My facial features are quite similar to PH-CN-KR. I have Innocent double eye-lid and has dark brown eyes.My nose is high (Not Flat-Not to High nor Big), Korean-style lips & brows. Has thick-healthy straight dark-brown hair. (Any hairstyles suits me [Short-Long-Wavy etc.]).
Has Medium Breast, U-V shaped face and has girl abs and that is Semi-S/Cola shaped body. White-Tan skin complexion (Since I love the beach). I don't know my height exactly but I think I'm like 5'5-6. (I'm still growing, yet haven't got any sleep). I'm not really aiming for the run-away modeling just on fashion magazines cutie-cool stuffs. Though I'm planning when I become an adult I'll take PS though I think that would cost much money.So what do you think?
Look it's me!
Here's a photo of me, 3 days.So basically it's a fresh-face no makeup nor powder etc.No contact lens and so on.My hair color doesn't show since it's dark.
Please answer and reply, thank you in advance. Though if you want to help me.
Just add contact to these. Naver ID: Xiayuohan & Skype ID: D-lite.mao
См. статью: Does My Physical Characteristics Good Enough for Modeling in Japan?