They were scheduled to be thrown away on the 3rd of December last year. The expiry date is 2016, but the doc told me I'd need to get a new pair after only one year of wearing them.
I'm still using them, I have them on even as I type this question, and they are extremely comfortable and extremely clear. I've never had red eyes or pain or vision problems or anything.So then why on earth would I need to dispose off perfectly comfortable contacts? Doesn't this look like a scam? Shouldn't we keep using them for as long as they are comfortable to wear, and replace them the moment they start being uncomfortable? 'm not being cheap, I've already purchased a new pair. But the new pair is factory-sealed. Don't want to take the new pair out as long as the old pair works. Please don't be rude while answering. I don't like rude people. I respect you, and I would appreciate if you respect me. Thanks. :)
См. статью: Do i really need to throw away perfectly comfortable daily wear regular soft lenses?