Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I have a stye but i need to wear contacts soon?

I have a stye that i woke up with yesterday not thinking much of it but today it was more swollen and google pointed to a stye. I have put hot compresses on it and i am noticing a head on the inside of my eyelid (It's on the lower eyelid) appear more since yesterday when it wasn't there. I will try make it burst tomorrow (tuesday) with steam, teabags etc but on thursday i have a driving lesson which i can't wear my glasses for because they block my side view slightly and my eyelashes dirty the lenses. I hadn't worn contacts for 10 days before i put them in two days ago and they were practically new so i don't want to throw them out as i don't have a spare pair. So if i wash them with solution real good and if my stye bursts can i wear those contacts on thursday?

Read more: I have a stye but i need to wear contacts soon?