"The minimum standards for both uncorrected and corrected vision are determined by service medical staff and are dependent on the proposed employment and branch/trade group. Spectacle or contact lens correction must not be greater than - 6 dioptres or + 6 dioptres in any meridian. Impaired colour perception (colour blindness) is not a bar to service, but may limit your career choices. You will need to have a copy with you of any acuity prescription from your optician when you go for your medical examination." - Quoted from the Royal Navy application form.
Here's my prescription of my eyes which, and this is IMPORTANT, corrected vision with contact lenses.
From what I gather, it says corrcted is -3/-4, which isn't greater than the -6 minimum set by the Navy, right?
I am going down to my AFCO shortly but I just wanted to clarify beforehand. Many thanks.
Read more: Please elaborate on my eye prescription?