Thursday, June 12, 2014

Scared about laser eye surgery and diazepam?

I'm getting laser eye surgery (LASIK) in a couple of weeks and I'm terrified. I'm a very squeamish person when it comes to any sort of blood test surgery etc and have fainted quite a few times in the past after blood tests. The thought of someone cutting and burning (essentially) makes my stomach turn and I am just dreading the day. I have had very bad eyesight for nearly 10 years now (I'm 22) and can't wait for a life without contact lenses and glasses but I'm just so scared. I have been given 2x 2mg diazepam to help calm my nerves which I have never taken before. Does anybody know what to expect? I'm hoping the diazepam will be a big help in getting me through the surgery. Any encouraging words from people who have had this surgery are welcome also!

Sorry for the long post


Read more: Scared about laser eye surgery and diazepam?