Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I had changes observed in my eyes?

I've been myopic since grade school. It's moderate grade and I've worn corrective lenses since then (my parents let me get contacts in 98 when I turned 13).

I am also hypertensive (medication controlled) & am quite aware that I need to have my prescription / general eye health examined yearly. A few months ago I had to do a physical for a new job. The PA there started out by saying since he'd never seen me as a patient, didn't know what was/was not previously present, and he was just a general practitioner - but…he said he thought I had some changes in my eyes. Something about these changes also happening with age but not usually at my age - he thought my hypertension might have something to do with it and said I should see an ophthalmologist instead of my usual optometrist. I saw an ophthalmologist about 2 years ago for a chalazion removal but I've not been able to make a return appointment just yet. Unrelated genetic testing revealed I have a very increased risk of developing macular degeneration.

I'm seeing my optometrist next week for my annual exam. Obviously, I will advise her of the situation but is it worth discussing with her as much as it's just keeping her abreast of the situation? If my hypertension is causing damage to my eyes is there anything either eye physician can do to repair or prevent the damage from progressing?

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