Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why did my circle lenses get STUCK on my eye?

I know that if you don't have the right diameter for the lenses, they will move because they don't fit you eye. But how much is it suppose to move when they do fit your eyes? For example, when you look up will they move downwards?

Oh and why did my contact get stuck on my eye? Literally stuck, I had to try and pinch it off. I was stuck on the cornea, and I thought it was going to move back to the iris, but it didn't. It just sat there, and was literally 'stuck' on my eye. I tried moving it with my finger, but it stayed still. I thought it was just the faulty lenses, so I tried it again a few minutes after with a different one. And it happened again… :( please help me, or tell me what's wrong!

Read more: Why did my circle lenses get STUCK on my eye?