Friday, April 18, 2014

Could I get corrective surgery without wearing corrective lenses first?

I last got my vision checked four years ago, and back then I had 20/40 vision. I'm almost nineteen and don't drive, partially due to the fact that I'm afraid to get my eyes checked (I think my vision got worse).

I do know that in order to get LASIK or PRK, your prescription must have remained the same over a certain amount of time. I was wondering if I could get a prescription from the eye doctor, not wear glasses or contact lenses, and then go for corrective surgery after my vision had remained the same for long enough.

I don't think that not wearing corrective lenses makes your vision worse, because when I was in sixth grade, I had 20/30 vision and it was only 20/40 three years after that. The people I know who wore glasses when they had low myopia had their prescriptions increase a lot quicker and higher.

Read more: Could I get corrective surgery without wearing corrective lenses first?