately that I need them again for comfort on my eyes. I never remember my vision being this bad, I have progressive lenses by the way. Does my brain know that this is the correct way and now when I take them off its more evident to the extent of how bad my vision was? Can someone explain this to me?
Read more: I got glasses, now my eyes hurt when I don't wear them…progressive lenses?
Girls is he honestly attractive? Why or why not?
Girls is he honestly attractive? Why or why not? 
Read more: Girls is he honestly attractive? Why or why not?
Read more: Girls is he honestly attractive? Why or why not?
I want to wear contact lenses but I m so afraid?
I have been wearing glasses for about 8 years. And I realised that glasses are so inconvenient! And it seemed like I m the only one who wore glasses to special occasions:(
I ve been trying to wear contacts lenses for about almost a year, and still today I can t get them in
I know how to wear them because I have been searching many videos on them on youtube, googling about contacts.
I have also been practising with my hands almost everyday.
And each week, I would try to put the contacts in but I just don t have the courage when the contacts is near my eyes!
So… My question is, how can I have the courage to put them into my eyes? :( I ve been wanting to put them in for about a year…
Read more: I want to wear contact lenses but I m so afraid?
How to tell if my contact lenses are inside out? - 1
How to tell if my contact lenses are inside out? - 2
Read more: How to tell if my contact lenses are inside out? - 1
For most people that wear them, of what use are contact lenses?
Due to a severe myopia / cataract eye problem I have, I will be wearing contact lenses until I am able to get cataract surgery in both eyes. I will have to replace by eyeglasses with contacts until this happens. Today, I tried on a pair of soft toric contacts (the 2 week type). And had a hell of a time putting them in and taking them out. In addition to this, I can't wear them more than 10 hrs a day. In addition, I need to wear eye glasses for reading and other glasses for looking at my computer. On top of this. They have to be cleaned and washed again and again day after day.real hassle. On tob of this, my eye doctor told me they can normally correct eyes better with glasses than contacts. So. What is the point of wearing contact lenses unless you have a special situation like me. They are an expensive, troublesome, time consuming hassle AND YOU STILL NEED TO WEAR EYE GLASSES ANYWAY! FOR READING AND LOOKING A THE COMPUTER? So WHAT IS THE POINT?
Read more: For most people that wear them, of what use are contact lenses?
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