Monday, January 28, 2013

Are these safe for my eyes? Help! I really want these!

So I already have normal contact lenses that I wear daily (they are monthly contacts) and I love them and never have and problems. I was going to get colored contacts when i ordered them and got my first box but they only had really boring natural looking ones and they were for astigmatism which I don't have. I just had this eye exam done less then a month ago and don't feel the need to go back. I want fun colored contacts that I can wear everyday and I am pretty sure I have found a site that has them but are they safe? Really? It only has you enter the strengths of them not the size, and I don't really know if it matters or not but I don't want to risk it. The site says they are safe with proper care an I already have all that stuff and take great care I mine now. They come from the uk and I'm not sure what their standards are but I dont want them to have any illegal chemicals in them! I love a lot of their contacts but the price is what confuses me, I mean a box of six pairs of contacts for me is 100$ whenever I need them. On this site I want to buy from it is 27.00 for a pair of 90 day ones. Anyway I really would love to hear some of you opinions about the site an if its safe and your experience with colored contacts would be great! I am young and just looking for fun contacts but I really don't want to damage my eyes in anyway at all I want them to be just as safe as the ones I have now! And other site suggestions gladly welcomed! Here it is
>>> Are these safe for my eyes? Help! I really want these!