Left: +0.75 -0.75 180
Right: +0.75 -0.75 170
I've got mild hyperopia and some astigmatism
My glasses were prescribed on July 2013, and are currently giving me a headache, because I have to strain my vision in order to focus on nearby things. The prescription was:
Left +0.25 -0.75 180
Right +0.25 -0.75 170
I got my contacts for the first time last thursday. At the beginning everything was kinda fine. The past two days, while wearing my contacts, I've been having trouble recognizing people at 30 ft away from me, and I see them kinda blurry (as someone myopic would see them); when I read, I see some vertical blur, but if I get closer (to whatever I'm reading) it gets clear. Is like my hyperopia turns into a slight myopia with my contacts on.
I think there's something wrong on the prescription. What could it be?
Read more: Is my contact lens prescription too high (prescription included)?