Monday, October 29, 2012

Why can't I see clearly at BOTH near and distance?

Three years ago at the age of 50 I got my first pair of progressives. Prescription was:
OD -6.0, 0.50, 095 Add +2.00
OS -7.25, 0.50, 085 Add +2.00

I've struggled with the progressives, some days worse than others, in part, I think, because I have seasonal allergies that inflame my sinuses and cause my vision to fluctuate daily.As well, of late, I've noticed I can't see as well in the 3-6 feet distance range unless I lift my head to look through the mid range section of the glasses. Near vision (i.e.reading) and distance vision (i.e.driving, street signs etc) is fine.It is just that middle range ( husband's face across the dinner table etc) that is problematic.

Last week, I had my annual eye test. Much to my surprise the optometrist said my myopia has improved slightly. Apparently this sometimes happens when you reach middle age. Anyway, the new prescription is now
OD -5.50, -1.00, 090, Add +2.00
OS -7.00, -.75, 090, Add +2.00

The optometrist said my current glasses are slightly overcorrected now and that's why I was struggling with the mid range. But she said that if I didn't mind having to lift my head to look through the lenses to see clearly at the 3-6 feet range, I could still wear them.

I came home and compared the new prescription to an old one I had from 2002. The old prescription and the new prescription are pretty much the same for the right eye, i.e. -5.50 Sph with a slight difference in the astigmatism part.So I tried wearing the old glasses again just to see how well I could see. Sure enough, I can see clearly with the -5.50 lense in the 3-6 feet range! The problem is that beyond that 3-6 foot distance the vision is really blurry.

So I don't know what to do to do.It seems that if I want to see clearly in the 3-6 feet range, I go with the reduced prescription but settle for blurry distance vision. OR if I want clear distance vision, I continue to use my current glasses but settle for blurry vision up to about 6 feet. Surely there must be some way I can see properly at all distances?
>>> Why can't I see clearly at BOTH near and distance?