I have an eye exam scheduled later today for contact lenses. I haven't worn contacts since sophomore year in high school. I'm 25 now and wearing 5 year old glasses. I don't remember which brand or type of contacts I used to wear, except that they were for astigmatism. My problem is money. I'm a single father of a 4 year old now and I could use a lot more of it. The struggle is real right now as they say. Which ties into my question. So my question is, would it be possible for me to tell the doctor I NEED contacts that are the "2 week" contacts? After comparing prices online from multiple outlets and speaking to my friends who wear contacts, it has been brought to my attention that the "single use" daily contacts, for whichever brand (as long as they are for astigmatism) are simply too expensive for me to afford. I have noticed boxes of contacts are cheaper for "2 week or bi-weekly" contacts. Is it possible for me to tell the doctor that and hope they take that into consideration? Or will he/she prescribe me whatever they choose, for example and possibly (1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST for ASTIGMATISM 90 pack) for 80-90 bucks a box, (Which I can't afford) when I could afford something like (Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism 6 pack, 3 months) for 30-40 bucks a box depending where I shop from. Please help with any info anyone can share. I'm kind of scared of even paying for an eye exam if at the end they prescribe me a type of lens I can't even afford, such as the single use contacts. Thanks.
Read more: https://contactlenstalk.com/faq/acuvue/can-i-pick-if-i-want-bi-weekly-contacts.html