So My Optometrist prescribed Progressive lenses. I was warned it would take time getting used to. I get them and have been wearing them for a couple days and I have the angles down, I mean I see how I need to point my nose at what I want to look at. I've gotten used to the magnification…
My problem is this, no matter what I'm looking at things still seem blurry. I'm driving and can't read all the signs, i.e. street signs and smaller signs. When I'm reading my iPad it's still blurry, no matter how I hold my head or peer through the lens, not so for regular books. And, When I'm on my laptop at work I can barely read the letters on the screen, i squint and move and rotate and still blurry as heck. I have also developed eye pain like someone is stabbing a needle in my eye shooting pain.Is this normal during the getting used to period for progressives?
>>> Progressive Lenses and Blurriness?