Friday, February 19, 2016

Can one ever gain their complete good vision back again?

I think I wasn't supposed to need glasses, but I spent too much time on the computer looking at different screens for a looooooong time everyday and watched movies on my tablet all day long everyday for a long time… Then all of a sudden, I noticed I couln't see quite well. I'm near-sited with 0.25 and 0.5 though, not too bad, but I'm thinking maybe if I hadn't done those and had taken a better care, I wouldn't have needed glasses? What do you think? My mom needed glasses in her 40s… So did my dad. But I needed them in my 20s. I feel so bad if it's because I was cruel to my body:( I sometimes think my complete good vision should come back maybe? Is it at all possible? :( I was probably a very careless person…

Read more: Can one ever gain their complete good vision back again?