Thursday, December 11, 2014

Not allowed to re-order contact lenses before prescription expiration?

It's one thing that they changed it from having to get an eye exam every 2 years. Then, they changed it to 1 year. Now it gets better. My current prescription expires in 2 months (10 months after my last exam)… Can they really force me to get another exam so quickly? I'm nearly out of my current supply, so I ordered new ones online - no problem, right? They call and tell me that they were told my prescription has expired. I go into my eye doctor's office, they look up my last exam date, and make a twisted face. They say it's too close to expiration and that they can only give me a trial pair until I get another exam.

What I'm asking is, are they legally allowed to do this? My prescription never changes and I don't want an exam EARLIER than a year past. I tried looking up some answers, and saw that prescribers can only make you have more frequent exams if they have a medical reason backing their decision, and that it needs to be in writing and documented. Is this true? Note that I've never had anything abnormal with my eyes or vision, and certainly not documented.

Thanks for any help.

Note: I've never had anything abnormal with my eyes

Read more: Not allowed to re-order contact lenses before prescription expiration?