Saturday, August 22, 2015

Toric contact lenses discomfort?

I recently got a trial pair of toric contact lenses (Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism) and I feel discomfort on my eyes. Before I tried normal contact lenses (Acuvue Oasys) and when I put them on they felt like nothing was there. I could see pretty well and I experienced no discomfort of any sort. However, with the toric lenses, although my vision is somewhat clearer, I feel like there's something on the outer rim of my eye and it bothers me. I asked my doctor and looked it up online and learned that astigmatism lenses are more "taco shaped" and not round like regular ones. It's also thicker and has two prescriptions. You can only see clear if it's in the correct place. I can see pretty clear, it's just irratable, that's all. Help?

Read more: Toric contact lenses discomfort?