Saturday, August 22, 2015

My eye hurts really bad after wearing my contacts?

So I wear contacts at night and they shape your eye so you can take them out in the morning and see perfectly. They're called rigid gas permeable contact lenses.

I've been wearing these for a year and a half. Recently I haven't been wearing them as often just because they're a pain to put in. I wore them last night and now my eye hurts so bad.

There's just like a stinging pain that fades in and out. My eye is watering like crazy and it hurts even worse when I close my eye.

Do you think my contact somehow scratched my eyeball? I don't think anything is in my eye because that's a different kind of pain and I don't really see anything in it.

At first the pain wasn't that bad but throughout the day the pain has gotten worse. How can I ease the pain and do you think it's a scratch?
Added (1). I've examined my eye and there doesn't appear to be any marks or visible scratches. My eye isn't really bloodshot but it is slightly pink. Maybe I have pink eye?

Read more: My eye hurts really bad after wearing my contacts?