Saturday, September 15, 2012

Where can I find glow in the dark contact lenses?

I want the contacts that glow in the dark not UV or black light ones. The ones that when I turn off the lights my eyes will glow. Where can I get them online?
>>> Where can I find glow in the dark contact lenses?

How to put soft contact lenses in?

I'm 13 and I just got contacts. I am having a lot of trouble putting my contacts in. I'm really good at taking them out, but whenever I try to put them in, they keep trying to stick to my finger.It usually takes me 10-15 tries to put each one in, and yesterday I missed my bus trying to put my contacts in. Both of my eyes are the same strength, so I don't have to worry about getting them mixed up. I am looking for some advice from an experienced contact wearer. Thanks!
>>> How to put soft contact lenses in?

I have an astigmatism, can i wear normal contacts?

For a play i need to wear colored contact lenses, but the contacts i need don't come in with astigmatism prescription.i wouldn't wear them for over two hours.
my prescription is -6.25 -1.25x170
would it be okay to just wear -6.00 contacts?
>>> I have an astigmatism, can i wear normal contacts?

Contact lenses vs glasses?

I am a 13 year boy. I had glasses since 2-3 years but I only wore them for the first 6 months after I got them. I did not like them because of two reasons:
1. They felt uncomfortable for my head and I used to get irritated a lot(whenever I used them I always used to think about them)(BTW I had 3 glasses all of them felt the same way)
2. Whenever I looked at anything, I could always see the frame and it was also very irritating.
I have never tried contacts but I think that I would lose them and it would hurt or feel uncomfortable.Do you have to get used to them?
And my mother is not allowing them, I dont know why. And I am very responsible.

Please tell what should I wear:
If glasses, please recommen a good brand and
If contacts, how to I convince my parents and does it hurt?

Thanks in Advance.
>>> Contact lenses vs glasses?

How do you know if you can wear contacts of not?

I wanted to try out some coloured contacts but my mum has worried me by telling me that when she was young and had to wear contacts for her sight, one slipped behind her eye-ball which had to be removed to get the lens out.

How do I know if I can or can't wear them? Is it something to do with the shape of your eyes to keep the contacts in place? I don't want to risk it: L
>>> How do you know if you can wear contacts of not?

What type of glasses do I wear?

I have two different prescriptions for my eyes.My left eye is better than my right eye. What type of glasses do I wear?

I need new glasses since my current glasses frame broke this morning. I was thinking about going to America's Best, because of their $69.95 + free eye exam offer. However, I read that their offer includes single vision plastic (CR39) lenses only.So I'm wondering if I am able to get their deal.
>>> What type of glasses do I wear?

Eyes sting after inserting contacts?

I just put in my contact lens for the left eye and it stings soooo damn much.i dont know why just to let you know, i washed my hands and the lens arent inside out.the lens in the right eye imediately adjusted and i cant even fell them but i dont know whats goin on with the left.just to let you know this is my second day of using contact lenses.i am using bausch and lomb soflens daily.
>>> Eyes sting after inserting contacts?

My eyeball is bleeding, no optical insurnce?

Pretty sure it's an infection, been waking up with pink eye in both for a while, but my left one (the one I've been wearing a lens in) is now bleeding on one side, legit blood, in blotches all over. Every time I call my doctor, the ladies there redirect me to clinics that avoid me, urgent care is considered an ER visit at my local hospital which costs $100, l an eye doctor won't see me for under $100 and glasses cost that much. I'm not made of money otherwise I would have had this problem solved months ago so what's my best course of action?
>>> My eyeball is bleeding, no optical insurnce?

Where can i buy the contact lenses that they use on the vampire diaries?

The ones that they use when they turn into vampires.

(Look at picture)
>>> Where can i buy the contact lenses that they use on the vampire diaries?

Eye glass to contact lense?

When my eyes have a grade of 150 for eyeglass.and want to replace it with a contact lens, the contact lens' grade would be 1.5 isn't?
>>> Eye glass to contact lense?

Red eyes after taking out my contacts?

I just tried a new brand of contacts called Solotica Hidrocharmes, I soaked them in opti-free solution two times over night after i opened the containter before i put them in my eyes to be safe. I didnt have any discomfort while wearing them, in fact they felt more comfortable than my freshlook contacts that i used before! but when i took them off a few minutes ago around my eye its red…
its red where the contacts were but the rest of my eye (the white part) isnt red… so i didnt see that my eyes were getting red with them on (theyre coloured)

these lenses were bought online, with a base curve of 8.7 and a diameter of 14.2
my normal contacts have a base curve of 8.6 and a diameter of 14.5
BUT- 8.6-8.7 is "medium" or whatever so its fine and i looked it up before that the diamete doesnt really matter…

I didnt change my solution, ive used this solution before.

i had no signs of discomfort while wearing the lenses but i did have a headache that i had from a day before..but i dont think that would cause my eyes to go red

i dont know what to do im so scared i got an infection or something T _ T i thought everything was going great until i took it off and where they were are red! what should i do? should i see an eye doctor! are my eyes ruined now D:!?
Added (1). :( oh yeah..btw i wore them for like… over 15 hours… </3
>>> Red eyes after taking out my contacts?

How to add more moisture to the air?

I work in an air conditioned office and the air is very dry. I have a humidifier on my desk but its still too dry. This is causing havoc with my contact lenses and I also use blink intensive tears. I know there isn't a problem with my lenses as I had a week off and didn't have any eye issues.It is also affecting a couple other colleagues.My boss has asked if there is anything else they can do… we don't have our vents on at the moment but the air circulates through the rest of the building. Does anyone have any suggestions to increase the moisture level. I think the boss is sick of me sat there with blood shot eyes etc
>>> How to add more moisture to the air?

Are eyeglasses harder to get clean if you have multiple coatings on them?

I have only needed to wear glasses for about 3 years now.
i have polycarbonate lenses that are -9 diopters, 1.74 high index, with transition coating, anti glare coating and scratch resistant coating.
i got them during the summer and it seemed like within a couple of months after sweating and having sunscreen sweat onto them they have never become really clean again.its like they are smeared and smudgey not matter how often i clean them or what i use to clean them.even the glasses place commented when i went in to have them tightened that they seemed to not come completely clean when they cleaned them.
i'm going to my eye dr next week and he said he would check my eyes to see if i ned a prescription change.whether i do or not i'm getting new glasses and i'll ask his advice as well as the glasses place but i'm just wondering is it true that the more coatings you get on eyeglasses the more difficult it is to get them clean?
i'm thinking about not having any coatings put on or maybe just the scratch resistant one.
the transition coating drives me nuts anyways cuz it doesn't seem to get dark enough for my liking in the sun and obviously does not work in the car where i need it the most plus i have terrible night vision so i have to take them off when i walk into a dim restaurant.
do you think the less coatings the better for my situation and what i've been experiencing or does the number of coatings really not make a difference in how clean the glasses get?
Added (1). @emily: i have always had terrible eye sight but due to my eyes being complex glasses did not help.i had cataract surgery 3yrs ago and all the measurements said my lens was one strength but since my eyes are complex it turns out the measurements were off by 9 diopters and the surgeon did not want to swap it out or do a piggy back lens implant.
so i went from no prescription to -9 in a matter of 30 minutes.
i'm 26yrs old.
my dr and the glasses place recommended the polycarbonate cuz its light weight and i have a very sensitive nose.
>>> Are eyeglasses harder to get clean if you have multiple coatings on them?

Halloween contacts for astigmatism?

I have astigmatism in both eyes therefore I need toric lenses. I cannot find any "special effects" lenses that accommodate for this.

Does anybody know of some websites that have them? If not, can I wear regular contacts just for a short time? I won't drive with them. I can enter my prescription for the power just not the other part for my astigmatism.So will this be okay temporarily?

How much would it affect my vision? Would it even be worth getting the prescription or just getting "nonprescription" lenses? I could wear my glasses over them if absolutely necessary.
>>> Halloween contacts for astigmatism?

What's wrong with my eye?

I've been wearing one Lens in my left eye for about 6 months now, because of a vein popping out on my right eye, but recently my left eye's been very sore. I wake up with both of them pink, put eye drops in just to make the left one white enough for a lens for the day. Now, I look in the mirror and notice that my left eye is… bloody? No pink, just wet blotches of red all over the top-left side of my Left Eye, immediately removed contact lens.


Health insurance doesn't cover optical, regular doctor avoids me like the plague, is there any way to get medical attention on the weekends without spending a million dollars?
Added (1). It's my left eye that's the problem now, I could care less about the right eye with the vein, my left one is BLEEDING, my right one hasn't had a lens in for a long time, and the vain is still there, I need vision, glasses are expensive.
>>> What's wrong with my eye?

Looking for the eye condition that started with Len. Dogs?

When a Dog`s eyes are misty. Don`t say cateracts because it starts with Len and I don;t think that are the same things.
Added (1). Yes I am, thanks!
>>> Looking for the eye condition that started with Len. Dogs?

Why Do Colored Contacts Burn My Eyes?

Every time I try to put in my colored contact lenses, they burn. I don't mean a little, I mean they burn so badly that I collapse to the ground and can't open my eyes for about ten minutes. When I finally can open my eyes, it's painful and everything blurs.My eyes are always bright red after this. I've tried different contacts and different contact solutions, but it's always the same.It doesn't matter how much time I wait, the burning never completely stops, and I eventually have to take them out.My friends have tried the contact lenses to see what I'm talking about, and other than their eyes watering a bit and burning somewhat for a minute or two, they're perfectly fine. I don't understand what the problem is. Can anybody tell me why this is, or what's going on?
Added (1). I thought I should also add in that this has been going on for almost two years.
Added (2). -I have not been trying to wear the SAME pair of contacts for almost two years, I've been trying different brands of lenses and of solutions.
-I didn't let my friend where the same contact lenses I had worn, we bought the same brand and had her try them out. I do not share contact lenses.
-I ask that the people who answer don't criticize me. I would just like an answer as to why I cannot wear contact lenses. Thank you to the people who have actually answered the question.
-Also, I have hazel eyes.
>>> Why Do Colored Contacts Burn My Eyes?

I wear BC 8.5.and DIA 14.2. Can I wear any other contacts?

Hi there,
I used to wear 1-day-Acuvue Moist BC 8.5 and DIA 14.2.It was perfect!

I bought Acuvue Advance (with Hydraclear) BC 8.7 and DIA 14.My eyes are RED after 1 hour or so!

Here is the question (s):

Can I only fit BC 8.5 and DIA 14.2?

Why my eyes turned RED with a just lil BC/DIA difference?
I noticed that the BC8.7/DIA 14 contact is smaller around my eye and tends to go up (and stay up).It does feel smaller, perhaps is that the tight contact lens feeling? Or is there a lack of oxygen?

Many thanks!
>>> I wear BC 8.5.and DIA 14.2. Can I wear any other contacts?

Do you know where I can find CIBA Vision's Aquify contact solution?

I have already checked my local Target and Kmart- I had no luck at either location. I am totally baffled, because I know Target used to carry CIBA products… the last time I went there, they had none. Please point me in the right direction!!!
>>> Do you know where I can find CIBA Vision's Aquify contact solution?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Should i wear glasses permanently?

I hav been recently tested and learned that I couldn't see distant object clearly(0.25)..Since it is a small power, will I be able to stop wearing glasses after some time? Or is there any natural methods to regain my eyesight(foods, exercises etc).? Or would I have to wear glasses for the rest of my life?(and I don't want contact lens either).
I'm a teenager.
>>> Should i wear glasses permanently?

How to convince parents to get contact lenses?

Serious answers and take ur time to read this. I'm 11 and I want contact lenses. 1 I look ugly in glasses. 2 I lose my glasses 3 my glasses. Fall out of my head. And 4 glasses break. How can I convince them? I'll chip in $100.
>>> How to convince parents to get contact lenses?

Do ultraviolet and infared contacts exist?

If ultraviolet and infared contact lenses do not exist, how can i invent them.

Thank you
>>> Do ultraviolet and infared contacts exist?

Which contact brand do I choose?

I had an eye appointment today, and I'm getting contacts for the first time. I know that sometimes you have to try different brands to fine one that works best. I have two different prescriptions, so my eye doctor said one brand might work for one eye, but not the other. These are what I have to choose from:

Left: Acuvue Advance (2 Weeks)
Right: Acuvue Advance for Astigmatism (2 Weeks)

Left: Acuvue Oasys (2 Weeks)
Right: Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism (2 Weeks)

Left: Air Opix Aqua (Monthly)
Right: Air Opix for Astigmatism (Monthly)

Left: Biofinity (Monthly)
Right: Biofinity Toric (Monthly)

Left: Biomedics 55 Premier (2 Week)
Right: Biomedics Toric (2 Week)

Left: Proclear EP (Monthly)
Right: Proclear Toric (Monthly)

I don't know which to try first…
>>> Which contact brand do I choose?

Which is the best among them circle lenses or crazy lenses?

Which is the best among them circle lenses or crazy lenses?
>>> Which is the best among them circle lenses or crazy lenses?

Can I wear my contacts for just a while longer?

I have contacts where you replace them every two weeks. The brand is Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear plus.My right eye is -3.50 while my left is -3.25. Ive been meaning to order more contacts during the past week or so but I've been too busy and now my change date is coming up in 4 days; when I have to change my contacts. I don't have anymore so I was wondering if it's safe to wear my contacts in for maybe a while longer, or seven days is the max.
>>> Can I wear my contacts for just a while longer?

Contacts len ripped/cracked/broke a tiny peice off?

I just got contacts 2 days ago, and the right sample one ripped like a very tiny piece super tiny but u can tell its a imperfect circular lens.i tried putting it back in and it wouldnt the question is.

is putting in broken contacts in ur eye bad?
>>> Contacts len ripped/cracked/broke a tiny peice off?

Are coloured contacts made that do not require a prescription?

My friend is a cos-player and she often wears coloured contact lenses. However, she requires glasses and her coloured contacts are prescription. She doesn't know if I can get them because I have perfect vision.Is it safe for me to wear contact lenses despite having good vision?
>>> Are coloured contacts made that do not require a prescription?

How old can you wear colored contact lenses?

I've been wearing brown colored contacts for 6 months now, but I was wondering whether I am wearing for the right amount of time. I generally wear them for school, so that's 8-9 hours a day, 5 days a week. After school, I take them off right away and wear my glasses. I also sometimes wear them on a weekend for 3-5 hours. I change my contacts every 2 weeks and take proper care of them.Am I wearing for too long?
Added (1). Sorry, I meant how "long"!
>>> How old can you wear colored contact lenses?

Can wearing contact lenses with less power demage my eyes?

Hello, I just received my contact lenses with power 1.5 and 1.25… I'm not sure if my power of glasses was like that or both with 1.7 … can I wear the contact lenses or .. ?
Added (1). My friend buyed me contact lenses online, so that's why I'm confusing about the contact lenses
Sorry for my english hope you are understanding me !!
>>> Can wearing contact lenses with less power demage my eyes?

Is it bad to wear contact lenses all day every day?

I don't sleep with them in of course, but I put them in about 20 minutes after waking up and I wear them all day until I get into bed. They are the fortnightly ones most of the time and I keep them clean. Just wondering if eyes need a break from time to time.
Added (1). On an average weekday they're in just before 6am and out at about 9:30pm
>>> Is it bad to wear contact lenses all day every day?

Can I wear these contacts or not?

So my contacts are 30 day wear contacts but I wore them once and they have been in the solution ever since.It's been about… 2 months now, can I wear them another 29 times or should I just throw them out? Also, any tips for how to avoid breaking your contact lenses, I always seem to break them while I'm taking them out.
>>> Can I wear these contacts or not?

I took a Nap in my Contacts!?

Ok so I'm still new to wearing contacts. Started in May. I have Air Optix Aqua and the one thing I'm proud of is that I haven't slept overnight in them which is good but today and yesterday I got back from school and I just dozed was 5 and I woke up and it was 8. Yesterday I got up and took them off but today when I wanted to take them off they were like dried out..lifeless but they were that dry that I couldn't get them out and now I'm a little paraniod. I just want to make sure I'm not making myself bilnd overtime. I talked to my doctor a while back and he said that little naps are ok but sleeping in them is a big no no! I just need some help! Is there anything I should know or look out for? Oh and sometimes the bottom of my cornnea (the larger outside of the eye area) there's like some that like from irriation or wearing it too long? Because I do admit to wearing them all day. (9am-11pm or 2am). And I also use Biotrue solution. Used to use opti free but it dries out and irritates my eyes a lot. Thanks!
>>> I took a Nap in my Contacts!?

Does this girl wear contact lenses? - 1

This is her picture
Actress Claudia Lynx
>>> Does this girl wear contact lenses? - 1

Should I wear contact lenses when dealing with hydrochloric acid?

The goggles don't cover all the sides. I was wondering if its best to bring my eyeglasses to wear instead.
>>> Should I wear contact lenses when dealing with hydrochloric acid?

BEST Halloween contacts that are comfortable?

I know alot of the special effect contact lenses are very very uncomfortable… I need ones that are gonna let me wear them comfortably for a few hours… i really dont wanna waste my money, im looking for zombie contacts? any suggestions?
>>> BEST Halloween contacts that are comfortable?

Does contact lenses give you headaches?

My contacts itch and make my head hurt.i feel them in my eyes and bothering my eyes. I have daily ones that are extra moist supposedly but mine feel dry very often. Can the headaches be due to the fact that contacts are a weaker prescription and my eyes are not used to them? that's what I'm starting to think :(
>>> Does contact lenses give you headaches?

Are there long-term issues with contact lenses?

I just got my contacts last week and they are bi-weekly ones. I read several Chinese articles about how contact lenses can damage your eyes over time. They said that contacts can make corneas thinner over time and you won't be able to undergo any eye surgeries including LASIK and even worse, cataract surgeries.omg I'm so scared! Are contacts really that dangerous?
>>> Are there long-term issues with contact lenses?

Can I wear contact lenses?

Ok, so I have myopia, 20/25 in left eye, 20/60 in right. I have had glasses for around 5 months and I wear them 8+ a day for school. I was wondering if I can get contacts, or do I have to wait a full year? I'm comfortable with putting my finger extremely close to my eye and don't get dizzy.
>>> Can I wear contact lenses?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Acuvue Oasys or Advance (for Astigmatism)?

What's the difference? Is one better than the other?
>>> Acuvue Oasys or Advance (for Astigmatism)?

Eye drops for dry eyes?

I have dry eyes and I also wear contact lenses but I would like to find eye drops for my eyes that I can use with contacts or without contacts. I don't want to use separate drops for my dry eyes because it is too expensive. Most drops tend to say for contacts or doesn't say anything about contacts at all. Which drops do you recommend. I like SYSTANE® ULTRA Lubricant Eye drops but not sure if I can use with my contact lenses.
>>> Eye drops for dry eyes?

Contact Lenses - I am looking for contacts - I need Some Advice?

Does anyone know about the Contact Lenses listed below? Pure Vision 2 (Bausch and Lomb) Pro Clear (Cooper Vision) Biofinity (Cooper Vision) I am looking to purchase some daily wear disposable contacts. I am looking for daily wear disposables that can last for about a month. I have already tried Acuvue Oasys (these are meant to only last two weeks however I could not even wear them for a day) and they burned my eyes. I have also tried Air Optix Aqua. The Air Optix Aqua was much better than the Oasys however the Air Optix started bugging my eyes when I wore them for more than 8 hours a day. I also noticed that the Air Optix Aqua made my eyes sore. All advice will be appreciated
>>> Contact Lenses - I am looking for contacts - I need Some Advice?

Should I replace my contact lenses while using lysol?

Ok so maybe I'm just paranoid but my roommate sprayed lysol in the room and I'm wearing contact lenses. Should I remove my lenses and clean them? He didn't spray directly into my eye he just spray the room but I'm paranoid so I afraid that walking in the room it will go in my eye.My eye is not irritated nor is my skin irritated.
>>> Should I replace my contact lenses while using lysol?

If i have a Base Curve of 8.4, but only BC of 8.3 is available can i purchase contacts?

I am purchasing contacs off of 1 800 Contacts, i have a Base Curve of 8.4 but for a prescription that i am currently trying to add they only allow for a BC of 8.3 or 8.7… not sure why its the Acuvue Colours. Will it be bad for my eyes if i purchase a box of 8.3 instead of 8.4?

of should i just not even go there and stick with my perscription that i already have?

oh and i have been wearing these colours for a while, its just this is the first time i'm ordering them through 1800 contacts
>>> If i have a Base Curve of 8.4, but only BC of 8.3 is available can i purchase contacts?

Why does my eye feel weird?

I bought contact lenses today, they were a bit hard to put on but I did it, anyways after I put them, my eye felt weird, is it because is the first time wearing them?
>>> Why does my eye feel weird?

Can i use contact lenses that have been sitting in solution for about 2 months?

I kept my soft contact lenses sitting unused in solution, and now i think about to wear it back, i already clean it and disinfect them with new solution, i rarely used them before, it has been used for only 3 times, can i still wear them?
>>> Can i use contact lenses that have been sitting in solution for about 2 months?

Whats wrong with my eyes?

For a few months now I have been experiences halo'd vision. I wear contacts & I have changed them out-still the same. Tried wearing my glasses-still the same. I have always worn my contacts for years & never had this happen before. Its like I see a halo around everything especially light or words on tv. Like a shadow of it or two of it. Its crazy. I can tell my vision is getting blurrier also. Going to the doc thurs for stronger ones & gonna tell him about all my problems. Also been having head aches. Just kind of wondering what it could POSSIBLY be. Or a thought or suggestion. Could it be just that I need stronger lenses or would my vision only be blurred due to that.Is halo vision or doubled vision considered a very serious problem? Like something bad could be wrong? Idk. Let me know what could be going on here please. Thanks.
>>> Whats wrong with my eyes?

Contact lenses solution? - 2

So, I ran out of my RevitaLens solution and my sister has ReNu solution. Would it be okay to use ReNu?
>>> Contact lenses solution? - 2

Does this girl wear contact lenses?

This is her picture
>>> Does this girl wear contact lenses?

People who wear contacts lenses.?

Do you ever feel "fake" wearing them? I know makeup is fake too but I feel like, If I'm wearing them and someone says I'm pretty, I feel fake, if that makes sense? Do you ever feel like that if you wear contacts? Like if you take them out, they won't find you attractive anymore???
Added (1). No, I mean Colored lenses, I don't even wear glasses, I wear contacts because they are fun, my eye sight is fine…
>>> People who wear contacts lenses.?

Where can I find prescription nerd glasses?

Hii! I'm hoping to get contact lenses but my parents think I'm not ready and they say it depends on what my eye doctor says so if I cannot get contacts, I am looking for nerd glasses!

Can I find them in mostly any eye glasses store? I don't want to order online.

Ex of some nerd glasses:……

Oh and I'm 12 - 14 (for safety reasons I'm not giving my age: D)

Thanks so much guys!
>>> Where can I find prescription nerd glasses?

Where can I find prescription nerd glasses? - 1

Hii! I'm hoping to get contact lenses but my parents think I'm not ready and they say it depends on what my eye doctor says so if I cannot get contacts, I am looking for nerd glasses!

Can I find them in mostly any eye glasses store? I don't want to order online.

Ex of some nerd glasses:
&w=500&h=375&ei=NjJRUKqVLoOviAKy2oDYDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=392&vpy=200&dur=3369&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=133&ty=143&sig=104597336583527620761&page=6&tbnh=150&tbnw=182&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429, r:7, s:133, i:194

&w=950&h=892&ei=ZDJRUK_8HM7uiQKNzYGoAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=711&vpy=260&dur=2006&hovh=218&hovw=232&tx=151&ty=137&sig=104597336583527620761&page=9&tbnh=153&tbnw=170&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429, r:3, s:209, i:92

Oh and I'm 12 - 14 (for safety reasons I'm not giving my age: D)

Thanks so much guys!
>>> Where can I find prescription nerd glasses? - 1

What prescription should I get for glasses?

I got new contact prescription is 2.75 for right eye, and 2.50 for left eye. Can anyone tell what prescription should I get for glasses? (both eyes) because I heard that glasses vs contacts presciption is a dramatically huge difference in the numbers
Thanks a lot.
>>> What prescription should I get for glasses?

Are circle lenses from safe to wear?

Is a safe site to order circle lenses? I do not need glasses, i only want the colored lenses to change my eye color. Are there any dangers of the circle lenses?
What is the difference between circle lenses and regular colored contact lenses?
>>> Are circle lenses from safe to wear?

My eyes are sometimes red when I wake up in the mornings?

This began a few years ago when the whites of my eyes started to turn red for no apparent reason. I thought it was due to me being really tired. However, I sometimes get 10 hours of sleep and my eyes don't seem to clear up at all. I wear contact lenses and my eyes get really dry during the day (so much so that each lense sticks to my eye whenever I try to take them out at night). Perhaps this is the cause for the redness in my eyes? Are there any eyedrops that help with clearing up the eyes or anything like that? I already use one but it doesn't seem to help very much.

Thanks for all the help!
>>> My eyes are sometimes red when I wake up in the mornings?

Would contact lenses be right for me? - 1

I am almost 17 years old. I'm a junior in high school. I am getting my first pair of glasses soon. I really want to get contact lenses but I have astigmatism and my eyes wander. I also am always rubbing my eyes and my eyes are always blood shot.
>>> Would contact lenses be right for me? - 1

How do i tell if my contact lense is inside out? (read more inside)?

I have to take them out every night and one day when i was putting them in i noticed there very easy to flip inside out(that could happen with out me knowing).I tried flipping them and trying them in my eyes both ways to see if i could tell if they where flipped and i couldn't notice a difference.So, how do i tell if my contact lenses are flipped inside out? Also I just got them not to long ago so eather way i put them in there a little irritating but feel the same.
>>> How do i tell if my contact lense is inside out? (read more inside)?

What does the inside-out mark look like on Acuvue Oasys for presbyopia?

I just got my contacts the day before yesterday (never worn them before). I can't tell which way is inside out. I keep putting them in backwards and it's getting annoying.
>>> What does the inside-out mark look like on Acuvue Oasys for presbyopia?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How long can you use disposable contacts?

I have Acuvue 1-Day contact lenses. How long can I use them?
>>> How long can you use disposable contacts?

I'm buying contact lenses for Halloween.does .25 make a difference?

Okay… I'm looking over prescription lenses for Halloween (because I've decided that based on what I've read… wearing contacts over contacts would not work). I've found a pair that I like in colored contacts online and I know my prescription, but the prescription only goes to -4.00.My left eyes "D" which I'm guessing means power of the prescription is -4.25.Is the .25 difference from -4.00 that big of a deal? Can I wear a -4.00 in the left eye and still be able to see okay? Should I just not buy them at all? I'd hate to buy them and not be able to use them… especially since they are so expensive. I work at a haunted house and seeing well while on the job is very important.
>>> I'm buying contact lenses for Halloween.does .25 make a difference?

Am I allergic to my contacts solution?

Two weeks ago my eye doctor gave me some contacts solution with my new lenses. I haven't used it until last night. I put them on this morning and didn't notice until just now that it made the area under the contact really red! It was worse on my left eye than the right but it doesn't hurt/ itch at all. I can't even feel it.Is it some kind of allergic reaction?
>>> Am I allergic to my contacts solution?

Vision Clear with Contacts but Blurry with Glasses?

I usually wear contact lenses until I started having irritation after use so I went back to my glasses which are the same prescription.

After a few weeks with my glasses, my vision started to get really blurry and I had more discharge that usual after sleeping/napping. Assuming that I had an eye infection, I got antibiotic eyedrops from my doctor which fixed my discharge issue but blurriness on the glasses didn't go away.

So I thought wow my vision must've got really bad in a few weeks but when I wore my contacts again my vision is clear but then irritation after

I'm reluctant to schedule another appointment with my optomitrist since I just saw her on March, I'm was wondering if you guys know what's going on with me

atm I'm sucking it up with my contacts since it's unsafe for me to drive with the glasses and it also gives me a headache.
Added (1). @hippo37
I started using a new pair of contacts but still gives me irritations.It feels like there's something on my eyelids (not sure if its discharge or inflammation) that is giving me discomfort
>>> Vision Clear with Contacts but Blurry with Glasses?

Contact Lenses: Acuvue Oasys with Hydroclear Plus or Air Optix Aqua?

Which is the better contact lens Acuvue Oasys with Hydroclear Plus or Air Optix Aqua ?
>>> Contact Lenses: Acuvue Oasys with Hydroclear Plus or Air Optix Aqua?

I dropped, lost, and found my contact lens but they were dry?

This was 5 hours later. I found them dry and kind of curling on two sides. I immediately put them in solution and i checked on them about 3 hours later and they looked normal enough. I wanted to know if it was safe to use them again.

I'm using Acuvue soft contact lens.

Personally, when my doctor told me I could go blind if i misuse contact lens, I was scared of putting the lens back in my eye to see if it was alright to wear again.
If anyone has any experience, your comments are very much appreciated!
>>> I dropped, lost, and found my contact lens but they were dry?

Doctor messed up my prescription?

He gave me a prescription for new glasses and a pair of new contacts. I had no problem with the right side but with both in, the left side was really blurry and bright and if I closed or covered my right eye to see with my left things still looked blurry so I'm pretty sure he messed up the number.
I also had problems at the appointment with the left side too…
I don't want to order my new glasses (Which is a different place compared to where I have my appointments) and suffer with the wrong lenses and not being able to fix them.
And I don't have the money to even pay to have another appointment to get it fixed
>>> Doctor messed up my prescription?

How do i prefer what kind of contact lenses are suitable for me?

How do i prefer what kind of contact lenses are suitable for me?
>>> How do i prefer what kind of contact lenses are suitable for me?

Is it bad to have more than one year of contacts at once?

Well, I am a glasses wearer, and I plan on getting contacts off of They are air optix aqua and the best deal is 3 boxes per eye, and they are monthly contacts with 6 contacts per box. With 18 months of contacts I want to know if this is a bad thing. I am 16 and my eyes get worse all the time but not as bad as before but still because I am still always around technology. I guess my point is since 18 months is a decent time and I want perfect vision will the later boxes of contacts not work and good and be bad for my eyesight? Or is it fine and right after my contacts are done do I just get another eye exam and order another set of 18 month contacts? Also, side question, am I able to wear contacts a while longer after a month? Or is that bad for my eyesight and isnt worth it?

>>> Is it bad to have more than one year of contacts at once?

For contact lens, is 8.8 BC more comfortable than 8.4 BC?

If I could wear either one and they would fit me, would 8.8 base curve be more comfortable than 8.4 base curve? Would my eyes feel more comfortable and oxygen? Would I be able to see better?

The johnson and johnson website says that for people who can wear 8.4 base curve, 8.8 should be an alternative.
>>> For contact lens, is 8.8 BC more comfortable than 8.4 BC?

What Japanese/Korean stores are in Melbourne Australia? - 1

I am travelling for the first time to Melbourne next week, from Tasmania, and I really want to know what Japanese/Korean stores there are! I love Asian home goods (bento stuff, kitchen supplies) and I adore Japanese/Korean cosmetics/nail polishes.In particular I am also looking for Asian hair dye/circle lenses. I will be staying in Geelong, but I am hoping to make a day trip on the train (riding a train, woo!) to Melbourne City, so I really want to plan out shops I can go to before hand.So any places in Geelong or in the Melbourne City would be really helpful! Oh and I love things like Sanrio (my melody, hello kitty) and plushies, and cute things like origami and stuff, and K-pop! ~
>>> What Japanese/Korean stores are in Melbourne Australia? - 1

Computer programming, given the following code, what is printed? (in Python)?

Given the following code, what is printed if x, y, z, a, and b are defined as follows? (Note: You may want to reference the Python documentation to determine what some of these functions do.)

x = "If inside a circle a line"
y = "Hits the center and goes spine to spine"
z = "And the line's length is d"
a = "the circumference will be"
b = "d times 3.14159… "

if (a < b):
print "Get it?"

elif (z.find("d") == -1):
print "Aren't limericks fun?"

elif (y.isupper()):
print "They might even teach you something!"

if (x.islower()):
print "Math"
elif (len(b) <= 3.14159):
print "Rocks!"


True or False:
In the previous question, it is possible to modify the last two Boolean expressions (and only the Boolean expressions, not the if-elif construct or the conditional statements) such that the string "Math Rocks!" is printed out on one line.
>>> Computer programming, given the following code, what is printed? (in Python)?

Do circle lenses have the same eye prescription as regular contact lenses (uncolored)?

Do circle lenses have the same eye prescription as regular contact lenses(uncolored)?
>>> Do circle lenses have the same eye prescription as regular contact lenses (uncolored)?

How do I get plano contact lenses for eyes?

Just in case some of you may not know what plano lenses are, they are non-prescireb contact lenses so people who don't need contacts can wear them, I want to wear them under my glasses. Where do I get these?

*I don't want to buy them online because I don't trust them online.
>>> How do I get plano contact lenses for eyes?

What is the difference between low and medium contact lenses?

Im new to contacts for reading and can't seem to find the right set. I have +0.25 in both low and medium. Neither is that great. What is the difference between the two? If low is less strong than the medium than where does the +0.25 come into play?
>>> What is the difference between low and medium contact lenses?

What are the closest to natural-looking contacts for Brown eyes?

I'd like to try a different look. I have a chestnut brown eye color. Preferably, I'd like to try a green, gray, or lighter brown. I've tried Acuvue (or whatever that purple box brand is) and I like them but they look unnatural up close. I kinda look like a vampire from Twilight up close & I hate that. Suggestions?
>>> What are the closest to natural-looking contacts for Brown eyes?

Having problems with my eyes? they are dry as a bone!

Well my eye sight went down hill randomly at the age of 14,
i noticed i couldn't see the black board at school after summer break
and went to the opticians, they said i needed glasses with a
prescription of -3 in one eye and -2.75 in the other (no astigmatism)
well i really didn't want to wear them (down to bullies at school)
and went up until i was 18 without them (looking back now i know how much
i missed out on with my bad eyes, as we used to go on holiday every year
to places like Egypt, spain, turkey and i couldn't see!) and then decided i wanted contact lenses,
loved them! no problems with them looked after them maybe worn them
for more then i should sometimes but that was down to not knowing that
i was going to a 12 hour shift at work before i got in, then after a year
of wearing them my eyes got very dry one day i took them out,
got eye drops and went back to the optician (no infection) and he
pointed our dry eye and gave me other lenses to try out (i tried about 4)
and they were all the same basically, well my eyes were only dry if
i wore the lenses so i went to a laser eye surgery consultation and they
said i wad a great candidate and i booked it, well because i was having dry
eye before surgery i decided to stop my contacts all together until i have it done
(which was about 2 months time) to give my eyes
to fully repair from contacts, but now i don't wear them ive noticed
how bad my eyes are without them! it's like my eyes crave them and are so
dryer without them (kept them out for a week and still dry eye)
it's that bad i know, because i'll wash my hands and touch the bottom
of my eye and it feels dry as a bone, they have more veins then usual, and
at work (i work in a hot care home) they sting and go bright red! and
then always kind of make a clicking noise when i blink! )im not planning on wearing contacts again
and im in my glasses (which i look good in but don't fancy wearing them when i go out as
im 20 years old now) i've also tried flax seed oil omega 3 (helping a bit) and bacterial
infection eye drops and that didn't help so ive ruled out infection,
but my eyes are still dry! I've been to doctors and she said probably a infection
and gave me stronger eye antibiotic drops but no change,
i am on the pill but been on it for about 4 years now
so could the side effect of dry eye start after 4 years?
i just wonder if anyone had this problem and if there eyes did go back to normal,
because i do like my glasses but laser eye surgery would change my life,
as i say i go on holiday and im blind as a bat when we go to water parks and theme parks
and i feel like im missing out on a lot! im not doing it to be vain because i probably would miss my glasses (getting some really cool gok wan ones) but i still feel as though im always missing out, so anyone got any advise for me?
anyone had lasik?(the risk put me of abit especially on the dryeyezone website!)
thank you very much for reading as i know i blabber on…
>>> Having problems with my eyes? they are dry as a bone!

I want to get circle lenses?

I am trying to look like Yin from Darker than Black( a great show by the way) and i have a dress but i want to get circle lenses.the questions i have are

what color or type would look good with medium brown eyes
where should i get them from

oh and i want to make my eyes look plum-ish
>>> I want to get circle lenses?

I have lenses?

I have brown monolid eyes, they arent like super tiny though
im asian and my eyes are a pretty average size.
i was wondering if circle lenses would look good on my eyes?
they are about 1/2 inch wid and 1 and 1/4 inch long
>>> I have lenses?

Can you leave circle lenses in clear care solution for more than 6 hours?

I put my circle lenses in at 4pm and was wondering if i could leave them in overnight?
>>> Can you leave circle lenses in clear care solution for more than 6 hours?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Black Girls, Which Is Your Favorite Color Contact Lenses Brand?

Black Girls, Which Is Your Favorite Color Contact Lenses Brand ?
>>> Black Girls, Which Is Your Favorite Color Contact Lenses Brand?

CONTACT LENSES: Does anybody know a cheap comfortable contact lens brand?

I need cheap contact lenses--but good nonetheless.My goal is to be under $25.00 per box. They should be really comfortable and for astigmatism.
>>> CONTACT LENSES: Does anybody know a cheap comfortable contact lens brand?

Where can u get contact lenses in the uk?

I'm a 13 year old girl from England and I don't know where to get contact lenses coz I can't be bothered to search for ever single shop in Sheffield ( soz) so i just thought to ask u guys by the way I don't like purchasing them online so plz don't say get them online :)
>>> Where can u get contact lenses in the uk?

Problems with the rats in France, what should we do?

My pet snail Eudoxia and I go to work in Bibliothèque Nationale de France almost every day for our research (Mondays and Sundays excluded). The problem is, the Bibliothèque teems with les rats de bibliothèque. They are everywhere, at the Readers' Advisory Service, at the Pay desks, Reception desks, Haut-de-jardin, Rez-de-jardin, Inathèque, and rare books reserve! When we walk through the reading room, les rats stare at us viciously. And there is that big rat, who sits at the best table, covered with heaps of books; he has these huge whiskers, and big glasses with thick lenses, which makes his eyes look huge, and every time Eudoxia and I walk past his table he stares and moves his whiskers at us in a suggestive way, and looks like he wants to drill a hole in our spines with his stares! It scares us out of our wits - which means we are not able to research. What should we do?
>>> Problems with the rats in France, what should we do?

Progressive Lenses and Blurriness?

So My Optometrist prescribed Progressive lenses. I was warned it would take time getting used to. I get them and have been wearing them for a couple days and I have the angles down, I mean I see how I need to point my nose at what I want to look at. I've gotten used to the magnification…

My problem is this, no matter what I'm looking at things still seem blurry. I'm driving and can't read all the signs, i.e. street signs and smaller signs. When I'm reading my iPad it's still blurry, no matter how I hold my head or peer through the lens, not so for regular books. And, When I'm on my laptop at work I can barely read the letters on the screen, i squint and move and rotate and still blurry as heck. I have also developed eye pain like someone is stabbing a needle in my eye shooting pain.Is this normal during the getting used to period for progressives?
>>> Progressive Lenses and Blurriness?

Should i try lenses or not?

I'm 13 years old and i'm nearsighted.So i can't see from far away. I never put my glasses on at school or something but it's kinda annoying. Sometimes i can't see some stuff and it's really annoying. I would like to try lenses.Is this a good idea? Will this make my eyes worse or will it correct my focus? And don't bother telling me that i should wear glasses because i'm seriously hating them. Thanks! :D
>>> Should i try lenses or not?

Can I have my lenses be sharpened?

My eye glasses are 4.25 / 4.75 and they make my eyes way too big, is there a way that they can be sharpened to make my eyes look more normal?
>>> Can I have my lenses be sharpened?

Is there such a thing as polarized contact lenses?

I've been having a lot of trouble with glare from things like street lights, in both eyes (although according to opticians and opthalmologists, they appear perfectly healthy). I'm assuming polarized glasses would have to have an obvious tint, but what about contact lenses?
>>> Is there such a thing as polarized contact lenses?

Contact lens diameter?

Its, time to buy some more contacts, i currently use air optix aqua, but i want to change to air optix aqua day & night because i have heard a lot of good things about them, and i sometimes forget to take my contacts out when i fall asleep, but the problem is my current diameter is 14.2 and the day and night lens only come in 13.8, is this okay?
I plan on keeping the same BC and Power as prescribed by my doctor.
>>> Contact lens diameter?

Resident Evil Wesker Contact lenses?

The thing is Im a big fan of resident evil and I wanted to dress as Wesker for halloween.
and i need some help on finding the right contacts that would look like his or be similar to.
Ive looked and found alot but I just cant find the right ones. Also I need some ideals on a costum, I thought about just doing the black suite… all the help would be nice thnaks.

Wesker's eyes--- image

And heres the ones I like so far---

hope this helps
>>> Resident Evil Wesker Contact lenses?

Contact lenses solution?

Me and my sister have different solutions for our contact lenses and I ran out of mine.Is it okay to use her solution?
>>> Contact lenses solution?

Why my eyesight is blurring especially when I saw a light and wearing contact lens?

It is like a reflection of light that seems to blur,

also i have a grade in my eyes, is this common ?
>>> Why my eyesight is blurring especially when I saw a light and wearing contact lens?

Should i get laser eye surgery?

Im nearsighted, been needing glasses since about 8 years ago and have been wearing contact lenses for 5 years.

im 18, since thinking of getting laser eye surgery.obviously i will through with the consultation but before that is there anything obvious i am missing such as guidelines of being over 20 or *** like that?

i had my growth spurt up until age 14 when i literally stopped growing if that means anything.
>>> Should i get laser eye surgery?

Does anthem blue cross cover contact lenses?

They just started covering lenses and frames so i wanted to know if they also cover contact lenses?
>>> Does anthem blue cross cover contact lenses?

Help finding contacts for my prescription?

I am having some difficulty finding monthly disposable lenses for my prescription online--specifically over at 800-contacts.My prescription is:

Spherical Cylindrical Axis
OD -4.25 -3.50 018
OS -5.00 -3.50 165

I'm not having any problem finding lenses that meet my Spherical requirements. But I can't seem to find anything that matches my Cylindrical or Axis. The best that I can find for Cylindrical is -2.25. And it looks like axis rounds by a factor of 10 (so no 18's or 165's).

Again, I'd like to find some monthly disposables that correct my astigmatism. The last lenses I ordered were Bausch and Lomb so I know I should be able to find something--I must be doing something wrong.

Any help is most appreciated!
>>> Help finding contacts for my prescription?

Can wearing lower prescription glasses help improve my eyesight?

I've had my same pair of glasses since I was in high school. Now, five years later my doctor has renewed my prescription for higher power lenses.My question is, if I decide to ditch my contact lens (that are my right prescription,) and use my glasses instead, is there a chance of my overall eye sight improving?
Added (1). Quote: You were wearing your glasses, and your eyes got worse, right? So why would you think that continuing to wear those glasses would make your eyesight better?
My Reply: No, I wore my prescribed contact lenses while my vision continued to get worse. I never used my glasses. This is why I thought that maybe I could retrain my eyes; use the glasses that have a lower power and see if my eyes are able to adjust to that instead of being so dependent on my contacts.
>>> Can wearing lower prescription glasses help improve my eyesight?

What's the color of Ian Somerhalder's eyes?

Well I don't know the shade of his blue eyes, they sometimes look like gray because they are very light blue, which depends of the light. Can you tell me the shade, cause I am planning to buy contact lenses like his eyes. :)
>>> What's the color of Ian Somerhalder's eyes?

Can you switch between brands of contacts without a new prescription?

When I got contacts, I said that once I'm used to them, I would like to try color contacts. I was told I could, but that I would need to be re-fitted.

I've been using contacts for quite a while, and I'm wondering -- do you have to be re-fitted for ANY change, or are changes within a brand alright?

I currently have Acuvue Oasys with Hydraclear Plus. If I'm switching to another Acuvue product, wouldn't the products be uniform in measurements?
Added (1). Edit: I realize I made that kind of unclear by saying "between"; I mean, can you change within a brand? For instance, from Acuvue Oasys to Acuvue Colors.
Added (2). Really? They're so perfect on my eyes that some nights, I'll forget whether I've taken them out, and the only way to tell is to poke my eye and see if they're on there.

Also, I don't order from my doctor's office. I order online.
>>> Can you switch between brands of contacts without a new prescription?

Air Optix vs. Acuvue Advanced?

I just got put on air optix.
I use to have Acuvue Advanced, which started to get uncomfotable and blurrey after a few days,
anyone else have the air optix?

what are the pros and cons of both?
>>> Air Optix vs. Acuvue Advanced?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Teens: How was your day so far?

Mine sucked. I got a serious eye infection because I made the stupid mistake of sleeping with my lens on (and more than once, at that). I have to go through treatment so I can (hopefully) heal.It'll get much worse before it gets better, according to the optometrist.
Never mind about me, so how was your day? =]]
>>> Teens: How was your day so far?

Do you wear corrective lenses (contacts, glasses)?

If you had lasik answer yes
>>> Do you wear corrective lenses (contacts, glasses)?

What's wrong with my eyes? do I have a burn?

My eyes started hurting this morning after I could NOT get my contact lenses in, I started crying because I thought I was going to miss the bus(I get mad easily, okay?) and now my eyes hurt like they do when I have a sunburn, it leaves a wave of pain when i touch under my eyes or move them, and they feel weird, like air is in them. What the heck is happening?
>>> What's wrong with my eyes? do I have a burn?

Are contact lenses thicker with a higher prescription?

Do the contact lenses get thicker as the prescription gets higher or do they stay the same? If so, is this noticeable to others when they look into your eyes?
>>> Are contact lenses thicker with a higher prescription?

Glasses and lenses.?

I use "-2.5" lenses, but when I try on my friends glasses (-1.0) over my lenses, i feel like i can see clearer. Does it mean that my eyes are around "-3.5"?
>>> Glasses and lenses.?

Is the circle lens doesn't fit my eyes?

I bought 2 pair of circle lenses, which the first pair was defective and it was last year and I had to threw them out.So I got a new pair.from these lenses, all of them seems won't fit well in my eyes.My lower lid would kinda push the lens and the lens won't fit exactly in the center. Everytime I wear toric lenses, the lens would fit my eyes.Is the lens too thick or is it the base curve or center thickness problem? Thanks!
>>> Is the circle lens doesn't fit my eyes?

Wearing normal contact lenses for astigmatism (-1.75)?

I am used to wearing toric lenses, but I wanted to try some circle lenses. I know that it will be blur if i wear normal lenses, but how blur will it be?

I also know of the method where they take 1/2 of the CYL and add to the SPH.

So, if i use that method and use normal contact lenses (non-toric lens), how blur will it be? Like, seriously blur or just slightly?

Please give me your opinion or suggestions, thanks!

-4.25 -1.75
-4.75 -1.75

^ my power.
>>> Wearing normal contact lenses for astigmatism (-1.75)?

Is there a protective goggles glasses and has the ability to replace the lenses?

I have short-sighted eyes!
I need a protective goggles glasses and has the ability to replace the lenses so I can put a medical lenses in it.
So I can play with it soccer like the standard medical glasses but with no drop down while playing and more protective.
Is there a product?
Like this, but this isn't has the ability to replace the lenses.
>>> Is there a protective goggles glasses and has the ability to replace the lenses?

My Doctors and Appt. /So is this true?

So is it true that once you've visit the the eye Dr you cant come back for another visit until it's time for your yearly visit? B'Cuz I was gonna order contact lenses online but they need my doctors info and stuff and I haven't seen the Dr about contact so I was going to make a Appt but someone told me that I couldn't B'Cuz it hasn't been a year.So can I schedule a appt to be seen or do I have to wait?
>>> My Doctors and Appt. /So is this true?

Is this Elizabeth Taylor's real eye color? (pic inside)?

Look at her eyes! Is that her natural eye color? I always hear that she has a pair of violet eyes but I always thought it was just a rumor.Do you think the violet/purple color of her eyes in that pic is real? Or do you think she wore contact lenses? Or perhaps the picture is photoshopped?

Speaking of which, do you think violet eye color truly exists? I'm not talking about violet as in due to light refraction or a variant of blue color, but I mean a real solid violet/purple color. Could there be such a color for human's eyes? The wikipedia article on "Eye color" also mentions about violet eye color but there are no sufficient details nor are there pictures.

p.s: I'm talking about natural eye color of course, NOT contact lens LOL. Oh and for those of you who say that violet eye color DOES exist, could you please provide me with your source or pictures? Thanx!
Added (1). Oops, I forgot the pic LOL. Here it is:

Here are other pics of her:

Do you think her eyes appear violet/purple to you?
Added (2). Wow, thanx for all the answers so far!!!
>>> Is this Elizabeth Taylor's real eye color? (pic inside)?

Why do i see hazeness when i wear my contact lenses?

I normally wear glasses but i did like to change it a little bit, so i bought some contacts, they are called "Freshlook colorblends" in the color "Pure Hazel", i totally love them but the thing is that i have been wearing them for about 5 hours now and i still see a bit of hazeness??? particularly on the sides when i'm looking straight forward… anything to help? What' wrong?
>>> Why do i see hazeness when i wear my contact lenses?

Why 'once an atheist (or free-thinker), always an atheist'?

I was once a religious person, then came in contact with free-thinkers ideology and science is far beautiful and evolution makes more sense than any god, but now, I don't even feel like reciting a word of the scriptures I so ardently used to read. I lost my faith in the supernatural and afterlife totally!

And I see the world from a totally different lens now! So, once you are an atheist, always an atheist, huh: P looks like you get used to it !
>>> Why 'once an atheist (or free-thinker), always an atheist'?

Survey: How many years have you been wearing contact lenses?

Survey: How many years have you been wearing contact lenses?
>>> Survey: How many years have you been wearing contact lenses?

Eyes are all messed up?

Im 15 and i noticed i have a very thin clear lens almost covering my whole eye it kind
a looks like contacts and my eye is alao red lile i have pink eye i will see the doctor tommorow but i just want to get an idea what it is.

also i wear contacts
i also have astigmatism im very nearsighted and i the veins in my eye are overgrown.i dont know what its called but doctor says if the vains get to big i could go blind
>>> Eyes are all messed up?

Would you consider this poem? disclaimer: may be sad?

As old as those by whom she is perceived,
Earth prances within a hundred year range,
Though subject both to time and her conceit,
She slays the sea of eyes that see her age.
There is no way to date that timeless dame,
That she could not obscure by means of fate,
Casting wise eyes like leaves into the wind,
She births herself anew with each new lens.
Added (1). For thoughts, suggestions, impressions, criticisms
Added (2). As old as those by whom she is perceived,
Earth prances within a hundred year range,
For subject both to time and her conceit,
She slays the sea of eyes that see her age.
There is no way to date that timeless dame,
That she does not obscure by means of fate,
Casting wise eyes like leaves into the wind,
She births herself anew with each new lens.
Added (3). Thanks btw guys
>>> Would you consider this poem? disclaimer: may be sad?

Do eye doctors give trial contact lenses around the prescription of -5.00 nearsightedness?

>>> Do eye doctors give trial contact lenses around the prescription of -5.00 nearsightedness?

Reviews and do the anti fatigue lenses work?

I went to the eye doctor today, and she prescribed me anti-fatigue glasses.i was wondering if these glasses acually improved eyesight and worked and helped improve peoples vision.i am supposed to wear them full time, i was wondering if anyone else had to wear them full time.what is the difference between anti fatigue glasses and persciption the way im far sighted.
>>> Reviews and do the anti fatigue lenses work?

Green Spiral Contact Lenses?

Does anyone know where I can buy some green spiral novelty contact lenses? I've looked for a few days now on different websites and in different stores but can only find black and white. I need the base colour to be green and the spiral to be black.
>>> Green Spiral Contact Lenses?

Superview 1.67 vs Eagle Vision 4.0?

I am looking for some good lens.My eyes are bad and I would want some very thin lens.which one above is better? how much are they respectively?
>>> Superview 1.67 vs Eagle Vision 4.0?

Wearing eyeglasses with an asymmetrical face?

I am recently wearing glasses full-time.My asymmetrical face bothered me to a point, but now the glasses look slanted because my right ear and eye are a little lower than the left. If I have the glasses fixed to go straight across, my right eye will be in the middle of the lens and look even worse. How can I deal with the slant look? Others say they don't see it but they aren't looking at it like I am.
>>> Wearing eyeglasses with an asymmetrical face?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What are the best daily contact lenses?

I'm currently using 1 day Acuvue TruEye contact lenses. I've only ever used this brand because that's what my optician gave me. I notice that my eyes get really dry, sore and red every time I wear them and was wondering if there are any better daily contact lenses than this brand. Preferably ones that you don't notice you're wearing. I usually wear mine for about 8 hours and when I take them out my eyes feel really itchy and dry.Is there anything better?
>>> What are the best daily contact lenses?

Had my Air Optix Night & Day contacts in for 2+ mths. Is it safe?

I usually wear my contacts for an extended amount of time. I've been kicked off of my Ma's eye care insurance so I'm trying to make my last 2 pair stretch until I can find a job with benefits.So far the ones I have in right now, I've worn for over 3mths (but occasionally I take them out and wear my glasses).Is it safe or am I treading on dangerous ground?
>>> Had my Air Optix Night & Day contacts in for 2+ mths. Is it safe?

Contact lenses-teenager?

I used to wear glasses for a year (just in class, i'm short sited) but once i started secondary school i stopped wearing them-they didnt suit me at all! but it's just made my eyesight worse, and i really need help;) but i was thinking contact lenses, so i dont look any different? would you reccomend them for a 14 year old girl, and how do you put them in? and how should i ask for them?

BQ: any tips on how to make out what things say on the board if you cant read them?;)
>>> Contact lenses-teenager?

Why don't any other brand of contact lenses suit me?

PLEASE read this, i need help :(
so the first time i ever used contacts was around 6 months ago.i bought acuve moist and i wore them for the whole school year without a problem.

after my supply ran out, i went to India and i bought the contacts Baush and Lomb Soflens or whatever… my god they didn't suit me at all.they kepy slipping around my eye and made me wanna itch like crazy even after taking them, my eyes got super red!

then i went to a better known place there and got Air Optix contacts.while trying them out, the dude told me to put these comfort eye drops in my eyes.i wore that pair for the whole day and they didn't slip around.i couldn't even feel them! just like acuve moist!

but now i brought them to America with me and they bother me just the Soflens did! was it something is the comfort drops or is there something wrong with my eyes..? or is it just that acuve is somehow better?

p.s.the dude in the second store had told me Air Optix is a better contact than acuve ---
>>> Why don't any other brand of contact lenses suit me?

Can I Wear My Contact Lenses Every Day?

There are a lot of things I want to wear contacts for, like school, hobbies and going out because it's a lot easier than wearing glasses.At the moment I'm on trial and have a pair of monthly lenses, I can wear these for 12-13 hours a day.So due to my lifestyle should I wear them every day for say 6 hours everyday or wear them for around 11-12 hours every other day?
Added (1). It's not that I didn't pay attention, they just told me all of the information about everything at once, I tend to have a bad memory which doesn't help, and the booklet they gave me doesn't help
>>> Can I Wear My Contact Lenses Every Day?

Mixed up my precription lens OTL.?

So my prescription is -2.50 and -2.75.
the difference is REALLY small and i havent really been able to put them in my eyes yet.
i did try what i think was the -2.75 one on my right eye… and that seemed right but i honestly cant tell if it really is -2.75 XD

what should i do!!!
>>> Mixed up my precription lens OTL.?

How to get rid of the dark marks on nose made by specs?

I am using specs for the past 6 years.i am planning to change to contact lenses… but the dark marks on my nose makes me feel very to get rid of them naturally? how long will it for the marks to vanish? pls suggest. .
>>> How to get rid of the dark marks on nose made by specs?

Can get contact lense in/ out but cannot do it at all for right eye?

I got contact lenses yesterday and I can now put contact lense in and out after a few attempts on my left eye but cannot put right eye one in or out.its always the right eye I'm having trouble with

I had to go to my mums late last night so she could get it out and she managed to- this has really put me off using them although I hate glasses

Why am I having so much trouble with my right eye? It's soo annoying
>>> Can get contact lense in/ out but cannot do it at all for right eye?

Fake dialated pupils?

Hey i was looking to buy some contact lenses that make your pupils look dilated i personally think it looks super cool, if anyone knows any links or even knows the name of drops doctors use to dilate your eyes for an eye examination that would be so awesome thank you
>>> Fake dialated pupils?

Where can i buy eye glasses frames at online?

Im trying to find frames online for seeing glasses / prescribed glasses

i just want the frame so i can go to the eye doctor and put my lens in
>>> Where can i buy eye glasses frames at online?

Wears contact lens for more than 24 hours?

So i was talking to this european dude, and he tells me that he doesn't take off his contact lenses. Sometimes till a week! He just wears it and sleep.Is that even possible??? And I don't think he is wearing those special lenses where you wear it and when you remove it, you would be able to see clearly.
>>> Wears contact lens for more than 24 hours?

I feel pain behind my eye with my new glasses! - 1

It is about two month that i have changed my eyeglasses lenses and at first i have some problem in my left eye, after a few they my sight got better but when i use my glasses behind my left eye has some pain, i have gone to 2 eye doctor and they both said your glasses and your eye are very good and they have not any problem, but i have some problem with my eye, what should i do???
>>> I feel pain behind my eye with my new glasses! - 1

Is eyeglass a problem for learning boxing?

Eyeglass is very important for me. I have allergy problem of wearing contact lenses.So eyeglass is the only way to use. I want to learn boxing. I am confuse because boxers generally hit to face.Is it a problem to learn boxing with eyeglass if I don't participate in competition? I love boxing, but eyeglass is a fact. I was in Taekwondo but never participated in competition. I didn't have any problem to learn it.Is it the same thing? I just want to learn it, not to compete. :)
>>> Is eyeglass a problem for learning boxing?

Is my eye colour red?

How i change my eye colour in red… Please don't say… Uses of contact lenses… Is any natural method .. If i can change my eye colour…
>>> Is my eye colour red?

Is it ok to rub and rinse contact lenses with saline solution?

I think it's fine because rubbing is meant to dislodge debris or buildup, and I still use regular cleaners like Complete to disinfect/store the lenses. But it seems like almost no one else does it, or at least talks about it.

(The reason I do it is because saline is much cheaper than disinfecting solutions.)
>>> Is it ok to rub and rinse contact lenses with saline solution?

Would you find it strange if your gf.? - 1

That she was extremely obsessed with yu-gi-oh
that her sexual fantasies were yu-gi-oh related
that she always referenced the show and manga during conversation
that she wears contact lenses and has her hair dyed to look like one of the characters
that she spends extreme amounts of money on cards and figures
that she has felt "in love" with one of the characters for 9 years and was dating her bf because he looked like him
and also she wears a costume
and has a "body pillow" of him
>>> Would you find it strange if your gf.? - 1

I would like to restore my Eye Vision?

Right now i ware glasses for computer use and sometimes books.but the problem is i went to the eye doctor twice and every time i get the new lenses my eye still hurts while using the computer and reading books.i am a 16 years old guy

now i need help to restore my eye vision
and what can i do not to hurt my eyes while using the computer and reading and they get waterry
i am trying to get rid of the glasses.

thanks you
>>> I would like to restore my Eye Vision?

Will pet insurance cover cataract surgery?

I originally got pet insurance 1.5 years ago after my dog got a bad scratch on the lens of his right eye.It ended up costing us close to $1000 for the exams and ointments for his eye. We had his teeth cleaned today and while he was under I asked the doctor to look at his right eye because it has been looking foggy lately. She said she thinks he may be developing cataracts in that same right eye. Would this be something that the insurance would be likely to cover? He never has been diagnosed with cataracts before, would this be something the insurance would be likely to cover. We have petplan.
Added (1). Sorry I don't know if I made it clear that we got insurance after we paid for all the appointments dealing with the scratch on his eye. We have yet to use our insurance for the 1.5 years we've had it. I just don't know if that original scratch will count as a preexisting condition for cataracts.
>>> Will pet insurance cover cataract surgery?

What's the difference between GEO and EOS circle lenses?

What's the difference between GEO and EOS circle lenses?
>>> What's the difference between GEO and EOS circle lenses?

Acuvue oasys toric 8.6 oasys, 14.0 diameter?

So my prescription says acuvue oasys toric… is that the same as acuvue oasys for astigmatism?
If so, I tried searching for those lens online but every website only sells them in 14.5 diameter. Are they not made with a 14.0 diameter… am I looking at the wrong one?
>>> Acuvue oasys toric 8.6 oasys, 14.0 diameter?