Thursday, April 24, 2014

Could i still claim compensation? And should i? Eye Injury?

I was told today in college by one of my teachers that i should claim for the accident that happened back in Feb-March 2012 in which when i was in school i was coming out of the toilets when i was hit in the eye with a rubber. Prior to this i never needed any glasses and had what was classed as 20/20 vision and was perfectly fine. After the accident i was sent for an emergency eye test in which i was then sent to a hospital because they was not happy they could see deep enough inside the eye. It was at this time i knew it was bad. At this hospital they put eye drops in my eyes to try get the pressure to go down. I was then refered to another hospital and a eye specialist in which went through various tests to see deep inside my eye and they even tested to see if my retina was still attached it was this bad.

After all these i was given eye drops to take every 4 hours and one to take in the morning and evening. Since then 6 months later i went for a regular eye test in which at first i didn't tell the person i had been hit until he mentioned if there had to been any trauma to the eye because he could see a rapid decline in just my left eye. I guess it was just to see and if there wasn't to rule it out that there was no condition. And from this day each time i get glassed i have to pay an extra £40 to get the lens thinned down because i only have the problem in that eye.

It is just over 2 years since and i have been told i should claim because its affect me now.
Added (1). I didn't claim at the time because i didn't think it would affect me but now i have head aches and my right eye is becoming worse because of my left.

All the things would be on record so i surely would win a claim? Is it worth it and do you think i would win the claim?

Read more: Could i still claim compensation? And should i? Eye Injury?