Monday, June 15, 2015

Should I start wearing gas permeable contact lenses?

Right now I'm wearing toric soft contact lenses, but I end up most of the time wearing my glasses anyway. I wonder if wearing gas permeables would solve my problem?

When wearing contact lenses, my left eye seems kind of blurry or foggy. My right eye will be clear for a while, then go to blurry for a while, then clear for a while, and so forth. However, when I wear glasses, my vision is clear, so I don't think it's something wrong with my prescription. I don't know if my left eye could be that way because of my level of astigmatism, where my eyeglass prescription is:

OD -2.50 + 1.25 X 009
OS -3.75 + 3.25 X 001

I don't know if these are relevant details: A few years ago, I went in to see if I could get LASIK. The eye topography scan said my eyes are not completely shaped the way they should be, so I was turned down, although the eye doctor said they couldn't visually tell just by looking at my eyes.

Years ago, I used to have no astigmatism in my eyes whatsoever, but about 6 years ago it showed up.

Read more: Should I start wearing gas permeable contact lenses?